Darfur Women Describe Gang-Rape Horror(ダルフールの女性輪姦の恐怖を語る)
May 27, 6:49 PM EDT
By ALFRED de MONTESQUIOU Associated Press Writer
KALMA, Sudan (AP) -- The seven women pooled money to rent a donkey and cart, then ventured out of the refugee camp to gather firewood, hoping to sell it for cash to feed their families. Instead, they say, in a wooded area just a few hours walk away, they were gang-raped, beaten and robbed. Naked and devastated, they fled back to Kalma.
"All the time it lasted, I kept thinking: They're killing my baby, they're killing my baby," wailed Aisha, who was seven months pregnant at the time. The women have no doubt who attacked them. They say the men's camels and their uniforms marked them as janjaweed - the Arab militiamen accused of terrorizing the mostly black African villagers of Sudan's Darfur region.
Their story, told to an Associated Press reporter and confirmed by other women and aid workers in the camp, provides a glimpse into the hell that Darfur has become as the Arab-dominated government battles a rebellion stoked by a history of discrimination and neglect.
Now in its fourth year, the conflict has become the world's worst humanitarian crisis, and rape is its regular byproduct, U.N. and other human rights activists say. Sudan's government denies arming and unleashing the janjaweed, and bristles at the charges of rape, saying its conservative Islamic society would never tolerate it.
It has agreed to let in 3,000 U.N. peacekeepers, but not the 22,000 mandated by the U.N. Security Council. It claims the force would be a spearhead for anti-Arab powers bent on plundering Sudan's oil.
Meanwhile, more than 200,000 civilians have died and 2.5 million are homeless out of Darfur's population of 6 million, the U.N. says, and a February report by the International Criminal Court alleges "mass rape of civilians who were known not to be participants in any armed conflict."
国連によれば、一方200000を超える一般市民餓死に、ダルフールの人口600万の内250万人が家を失った。 そして2月の国際刑事裁判所の報告書は”いかなる武力衝突にも参加者していないことが知られる一般市民に対する大規模な強姦”ととしている。
Kalma is a microcosm of the misery - a sprawling camp of mud huts and scrap-plastic tents where 100,000 people have taken refuge. It is so full of guns that overwhelmed African Union peacekeepers long ago fled, unable to protect it. It is so crowded that the government has tried to limit newcomers - forbidding the building of new latrines, so a stench pervades the air.
Anyone venturing outside must reckon with the janjaweed, as Aisha and her friends found out. In Sudan, as in many Islamic countries, society views a sexual assault as a dishonor upon the woman's entire family. "Victims can face terrible ostracism," says Maha Muna, the U.N. coordinator on this issue in Sudan. Some aid workers believe the janjaweed use rape to intimidate the rebels, and their supporters and families. "It's a strategy of war," Muna said in an interview earlier this year in Khartoum, the capital.
キャンプの外に出る危険を冒すものは誰でもAishaと彼女の仲間達の体験したようなジャンジャウィードのことを想定しなくてはならない。スーダンでは多くのイスラム国家と同様に、性的暴行を女性の一族全体の不名誉と世間が考えるため、「犠牲者は、ひどい村八分に直面することがありえるする」と、Maha Muna(スーダンのこの問題に関する国連コーディネーター)は語る。多くの援助要員は、ジャンジャウイードは反抗者と彼らの支持者と家族を脅迫するための手段として強姦を用いると考えている。Munaは今年の初めのインタビューで「強姦は、戦術だ。」と言った。
Sudan's government is especially sensitive about such accusations and denies rape is widespread. Sudanese public opinion would view mass rape much more severely than other crimes alleged in Darfur, said a senior Sudanese government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation from his superiors. He acknowledged the janjaweed had initially received weapons from the government - something the government officially denies - and said authorities now are struggling to rein in the militias. Nasser Kambal, a prominent human rights activist and co-founder of the Amel center, a Sudanese group helping victims of rape and other abuse, offers a similar view. "I don't think raping was planned by the government. Killing and looting and torture, yes, but not rape," he said.
