

 さて、「アメリカ?これでも北朝鮮をテロ支援国家指定から除外するか? 」の続編になりますが産経に「拉致未解決でも北朝鮮のテロ国家指定解除 ライス米国務長官示唆 」って記事があります。
よってREUTERSをあたってきたんですが、North Korea nuclear talks face uncertain hurdlesしか見つからなかった、というより探すのが面倒だったので国務省のサイトでREUTERSとの会見録を探し出してきましたが、とりあえずREUTERの記事の記述は以下です。
On Monday, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hinted that North Korea could be dropped from a U.S. terrorism blacklist before fully accounting for the Japanese citizens it abducted in the 1970s and 1980s, a move that could upset Japan. U.S. envoy Chris Hill said in Tokyo on Tuesday that "no decisions have been made" on the blacklist.
QUESTION: Can we go to North Korea for a sec? The six-party talks are going to start this week again. Chris Hill recently suggested that North Korea could be taken off the state sponsors of terrorism list before it completely denuclearizes. Is the United States willing to consider removing North Korea from the state sponsors list even if it has not fully addressed the Japanese concerns about their abductees? Can you do that without a full accounting on the abductees?
SECRETARY RICE: Well, the state sponsor of terrorism list has a kind of internal logic;in other words, there's a set of measures, a set of indices that are supposed to be met in order to come off the state sponsor of terrorism list. And I think we need to look at those. And we are going through the process of seeing if North Korea meets those tests. There is obviously some advantage to doing something like that in conjunction with the next phase of North Korean - of the six-party talks, and the next phase, of course, is disablement and declaration. We have been very clear with the Japanese - and we have very good cooperation and coordination on this - that we are not going to forget the abduction issue. In fact, it is a subject for discussion every time Chris speaks with the North Koreans. We're going to keep pressing it. It's a really horrible humanitarian situation. It was a terrible thing to do and it needs to be resolved. We've also been very active in pressing for and I think helping to move forward the bilateral DPRK-Japan track, which is really where this has to be resolved. But I don't think that we want to get into a situation in which we have locked all of the steps that we might take with the North Koreans and lock them into a certain sequence with other steps that we think need to be taken. We have to be able to use whatever incentives we have that are appropriate to the stage at which we are with the North Koreans. But if we get to that point, it will be a very fortunate thing, so right now I think we're just concentrating on trying to get a disablement schedule and a declaration that is full and complete.
QUESTION: It sounds like what you're saying is that, in fact, you would consider taking them off, even if you don't drop the abductee issue, even if it's not fully resolved, you've got to be able to --
SECRETARY RICE: We'll consider the right sequence and the right set of steps as we approach the reality - hopefully the reality - of a disablement schedule.
QUESTION: Do you think you're going to be able to get to a disablement schedule and possibly - and among the other incentives that you have is the fuel oil -- in this next meeting in Beijing - is that something you're hoping to pull off?
SECRETARY RICE: Well, I certainly hope after what were pretty fruitful discussions that the three expert teams had when they went to North Korea - the Russians, the Chinese and the United States went to look at the - survey the facilities there - they obviously had good cooperation. They had good meetings. So that gives some hope that there is going to be a good outcome on disablement, but the proof will be in the pudding. It's important never can count that - to count those chickens before they - before you're in the room with the North Koreans.
Condoleezza Riceは、掻い摘んで言うならば、「やるときゃ拉致なんかとっとと忘れてやりまっせ!!」(超意訳)と言っております。










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