




 それは国務省の立場なんですが、今回韓国が北朝鮮に送る米40万トンの計画に関してソウルとワシントンは "on the same page"なんだと、つまり日本は既に弾かれているということですが、これを裏打ちするような記事がついさっきヘラルド・トリビューンに上がりました、もちろん書き手は大西哲光です。

 大西哲光でもまともなことは書くわけで、割愛した靖国問題や売春婦問題以外の、どういう要請で安倍総理が日中関係で遜ったかとか、日本を引きつけておくために拉致問題をこれまでネオコンが、つまりはチェイニーとかボルトンですが、どう利用してきて、いまその時に彼らが我が国と家族会にやったリップサービスがどういう障碍になっているのか、つまりベル証言で始まった6カ国協議におけるアメリカの大譲歩準備の障碍ということでしょうが、ここにおいて我が国が示す「拉致問題に前進がない限り北朝鮮支援には参加しない」をどう取り崩させるのかが焦点になってきており、大西の記事は知日派ジェラルド・カーティスの"Japan is marginalized on this issue."という発言まで持ち出して恫喝を掛けてきている。 しかしこれはアメリか国内親中、親朝派の意図のみならずいまやアメリカの意図である、そういうことです。



More N.Korea nuclear tests said likely if talks fail(ロイター)
Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:57PM EDT By Paul Eckert, Asia Correspondent
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea is likely to conduct more nuclear tests if six-nation diplomacy to disarm the communist state does not succeed, the commander of the U.S. military in South Korea told a Senate hearing on Tuesday. "If the six-party talks do not produce a lasting settlement, the North Koreans will likely conduct a second and potentially additional nuclear tests when they see it as serving their purposes," said General B.B.Bell. North Korea missed an April 14 deadline to start closing its Soviet-era nuclear reactor and source of plutonium for bombs as required by a deal it reached in February with South Korea, China, Japan, Russia and the United States. That February 13 disarmament deal is languishing amid arguments over the return of North Korean money once frozen in a Macau bank account, although the North said last week it remains committed to the pact and will move once it gets the money. Bell, who leads the 30,000 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea to support that American ally's 670,000-strong military, called North Korea "the key de-stabilizer in Northeast Asia" with a record of proliferation and threatening actions. North Korea, which conducted its first nuclear test in October, would "continue nuclear weapons research and development to perpetuate its strategy of intimidation" unless contained by the six-party talks, Bell said in a prepared statement for the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee. "Without a diplomatic settlement, Pyongyang's plutonium production capability and its reported HEU (highly enriched uranium) program places it on track to become a moderate nuclear power, potentially by the end of the decade," he said. Bell went on to warn that North Korea's track record of ballistic missile proliferation meant it "could also decide to proliferate nuclear weapons technology, expertise or material to anti-American countries, rogue regimes or non-state actors." In a speech in Washington, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Alexander Vershbow said Seoul had a lower "threat perception" of North Korea than in the past, although he said Pyongyang's nuclear test and missile launches in 2006 had changed that. Seoul and Washington are "on the same page" on the need to wisely use leverage with North Korea and had no big differences over South Korean aid to the North, including plans to send 400,000 tonnes of rice to Pyongyang in May, he said. "We're basically satisfied that they are upholding the principle that they themselves articulated, which is that they will closely synchronize progress in the inter-Korean relationship with progress in the six-party process."

2007/04/25-08:39 北朝鮮、新たな核実験も=6カ国協議で目的達成なければ−米司令官(時事通信)
 【ワシントン24日時事】ベル在韓米軍司令官は24日、上院軍事委員会で証言し、北朝鮮が核問題をめぐる6カ国協議を通じて体制の安全保証などの目的を達することができない場合、新たな核実験をはじめとする挑発行為に踏み切る恐れがあると警告した。  ベル司令官はこの中で、北朝鮮の戦略目標は体制の安全保証と経済援助確保であると分析。「6カ国協議がうまくいかず、北朝鮮が求めるものが得られなければ、挑発行為に回帰するだろう」との見方を示した。