スーダンの政府は特にそのような非難に神経質で、強姦が広く行き渡っていることを否定する。スーダンの高級官僚は上司からの報復をおそれて匿名を条件に”スーダンの世論は大量強姦が、ダルフールで告発される他のどの犯罪より非道だと見ているだろう”、政府は公式には否定しているが、最初にジャンジャウイードは政府から武器の供与をうけた、そしていま当局はジャンジャウイードの統御に苦労していると語った。著名な人権保護活動家であり、強姦被害者やその他の虐待被害者の救援を行っているスーダン人の団体アメール・センターの共同創設者であるNasser Kambalも同様の見解を示す。強姦も殺戮も略奪も拷問(そう強姦ではなく)が政府によって計画されているとは思わない。
Kalma isn't the only place where multiple accounts of rape have surfaced. Some 120 miles away, in the town of Mukjar, two men separately described women being brought into a prison where they were being held and raped for hours by janjaweed. They said the assailants shouted that they were "planting tomatoes" - a reference to skin color: Darfur Arabs describe themselves as "red" because they are slightly lighter-skinned than ethnic Africans.
カルマは複数の強姦話が明るみの出た唯一の場所でない。約120マイルほど離れたMukjarという町の話として、二人の男が別々に、彼らが収監されていた刑務所に女性が連れてこられて何時間にもわたってジャンジャウイードに強姦されていたと語った。彼らは、強姦者が「トマトを植えている」っと叫んでいたと語った。 これは皮膚の色に関連するが、ダルフールのアラブ人は、彼らの皮膚の色がアフリカ系の人種より明るいので、自らをレッドという。
According to Muna, U.N. agencies are working closely with Sudanese authorities to improve the government's response to rape allegations. In 2005, the government created a task force on rape in Darfur, headed by Attayet Mustapha, a pediatrician, government official and women's rights activist. In an interview this year, Mustapha said social workers were being deployed to address the problem and a special female police unit was being assembled in Darfur. "We tell officials that the government has decided to enforce a zero tolerance policy toward rape in Darfur," she said. U.N. workers say they registered 2,500 rapes in Darfur in 2006, but believe far more went unreported. The real figure is probably thousands a month, said a U.N. official. Like other U.N. personnel and aid workers interviewed, the official insisted on speaking anonymously for fear of being expelled by the government.
Munaによれば、国連機関は強姦の申し立てに対するスーダン政府の対応を改善するためにスーダンの当局と緊密な連携をとりながら仕事をしている。2005年にはAttayet Mustaphaに率いられる小児科医、政府当局者、女性の権利活動家などによる「ダルフールの強姦タスクフォース」を発足させた。今年のインタビューでムスタファは、強姦問題に取り組むためのソーシャルワーカーが配置され、専門の婦人警察隊がダルフールに配置されていると語っている。彼は「我々はスーダン政府に、ダルフールにおける強姦を絶滅する政策を強化する決定をするよう要求した。」と語った。国連のワーカーは、2006年には2500件の強姦事件が記録されているが、実査には報告されずに闇に葬られているもっと多くの事例があると思う、と語った。ある国連オフィシャルは、実際の数字は1ヶ月に数千件だろうと語った。このオフィシャルも、インタビューに応じた他の国連職員や援助要員同様に、スーダン政府による国外退去処分をおそれて匿名を条件にしてしか語らなかった。
Victims usually can't identify their aggressors, which makes prosecutions impossible. Only eight offenders were tried and sentenced for rape crimes in Darfur by Sudanese courts in 2006, said Mustapha, the task force leader. "They received three to five years prison, and 100 lashes" in accordance with Islamic law, she said. In May, after the top U.N. human rights official charged that Sudanese soldiers had raped at least 15 Darfur women during one recent incident, Justice Minister Mohammed Ali al-Mardi asked where the evidence was. "We always seem to get sweeping generalizations, without naming the injured, without naming the offenders," he told reporters.
