昨日の「対北朝鮮:乖離する日米の姿勢(It was two boats, but not a catamaran.) 」で北朝鮮がBDA資金の移転にアメリカの銀行を使わせろと要求している件に関して触れました。
ソースは5/8のAPの「N. Korea Wants U.S. Bank to Handle Funds」SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULTですが、その中に、財務相の関係者が匿名を条件に「木曜に何らかの動きがある。」と語ったという話があり、そうして今日がその木曜です。
米銀経由の送金容認も 北朝鮮資金移管で米検討
そんな中、今朝早朝にイランとアメリカの人質合戦に関する「almost like a fight between bandits 」に引用した国務省の定時ブリーフィング5/9付けの中にこの件に及ぶやりとりがあるのでその部分を貼っておきます。
Daily Press Briefing
Sean McCormack, Spokesman
Washington, DC
May 9, 2007
12:34 p.m. EST
QUESTION: Thanks. North Korea insisted to have the North Korea funding in BDA be transferred to an American banking institution. Is it agreeable to the United States?
MR. MCCORMACK: They're still working with their bankers and if there's any requirement for an opinion from the Treasury Department as to whether or not this is a transaction that the financial institutions involved would feel comfortable doing, then the Treasury Department will take a look at that and see what it is that they can do.
You can speak to my colleagues over at Treasury as to whether or not they're looking at that or working on anything. But again, the main issue here is to get BDA over and done with, have it completed so we can get back to the six-party talks and focus on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, which is what everybody's major concern is here.
QUESTION: Sean, don't you think that the North Koreans are just becoming really, really pretentious about where the money could go? I mean, they now can choose what bank to send the money to? I mean, is it -- when are you going to just crack down and just say, "I'm sorry, resolve your problems the way you can, but don't prolong this." It's been two months almost since the deadline.
QUESTION: How long are they going to take? Italian banks, South Korean banks, American banks, where is it going?
MR. MCCORMACK: Well, you -- look, Nicholas, you can talk to them about where it's going. (Laughter.) Look, we all want this. You know, we all want this to be over and done with. As I've said many, many times over, it's a heck of a lot more complicated than anybody would have ever thought it. Everybody wants to see this transaction completed, over and done with, so that we can move on. And to my knowledge it hasn't taken place. We all look forward to the day, especially me, when this happens, so we don't have to answer questions about BDA and we can talk more about the six-party talks and what we're doing there.
QUESTION: But how realistic is it to think that any American Bank after what happened to BBDA, or the treasury did to BDA that any American bank would be willing to accept, you know, the money?
MR. MCCORMACK: Nicholas, you would have to -- obviously individual banks regardless if they're American or Italian or Russian or whatever flavor, they're going to have to make their own decisions about risk and reward, about their -- any reputational risks that might come along with this. I would assume that as part of that calculation that they're going to look at what the reaction from the Department of Treasury might be. As I pointed out earlier, you can talk to the Treasury Department whether or not they're looking at any of these issues. That wouldn't be our call. And ultimately, it would come down to the parties involved, the North Korea, the Macanese authorities, I assume Chinese Authorities, the specific banks, other banks involved, non-Macanese banks involved. And ultimately if required, some opinion or signal from the Department of Treasury.
ただ、昨日の「対北朝鮮:乖離する日米の姿勢(It was two boats, but not a catamaran.) 」に6カ国協議に懐疑的なワシントンポストの社説「Waiting on North Korea」nav=rss_opinionを貼りましたが、この記者も同じ種類の不信、これは北朝鮮とブッシュ政権両方に対するですが、に満ちてますね。
ソースは5/8のAPの「N. Korea Wants U.S. Bank to Handle Funds」SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULTですが、その中に、財務相の関係者が匿名を条件に「木曜に何らかの動きがある。」と語ったという話があり、そうして今日がその木曜です。
米銀経由の送金容認も 北朝鮮資金移管で米検討
そんな中、今朝早朝にイランとアメリカの人質合戦に関する「almost like a fight between bandits 」に引用した国務省の定時ブリーフィング5/9付けの中にこの件に及ぶやりとりがあるのでその部分を貼っておきます。
Daily Press Briefing
Sean McCormack, Spokesman
Washington, DC
May 9, 2007
12:34 p.m. EST
QUESTION: Thanks. North Korea insisted to have the North Korea funding in BDA be transferred to an American banking institution. Is it agreeable to the United States?
MR. MCCORMACK: They're still working with their bankers and if there's any requirement for an opinion from the Treasury Department as to whether or not this is a transaction that the financial institutions involved would feel comfortable doing, then the Treasury Department will take a look at that and see what it is that they can do.
You can speak to my colleagues over at Treasury as to whether or not they're looking at that or working on anything. But again, the main issue here is to get BDA over and done with, have it completed so we can get back to the six-party talks and focus on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, which is what everybody's major concern is here.
QUESTION: Sean, don't you think that the North Koreans are just becoming really, really pretentious about where the money could go? I mean, they now can choose what bank to send the money to? I mean, is it -- when are you going to just crack down and just say, "I'm sorry, resolve your problems the way you can, but don't prolong this." It's been two months almost since the deadline.
QUESTION: How long are they going to take? Italian banks, South Korean banks, American banks, where is it going?
MR. MCCORMACK: Well, you -- look, Nicholas, you can talk to them about where it's going. (Laughter.) Look, we all want this. You know, we all want this to be over and done with. As I've said many, many times over, it's a heck of a lot more complicated than anybody would have ever thought it. Everybody wants to see this transaction completed, over and done with, so that we can move on. And to my knowledge it hasn't taken place. We all look forward to the day, especially me, when this happens, so we don't have to answer questions about BDA and we can talk more about the six-party talks and what we're doing there.
QUESTION: But how realistic is it to think that any American Bank after what happened to BBDA, or the treasury did to BDA that any American bank would be willing to accept, you know, the money?
MR. MCCORMACK: Nicholas, you would have to -- obviously individual banks regardless if they're American or Italian or Russian or whatever flavor, they're going to have to make their own decisions about risk and reward, about their -- any reputational risks that might come along with this. I would assume that as part of that calculation that they're going to look at what the reaction from the Department of Treasury might be. As I pointed out earlier, you can talk to the Treasury Department whether or not they're looking at any of these issues. That wouldn't be our call. And ultimately, it would come down to the parties involved, the North Korea, the Macanese authorities, I assume Chinese Authorities, the specific banks, other banks involved, non-Macanese banks involved. And ultimately if required, some opinion or signal from the Department of Treasury.
ただ、昨日の「対北朝鮮:乖離する日米の姿勢(It was two boats, but not a catamaran.) 」に6カ国協議に懐疑的なワシントンポストの社説「Waiting on North Korea」nav=rss_opinionを貼りましたが、この記者も同じ種類の不信、これは北朝鮮とブッシュ政権両方に対するですが、に満ちてますね。
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