


Japan's Participation in Six-Party Talks Would Create Only Instability in Their Work : KCNA
Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Japan is now becoming so impertinent as to be unusually fretful over the issue of the DPRK's implementation of the February 13 agreement.
This is evidenced by a string of outbursts let loose by high-ranking politicians including Prime Minister Abe.
They blustered that "north Korea should conduct prompt specific actions to implement the steps to be taken at the preliminary phase," "in case it does not honor the agreement, the international community should take strict measures", "Japan would closely follow deeds, not words, as regards the implementation of the Feb. 13 agreement" and "it would strongly push for progress in the efforts to settle the 'abduction issue'".
This is a clear indication that Japan is swimming against the trend of the times, not knowing where it stands.
This imprudent behavior of Japan is only inviting the derision of the international community.
As a matter of fact, Japan is not in a position to say anything to others over such sensitive issues as the Korean issue.
Japan's self-righteous and narrow-minded approach towards issues related to its foreign policy has caused a lot of troubles to the countries concerned.
It is also despised by the international community for disturbing the work at the six-party talks.
Japan has done nothing but insisting on its far-fetched assertions to incur the displeasure of the countries concerned and lay hurdles in the way of any work presumed to be successful.
In the past, too, Japan was so preposterous as to raise the "abduction issue", putting a brake on the implementation of the September 19 joint statement and the Feb. 13 agreement and deliberately creating difficulties in the way of the talks.
There took place the talks between the working delegations for the normalization of DPRK-Japan relations according to the Feb. 13 agreement but the irresponsible and unreasonable attitude of Japan brought them to a rupture from the very outset.
Japan's behavior is vitiating the atmosphere of dialogue at a time when the issue of holding talks among heads of the delegations to the six-party talks and a meeting of the foreign ministers of the participating countries is high on agenda.
Such behavior of Japan can not be construed otherwise than part of the premeditated obstructions on the part of Japan, which is not pleased to see the success of the talks.
The right-wing conservative forces of Japan are using the six-party talks as leverage to win their political clout in the run-up to the election to the House of Councilors.
Japan has refused to fulfil its commitment called for by the Feb. 13 agreement as it does not wish to see any progress at the talks.
Japan's participation in the six-party talks is, therefore, cannot but be a factor of creating instability in their work in every sense.



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