強姦者は告発不能な工作をしているので、被害者は通常強姦加害者を特定することが出来ない。2006年に裁判に掛けられてスーダンの法廷で強姦罪を宣告されたのはたった8人だ、 有罪を宣告された彼らはイスラム法に則って3~5年収監され、100叩きの刑を受けたとタスクフォースのリーダー、Mustaphaは語った。5月に国連人権高等弁務官事務所が、スーダン軍兵士が1回に少なくとも15人のダルフールの女性を強姦したという最近の事件を告発した後、スーダンの法務大臣Mohammed Ali al-Mardiは「どこに証拠があった?」と尋ねた。我々は常に、加害者の名前も被害者の名前も挙げることなく纏め上げられた概要しか得ていないように思われると彼はリポーターに語った。
In Kalma, collecting firewood needed to cook meals is becoming more perilous as the trees around the camp dwindle and women are forced to scavenge ever farther afield. It is strictly a woman's task, dictated both by tradition and the fear that any male escorts would be killed if the janjaweed found them.
カルマにおいては難民キャンプ周辺の樹木が減少し、女性はこれまでより遠くに出かけて薪を集めることを余儀なくされており、炊事に必要な薪を集めることすらが危険になってきている。 薪集めは厳格に女性の仕事であり、それは伝統と誰か男性が同伴した場合に、ジャンジャウイードに発見されれば殺されるという危険の両側面から語られる。
Agreeing to tell the AP their story earlier this month through a translator, the seven women's voices wavered and hesitated, broken by embarrassed silences. All gave their names and agreed to be identified in full, but the AP is withholding their surnames because they are rape victims and vulnerable to retaliation. The women said they set out on a Monday morning last July and had barely begun collecting the wood when 10 Arabs on camels surrounded them, shouting insults and shooting their rifles in the air.
The women first attempted to flee. "But I didn't even try, because I couldn't run," being seven months pregnant, said Aisha, a petite 18-year-old whose raspy voice sounds more like that of an old woman. She said four men stayed behind to flay her with sticks, while the other janjaweed chased down the rest of her group. "We didn't get very far," said Maryam, displaying the scar of a bullet that hit her on the right knee. Once rounded up, the women said, they were beaten and their rented donkey killed. Zahya, 30, had brought her 18-year-old daughter, Fatmya, and her baby. The baby was thrown to the ground and both women were raped. The baby survived. Zahya said the women were lined up and assaulted side by side, and she saw four men taking turns raping Aisha. The women said the attackers then stripped them naked and jeered at them as they fled.
彼女たちはまず逃げようとした。小柄な18歳のAishaは7ヶ月の身重だから「私は走れないから逃げようとすらしなかった。」と語ったが、彼女のかすれた声はさながら老婆の声のように聞こえた。Aishaは、他のジャンジャウイードが彼女の仲間を追いかける間、4人の男が彼女を棒で殴打するために残った、と語った。 Maryamは「私たちはそんなに遠くに逃げられなかった。」っと右膝に当たった弾傷を見せながら語った。狩り集められた途端に彼女たちは殴られ、彼女たちが借りてきたロバは殺された。30歳のZahyaは18歳になる彼女の娘Fatmyaと彼女の赤ん坊を連れてきた。赤ん坊は地面に投げつけられ、彼女たち二人は強姦されたが、赤ん坊は生き延びた。彼女たちは一列に並ばされて代わる代わる強姦された、そしてZahyaは、4人の男達がAishaを交替で強姦するのを見たと語った。強姦者達は彼女たちの衣服をはぎ取り裸にし、逃げる彼女たちを嘲った
On their way back, men from the refugee camp unraveled their cotton turbans for the women to partly cover up, but the victims said they were laughed at when they entered the refugee camp. "Ever since, I've made sure that women living on the outskirts of the camp have spare sets of clothes to give out," said Khadidja Abdallah, a sheika, an informal camp leader, who took the women to the international aid compound at the camp to be treated.