 【ワシントン=五十嵐文】ベル在韓米軍司令官は24日、米上院軍事委員会で証言し、北朝鮮の核問題をめぐる6か国協議が不調に終わった場合、北朝鮮が2010年までに「中規模の核保有国」になるだろうとの見通しを示した。  ベル司令官は、北朝鮮はすでに核爆弾7個分程度に相当するプルトニウム40〜50キロを保有しているほか、濃縮ウランによる核計画を進めており、このままだと昨年10月に続いて核実験実施に踏み切る可能性が高いと指摘した。さらに、ベル司令官は、北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル開発について、「(他国からの)攻撃に対する抑止力と同時に、外貨獲得の手段でもある」と指摘した。 (2007年4月25日14時0分 読売新聞)

 【ワシントン=丸谷浩史】在韓米軍のベル司令官(陸軍大将)は24日、上院軍事委員会で証言し、北朝鮮の核問題について「6カ国協議で恒久的な解決策が見いだせなければ、北朝鮮は再び核実験をするだろう」との見通しを明らかにした。同時に、北朝鮮による弾道ミサイル技術の拡散を考慮すれば「核関連技術を反米国家やテロ集団に拡散することも可能だ」との考えを示した。  ブッシュ政権は北朝鮮の核問題で外交的解決を基本に据え、6カ国協議と米朝協議を軸に対話路線を進めている。北朝鮮と対峙(たいじ)する在韓米軍を率いるベル司令官の発言は、米軍がなお北朝鮮の動向を強く警戒していることを浮き彫りにしたものだ。  ベル司令官は「外交的な解決がなければ、北朝鮮のプルトニウム製造能力と、伝えられる高濃縮ウラン(HEU)計画は、2010年には北朝鮮を中程度の核保有国にする」とも指摘した。(14:15)

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to make first trip as Japan's leader to the U.S(ヘラルドトリビューン)
By Norimitsu Onishi Published:April 25, 2007
-Before becoming prime minister, Abe made a name for himself inside Parliament by spearheading conservative causes, like excising school textbooks of references to Japan's wartime abuses. Among ordinary voters, Abe drew his popularity by championing the cause of more than a dozen Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea in the 1970s. -As prime minister, he has been trying to balance the demands of his conservative base with those of his new job, often by finessing issues. A onetime regular visitor to the Yasukuni Shrine, the memorial for Japan's fallen soldiers, including war criminals, Abe says he will neither confirm nor deny whether he has visited as prime minister. That has placated China for now. "All the expectations of Abe pointed to somebody who was not only going to continue Mr. Koizumi's foreign policy, but harden what were already difficult relations with Japan's neighbors," said Richard Samuels, a Japan expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "But he surprised everyone - pleasantly, from an American perspective - by reaching out in a conciliatory way to China." But it is on North Korea that differences have widened between Washington and Tokyo. Abe has long said that Japan will not participate in any nuclear agreement, including the accord reached on Feb. 13, unless North Korea returns Japanese abductees;the North says it has already returned all surviving Japanese. Abe's tough stance, which dovetailed with the Bush administration's previous policy toward the North, has remained unchanged despite Washington's new efforts to strike a deal with Pyongyang. "Abe and his allies are clearly in dismay that the neocon rug was pulled from under them last fall," said Gerald Curtis, a Columbia University Japanese politics expert now in Japan, referring to the Republican loss of Congress. "Now he has to find a way to get on board this nuclear agreement." That will be difficult, Curtis said, because the abduction issue has become tied to Abe and Japanese nationalism. "It was key in his becoming prime minister," Curtis said. "So if it seems like he's selling the abductees down the river, he's dead." Before the change in policy toward North Korea, Bush made highly symbolic gestures supporting the abductees, including inviting a relative to the White House. In a recent visit to Japan, Vice President Dick Cheney met relatives. But, according to the media here, Cheney also asked Abe what he would consider progress on the abductions issue, suggesting that Washington wanted Japan to support the nuclear agreement. "Americans have paid lip service to the abductions, but they're not going to let it get in the way of realizing a nuclear deal," Samuels said. "Japan is marginalized on this issue." On Monday, perhaps anticipating he would be asked the same question in Washington, Abe struck a tough stance. "Whether there's progress or not on the abductions issue, that's something we will decide," Abe told reporters. On the domestic front, Abe has pushed to extract Japan from what he calls its "postwar regime." He has revised the basic law of education by emphasizing patriotism, and moved to change the Constitution.

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