



 内容的には部内向けの広報みたいなもんで大したことは書かれていないんだが、なにを言っているのかといえば、このドン・テナント大尉の乗艦であるディーケーターが、海自の給油艦派遣以来600番目の被給油艦になったぞ「めでたいめでたい!! 日米安保マンセ~!!」ちゅうような話です。

Decatur is 600th for Fuel from Japanese Oiler
Story Number: NNS060317-05
Release Date: 3/17/2006 1:29:00 PM
By Lt. j.g.Don Tennant, USS Decatur Public Affairs
USS DECATUR, At Sea (NNS) -- USS Decatur (DDG 73) became the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force's (JMSDF) 600th customer when the Japanese oiler JDS Tokiwa (AOE 423) refueled the guided-missile destroyer in the Arabian Sea, March 15. Decatur received approximately 110,000 gallons of fuel from Tokiwa in what the destroyer's crew described as "perfect conditions" in the Arabian Sea. "We were honored and privileged to serve as the JMSDF's 600th customer during the replenishment with Tokiwa," said Decatur's Commanding Officer Cmdr.John Steinberger, of Lindenwold, N.J. "Through their presence, the JMSDF and Tokiwa have directly contributed to Operation Enduring Freedom. "They are helping to set the conditions for a maritime environment in the region that is secure and stable," added Steinberger. "Their professional support has been invaluable, and Decatur looks forward to future interactions with Tokiwa and other ships of the Japanese fleet." The milestone marked the second time the two ships have met in international waters in this region.
The JMSDF has provided 40 percent of all fuel to coalition forces engaged in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and 10 percent of all fuel to U.S. naval assets operating in the Arabian Sea. "Japan has supplied 114 million gallons of fuel valued at over $119 million to 150 U.S. ships and 160 ships from 11 other coalition nations since the JMSDF began support in December 2001," said Lt. Cmdr.Cliff Shearer, replenishment officer for Commander, Logistics Forces, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, also known as CTF 53. CTF 53 provides food, fuel and spare parts to coalition forces operating in the region. Approximately every four days, the JMSDF oiler on station provides fuel, potable water for hygiene, sanitation and other shipboard use to some coalition surface combatants in the area. Shearer added that the Japanese oilers, which have provided fuel to coalition ships as part of that country's contribution to OEF, have been force multipliers. "The numbers speak for themselves with respect to [the] JMSDF oiler's direct contribution to OEF," said Shearer. "Their presence and partnership have been a tremendous benefit and key factor in supporting the Arabian Sea." After the hour-long refueling, as the ships were breaking away from each other, Tokiwa raised the American flag while Decatur simultaneously flew the Japanese steaming ensign from the ship's yardarm. For related news, visit the Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/Commander, U.S. 5th Fleet Navy NewsStand page at www.news.navy.mil/local/cusnc/.

The JMSDF has provided 40 percent of all fuel to coalition forces engaged in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and 10 percent of all fuel to U.S. naval assets operating in the Arabian Sea. "Japan has supplied 114 million gallons of fuel valued at over $119 million to 150 U.S. ships and 160 ships from 11 other coalition nations since the JMSDF began support in December 2001," said Lt. Cmdr. Cliff Shearer, replenishment officer for Commander, Logistics Forces, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, also known as CTF 53. CTF 53 provides food, fuel and spare parts to coalition forces operating in the region.
いつものように訳文をつけるのは面倒で気が進まないのですが、この部分だけ訳してみますと、"海上自衛隊の補給艦は「不朽の事由作戦」で展開している連合軍のすべての燃料の40%、アラビア海で作戦行動をしているアメリカ海軍の使用する燃料の10%を供給してきた。 CTF53としてなじみ深い兵站部隊のクリス・シェアラー少佐は「日本は2001年の12月に活動を開始して以来、150隻のアメリカ艦艇と160隻の他の11の連合国の艦艇に、一億一千四百万ガロン(四十三万キロリットル)、一億一千九百万ドル(百三十八億円)相当を供給してきた。」と語った。"こんな感じで良いと思います。





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