帰り道に、難民キャンプから来た男達が、多少でも体を隠せるようにと彼らの木綿のターバンを解いてくれたが、難民キャンプに帰り着いた時に彼女たちは笑いものにされたと語った。「それ以後私はキャンプの外れに住む女性に、必ず供与するための予備の衣服を持つようにさせた。」と非公式なキャンプのリーダー、被害女性達をキャンプの国際援助組織の複合体に連れて行った族長の妻Khadidja Abdallahは語った。
They were given anti-pregnancy and anti-HIV pills, thanks to which their families haven't entirely ostracized them, the women said. The baby Aisha was expecting at the time is doing well. His name is Osman. Sheikas in Kalma said they report over a dozen rapes each week. Human rights activists in South Darfur who monitor violence in the refugee camps estimate more than 100 women are raped each month in and around Kalma alone. The workers warn of an alarming new trend of rapes within the refugee population amid the boredom and slow social decay of the camps. But for the most part, they added, it all depends on whether janjaweed are present in the area.
The sheikas say they are making some headway toward persuading families to accept raped women back into their embrace and let them report attacks to aid workers. One advantage is that they get a certificate confirming they were raped. "We tell husbands they might be compensated one day," said Ajaba Zubeir, a sheika. "But I don't think that's going to happen." The seven women say they haven't left the camp since they were attacked. They have started their own small workshop and make water jugs out of clay and donkey dung to sell to other refugees. As they worked on their large pile of jugs and bowls, they said they are even poorer than before, because they now have to buy their firewood from other women. "But at least we never have to go out again," said Aisha.
彼らは、強姦された女性を家族の輪の中に受け容れることを家族に納得させ方向と、彼らに援助要員に強姦を報告させることに関していくらかの進捗を見せていると族長の妻は語る。一つの利点は、彼らが強姦されたことを確認する証明書を得られるということだ。「我々が夫に話せば、彼らはいつか補償を得られるかもしれない。 でもそんなことは起こりそうにもないけど。」と族長の妻Ajaba Zubeirは語った。7人の女性は、強姦されて以来決してキャンプから外に出ないと言う。彼女たちは小さな作業上を起ち上げ、他の難民に売るための水差しを年度とロバの糞で造っている。数多くの水差しとボウルを作って売っているにも拘わらず、彼女たちはいまや薪を他の女性から買わなくてはならないのでその生活はより貧しくなった。Aisha「でも、少なくとも、私たちは決して出かける必要がない。」と、Aishaが言った。
None of the women has any faith that Sudanese or international courts will ever give them justice. All Zahya asks is that one day she can return to her village. "If people could at least help end the fighting, that would be enough," she said.
3 Iranian-Americans Charged With Spying
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North Korea through Chinese eyes
In the late 1990s, the North Koreans allowed investors from Hong Kong and Macau to set up casinos in their closed world. One was in Rajin-Sonbong, a failed investment zone close to the Chinese border; another lurked in the basement of an isolated hotel for foreigners in Pyongyang.
エジプト外務省はこの事件をうけてcondemned in a statement the "sinful aggression" in which Nazir became the "casualty of an attack by armed elements."だそうだから、Janjawidの犯行と断じているようです。
これは余談ですが、5月23日のウオールストリートジャーナルにSudan's Enablersというタイトルの記事が載りました、いまはすでに有料バージョンになっているので読めませんが、書いているのはダルフールに特段の関心を持つことで知られる女優のミア・ファーローと地雷でノーベル平和賞をもらったジョディ・ウィリアムズです。
Gunmen in Darfur Kill U.N. Peacekeeper
U.N. military officer killed by robbers in Darfur
Sudan's Enablers
We met in Abeche, eastern Chad, in February of this year. We were both working for the United Nations, focusing on the violence in Darfur and how it has spilled over into local and refugee populations in Chad and the Central African Republic. We had something else in common as well: Both of us had been inadvertently funding the atrocities we were trying to stop. This funding came through our holdings in investment companies such as Fidelity, which has major holdings in PetroChina and Sinopec-two Chinese oil companies that have poured billions into Khartoum's coffers. At least 70% of Sudan's oil revenues have been used by Khartoum to purchase attack helicopters, Antonov bombers and small arms used to kill and inflict immeasurable suffering upon the population of Darfur. After discovering our indirect complicity in Khartoum's crimes, we moved our pension plans into investment companies that are not enabling mass atrocities.
