

 APに「UN Criticizes Japan on Sex Slaves」なんてセンセーショナルなタイトルがあったので本文を読んでみた。

- In a report issued Friday, the U.N. committee condemned what it called efforts to cover up history and urged Japan to address the "discriminatory roots of sexual and gender-based violations" and improve rehabilitation for survivors.

というんだからこれはいよいよ国連分担金減額だなっと思ったんですが一応念のため「United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights」のサイトで報告書を読んできました。

 問題の報告書は「COMMITTEE AGAINST TORTURE CONCLUDES THIRTY-EIGHTH SESSION」というタイトルなんですが、このての報告書としてはそんなに長くはなく、デンマーク、ルクセンブルク、イタリア、オランダ、ウクライナ、日本、ポーランドに関する報告書を総括する内容で、日本に関して特に長文となっているわけでもなんでもなくまた売春宿問題が主題として扱われているわけでもない、もっとも国連機関がこういう文書で売春宿問題を扱うことそのものが問題ではあるけど。


Among positive aspects in the initial report of Japan, the Committee welcomed the adoption of the law amending the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition (in 2004); and the Act on Penal and Detention Facilities and the Treatment of Inmates (in 2005), as revised in June 2006. The Committee noted the establishment of new mechanisms aimed at increasing the transparency of detention facilities and to prevent the recurrence of violence, such as the Board of Visitors for Inspection of Penal Institutions and the Review and Investigation Panel on Complaints by Inmates in Penal Institutions. The Committee welcomed the announcement of the establishment, as of June 2007, of the Board of Visitors for Inspection of Police Custody. Furthermore, the Committee welcomed the activities of the Corrections Bureau concerning training curricula and practice for penal institution staff, which now included human rights standards as well as behaviour science and psychology. The Committee also welcomed actions taken by Japan to combat trafficking, in particular the adoption of the National Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons of December 2004.

With regard to non-refoulement protections, the Committee was concerned that the 2006 Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act did not expressly prohibit deportation to countries where there was a risk of torture; that there was no independent body to review refugee applications; and that there had been numerous allegations of violence, unlawful use of restraining devices for deportation, abuse, sexual harassment, and lack of access to proper healthcare in landing prevention facilities and Immigration Detention Centres. So far, only one case had been recognized as ill-treatment in Immigration Detention Centres. Also of concern were insufficient guarantees of access to judicial review for all asylum-seekers; and the undue length of time asylum-seekers spent in custody between the rejection of the asylum application and deportation. The Committee was also deeply concerned with the prevalent and systematic use of the Daiyo Kangoku, substitute prison system, for the prolonged detention of arrested persons even after they had appeared before a court, and up to indictment, which, coupled with insufficient procedural guarantees for the detention and interrogation of detainees, increased the possibilities of abuse of their rights, and might lead to a de facto non-respect of the principles of presumption of innocence, the right to silence and the right of defence. As a matter or priority, Japan should amend its legislation to ensure complete separation between the functions of investigation and detention; limit the maximum time detainees could be held in police custody in line with international minimum standards; ensure that legal aid was made available to all persons detained from the moment of arrest; and ensure prompt access to appropriate medical care to persons while in police custody. The Committee was also deeply concerned about the large number of convictions in criminal trials based on confessions, in particular in the light of the lack of effective judicial control over the use of pre-trial detention.

With regard to solitary confinement, the Committee was concerned about the de facto absence on a time limit for that practice; the number of detainees who had been in isolation for over 10 years; the lack of effective recourse procedures against decisions imposing solitary confinement; and the absence of criteria to determine the need for solitary confinement. The Committee was deeply concerned about a number of provisions concerning individuals sentenced to death which could amount to torture or ill-treatment, in particular the principle of keeping death row prisoners in solitary confinement after the final sentence was handed down, in some cases exceeding 30 years; and the fact that prisoners were notified of their execution only hours before it is due to take place.
The Committee was also concerned about the inadequate remedies for the victims of sexual violence, including in particular survivors of Japans's military sexual slavery practices during the Second World War, and the failure to carry out effective educational and other measures to prevent sexual-violence and gender-based breaches of the Convention. Continuing official denial, failure to prosecute, and failure to provide adequate rehabilitation all contributed to Japan's failure to meet its obligations under the Convention to prevent torture and ill-treatment. The Committee recommended that Japan take measures to provide education to address the discriminatory roots of sexual and gender-based violations, and that it provide rehabilitative measures to the victims, including steps to prevent impunity.

委員会は、とりわけ第二次大戦中の慰安婦の生き残りも含めた性的暴力の被害者に対す不十分な改善策にも、そして条約に定められた性的暴力や性に基づく権利の侵害を防ぐに有効な教育上の処置をやその他の措置を執らなかったことにも懸念を感ずる。 相次ぐ当局者の否定(慰安婦に関する強制の)や訴追の不調、十分なリハビリを提供しなかったこと(アジア女性基金の廃止?)は全て、拷問と虐待を防止する条約による義務の懈怠を助長した。

 そしてここからが勧告にあたりますが、including steps to prevent impunityが上手く訳せないとお断りした上で(笑

これもいかにもな我田引水ではありますが、まそれはおいて、APの記事書いたHANS GREIMELって野郎はとんでもない捏造野郎です。
A United Nations committee accused Japan of trying to whitewash its past practice of forcing women to become sex slaves for Japanese Imperial army soldiers, and urged Tokyo to help surviving victims.





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