We also resolved to become more involved with the various efforts to divest from companies doing business with Sudan. Fidelity has not been the only, or even the largest, U.S. firm enabling the slaughter in Darfur. Earlier this month, Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway, which has roughly $3 billion invested in PetroChina, voted not only against divesting, but against taking any shareholder action on the issue. Mr. Buffett points out that only PetroChina's parent company, China National Petroleum Company (CNPC), operates in Sudan. Since subsidiaries generally do not have control over parent company operations, Mr. Buffett argues that targeting PetroChina for CNPC's transgressions is misguided. But PetroChina and CNPC are two faces of the same entity. The management of the two overlaps: The president of CNPC is the president of PetroChina, and the CFO of CNPC is PetroChina's CFO as well. Billions of dollars are routinely transferred between the companies. PetroChina is CNPC's largest customer and accounts for at least 63% of CNPC's total assets. Furthermore, PetroChina was explicitly set up to shield CNPC from investor scrutiny and complaints about the underwriting of atrocities in Sudan. Mr. Buffet states that the real problem in Sudan is with China, not CNPC and PetroChina. But China's interests in Sudan are represented almost entirely by CNPC/PetroChina, which exports between 50% and 80% of Sudan's oil to mainland China. Finally, Mr. Buffett claims that if PetroChina/CNPC withdrew from Sudan, Khartoum would take its oil business elsewhere. But the more likely result of pressure from Mr. Buffett would be that China, which has nothing to gain from withdrawing its oil interests, would instead use its leverage to pressure the Sudanese Government to halt the atrocities in Darfur. Mr. Buffet has been justly lauded for his generous contributions to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. But it is difficult to comprehend how a man can be a true humanitarian while offering billions of dollars to a company that is underwriting Khartoum's crimes. Only China invests more money in PetroChina/CNPC than Berkshire Hathaway.
How many more Sudanese villages will be destroyed?
How many more hundreds of thousands will be displaced?
How many more women will be raped?
How many more families will be torn apart?
How many more children will die of violence, disease and hunger?
How much longer will the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway ignore their moral responsibility to discontinue their support of a company so intimately connected to crimes against humanity?
Ms. Williams, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, recently headed a U.N. Mission on Darfur.
Ms. Farrow recently returned from her fourth trip to the Darfur region.
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- Iran's Intelligence Ministry accused Esfandiari, director of Middle East programs at the Smithsonian's Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, of trying to foment a soft revolution by setting up a network "against the sovereignty" of Iran.
- "This is an American-designed model with an attractive appearance that seeks the soft-toppling of the country,"
- "The long-term and final goal of such centers is to try to enable this network . . . to confront the ruling powers. This model designed by the Americans . . . is following the 'soft revolution' in the country,"
QUESTION: Have you had any response from the Iranians on Levinson?
MR. MCCORMACK: Late last week, we talked a little bit about another dip note that we had sent to them, our fifth formal communication -- third formal diplomatic note to them, but we have not received any response to them.
We -- the last formal response we received from the Iranians, I think, was on April 18th but nothing new.
ソース:Four shot by sniper in Idaho town: media
Witnesses say a suicide bomber on foot targeted the German patrol as they walked through a shopping district in the centre of the city.
"Suddenly we heard a big sound. We were frightened," Aziz, a shopkeeper, was quoted by Reuters as saying.
Anschlag in Afghanistan
Deutsche Soldaten bei Patrouille getötet
- Vor dem jüngsten Anschlag in Kundus hatte der Afghanistan-Einsatz bereits 18 deutsche Soldaten das Leben gekostet.
そしてこの記事のあとに出た「Merkel und Jung verurteilen „perfiden Mord“」 はほぼ同じ内容なんだが
Obwohl von Union, SPD, Grünen und FDP grundsätzlich Unterstützung für diese Linie kam, gibt es in der SPD offenbar auch Widerstände. Er erwarte Schwierigkeiten bei der Verlängerung des Einsatzmandats im Oktober, sagte der Außenpolitiker Rolf Mützenich der „Welt am Sonntag“. Den Abzug der deutschen Soldaten forderte die Linke. Der Außenpolitiker Wolfgang Gehrke unterstrich: „Aus diesem Krieg gibt es nur einen Ausweg: Die Kriegsteilnahme Schritt für Schritt zu beenden.“ Die Fraktionschefs Oskar Lafontaine und Gregor Gysi äußerten sich ähnlich.
An der Wolga
„Sprengsatz für den europäischen Zusammenhalt“
„Neue Ostpolitik“ trotz Putinokratie
Putinsche Dörfer
Ein schwieriges Umfeld
Karsai verurteilt Anschlag auf Bundeswehr
真っ先に出てくるのが「he was treated last year in a mental hospital.」なんですが、政治体制の如何に関わりなく精神異常者とはなんとも便利な言葉ですな。
Portrait of Chinese Leader Damaged (AP)
Man held in attempt to set fire to Mao portrait in Beijing(Los Angeles Times)
参考記事:Oil production is missing
まず、これは恐らく一番人目を引かないんだけど、Rachel Holt事件(2006年)。
そしてPamela Rogers事件(2006年)、28歳の女性教師が13歳の少年と関係し、逮捕後裁判で執行猶予だったかあるいは保釈中に、裁判所から連絡を取ることを禁止されていたにもかかわらず、その男の子を挑発するようなエロイ携帯動画をメール送信して執行猶予だったか保釈が取り消し、収監された、こんな話です。
一番新しいのはたぶんDebra La Favee事件で、これは14歳の中学生。
そしておそらく最もセンセーショナルだったのがMary Letourneau事件だったろうと思う。
最近、高齢の母親を見舞うためにイランを訪問したスミソニアン研究所・ウッドロー・ウィルソン・インターナショナル・センターの中東政策研究の責任者であり高名な研究者であるHaleh Esfandiari(米・イ二重国籍)がイランで拘留された、こんな話なんですが、どうもこれと同じケースが頻発しているらしい。
この記事にあるだけでもこういう手口の拘留や軟禁は3件発生しているようで、先の「元」FBI捜査官Robert Levinsonを入れると4件ということになりますが、どうも背景ってのは身柄交換だけではないようで、イランはアメリカの対イラン工作に神経をとがらせているようです。
- Esfandiari and the other soft hostages appear to be caught in an Iranian reaction to the Bush administration's $75 million program to promote democracy in Iran, which was unveiled last year. Tehran has since cracked down on human rights advocates, labor organizers and campaigners for women's rights, according to human rights activists. "The government's justification for these actions is usually couched as a response to the State Department's announcement to provide financial support to Iranian civil society and nongovernmental organizations," said Hadi Ghaemi of Human Rights Watch. "This has fueled a perception among the Iranian politicians that the U.S. is committed to instigating a 'velvet revolution' in Iran. Ironically, the Iranian-Americans who travel to Iran mostly stay away from politics and are not by any means part of the 'regime change' advocates. But they have become pawns in the hands of [the] Iranian government as it charts its strategy in engaging with the U.S."
ちなみに彼女が属したウッドローセンターは昨年末にホワイトハウスに対して"It is our view that in diplomacy, a nation can and should engage its adversaries and enemies to try to resolve conflicts and differences," "Diplomatic talks should be extensive and substantive."といった内容の報告書を送ったいるんだそうで、これはホワイトハウスには黙殺されたそうだ。
Prominent US scholar detained in Iran
Prominent Iranian-American Academic Is Jailed in Tehran
State Dept. Condemns Iran's Detention of U.S. Scholar(5/10追加)
産経新聞の「1週間で米と追加制裁検討へ 外相、北核問題で」によると麻生外相が今日の外務委員会で勇ましい発言をしたらしい。
しかし国務省の昨日までの態度は国務省のPress Briefingを見る限りではそこまで行ってないですね。
For the time being, we are willing to give this process a little more time. Everybody shares the sense that we wish that we had been able to move beyond this point, but we haven't been up until now. And the North Korean Government has reassured us multiple times throughout this entire period that they are, in fact, committed not only to the September '05 agreement, but the February 13th agreement as well. And there are indications that they are actively working to resolve the BDA issue. We have said that we're going to give them a little time and space to do that. It's incredibly complicated and arcane, so it has taken much longer than anybody would have expected. What we want to do is get past this particular issue so we can return to the six-party talks, regain some of that momentum, and actually get down to the business of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, because that's ultimately what this is all about.
アメリカ国内ではこれに関する報道は至って少なく、気がついたのは上記の質問者が引用した5/8のワシントンポストの社説とやはり5/8のAPの「N. Korea Wants U.S. Bank to Handle Funds」のみですが、これはいわゆる観測記事で、あまり尊重したくなる内容でもないです。
The North Koreans want to use an American bank because they think the transaction would help secure their continued access to the global financial system, the official, who is familiar with the matter, told The Associated Press. "The North Koreans' real intentions are finally coming to the surface," said the official, who asked not to be named because he wasn't authorized to speak on the record to the media. Pyongyang made the request in the middle of last week, and the U.S. Treasury Department was expected to make a decision as early as Thursday, the official said.
Waiting on North Korea
The regime promised to take the first steps toward nuclear disarmament by April 14. It has not moved.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
ON FEB. 13, the North Korean government formally pledged to shut down in 60 days the nuclear reactor it has been using to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons, to accept the return of international inspectors to monitor the facility and to "discuss a list of all its nuclear programs" with the United States and the four other participants in the six-party talks. The agreement set up a concrete test of whether the regime of Kim Jong Il was prepared to give up its nuclear weapons program in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees.
Eighty-four days have passed since then -- and North Korea has fulfilled none of its pledges.
In response, the Bush administration has remained largely silent, nursing the hope that Pyongyang will in the end comply. State Department officials say they still expect the Yongbyon reactor to be shut down, and we hope they're right. Still, it would be foolish for North Korea's negotiating partners not to take notice of how its behavior since Feb. 13 compares with the commitments it made.
Instead of shutting down its reactor or welcoming inspectors, North Korea has been focused entirely on extracting the maximum possible financial advantage from the United States. Alongside the Feb. 13 accord, the Bush administration said it would "resolve" the question of $25 million in North Korean funds that had been frozen in a Macau bank. The administration didn't say how it would resolve the matter; at the time, officials said they might be willing to release that part of the frozen funds that was not directly linked to criminal activities such as drug trafficking and counterfeiting of U.S. currency.
North Korea first made clear that it would take no action until the banking issue was settled by the unfreezing of its accounts. The administration conceded that. Then Pyongyang demanded all of its money back, including that linked to criminal activity. Again, the administration gave in; on April 10, it made all $25 million available for withdrawal. But that, too, failed to resolve the issue: Now the North is insisting that it be able to transfer the money to bank accounts in South Korea, Italy or Russia -- and thereby formally break the taboo the U.S. Treasury had managed to create on its use of the international banking system. Guess what? The Bush administration is once again going along.
Administration officials say all this, along with the breaking of the deadline by (so far) 24 days, will be worth it if the reactor is shut down. That's true. But it should be remembered that the commitments on which Pyongyang is currently in default are the first and easiest in what is supposed to be a three-stage process. As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice noted in February, only if Kim Jong Il complied with the second stage -- by disclosing and disabling all nuclear facilities -- would it be possible to conclude that he had made a "strategic choice" to give up nuclear weapons. State Department negotiator Christopher Hill said last week that he still believed that that could happen by the end of this year. Again, we hope he's right. But so far, the record is this: In 84 days, North Korea has done nothing but extract concessions from the United States.
Iran Compromises on Nuclear Talks Agenda
Iran offers to help US find Iraq exit
BDAそしてDaedong Credit Bank
-China will send a military engineering unit to help strengthen the overtaxed African Union peacekeeping force in Darfur, the Foreign Ministry announced Tuesday. A spokeswoman, Jiang Yu, did not say how many Chinese soldiers would be dispatched or what their duties would be, describing them as "multifunctional" military engineers.なのだそうだが、「国際社会が消火活動にいそしむスーダンにガソリンを撒く中・露 」に書いたような事情があったりして、- In recent weeks, the Darfur crisis has become particularly sensitive in China because of suggestions in the United States and Europe that people should boycott the 2008 Beijing Olympics to demonstrate opposition to Chinese policies in Sudan.って空気になってきた。
こりゃマズイと思った中国が一転国際協調のポーズをとりにきたということなんだけど、- Throughout the struggle, however, the Chinese government has insisted that whatever the United Nations does should first be approved by Bashir's government.というんだから基本的な姿勢を変える気はない、こういうことだな。
Chinese shadows(Boston Globe)
- Their reasons for helping the genocidal regime in Sudan avoid meaningful United Nations Security Council sanctions, or for voting against a Council resolution to censure the military junta in Burma, are more capitalist than communist. China's foreign policy is not driven by any quaint notions of solidarity with the wretched of the earth. Being the world's fastest-growing consumer of energy and having almost no oil of its own, China wants to ensure its access to oil and protect its large investments in foreign oil fields and oil-producing consortiums. So China has partnered with governments that kill their own people, using its state-owned companies to acquire interests in oil or natural gas reserves around the world.
- So the best way to deter China's rulers from being the principal enablers of genocide in Darfur or forced labor and ethnic cleansing in Burma is to name them and shame them as often as possible. The last thing China's rulers want is to have the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing branded with the name that many are trying to apply:the Genocide Olympics
Darfur conflict is close to "moment of truth": U.N. (Reuters)
- China, the biggest foreign investor in Sudan, denied the Amnesty accusations and said it would send military engineers as part of a U.N. package to support the AU force in Darfur. A Russian Foreign Ministry official also denied the charges. Amnesty said it was "deeply dismayed" by the flow of arms allowed by China and Russia, both permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, and said the weapons were often diverted to be used in conflict in Darfur and neighboring Chad.
- The fragmentation of the rebel groups along with government attacks against their positions have thwarted previous attempts to bring those factions to the negotiating table. But the semi-autonomous government of southern Sudan has said unity talks among the Darfur rebels could be held in the south by July. Several commanders have agreed in principle to attend, a group of independent mediators said.
Rights watchdog Amnesty International has accused China and Russia of supplying arms to Sudan for use in Darfur, in breach of a UN arms embargo.
A report by Amnesty says the weapons end up in the hands of the government-backed Janjaweed militia.
It includes apparent photographic evidence of Sudan using military aircraft camouflaged white in Darfur.
[北京 4日 ロイター] 中国の雲南省で3日、不倫関係にあった中国人の男女が爆弾を使って自殺した。新華社が4日報じた。
【アルビル/イラク 6日 AFP】ムスリムの男性と駆け落ちしたことについてとがめられ、17歳の少女の殺害される携帯電話で撮影された動画がインターネット上のサイトに掲載された。ビデオには少女に対する投石などが記録されていた。
殺害されたのはイラク北部のYazidi地区に住むDoaa Khalil Aswadさんで、彼女がイスラム教に改宗したとして4月7日に兄弟や親族によって殺害された。
さて、思うんだけど、これは確かに凄惨ではあるんだけど、「酷いことしやがる!!」とか、この記事にあるような「国連(United Nations、UN)は先週、イラク国内の人権状況について報告し、クルド系イラク人の間で自らの家族を裏切った女性に対する「名誉殺害」と呼ばれる行為が急速に広まっているとして、深刻な懸念を表明している。」などという切り口で語ってはいけない問題のような気がするんだな。
Army Also Finds More Deployment Means More Mental Illness
By Thomas E. Ricks and Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, May 5, 2007
- More than one-third of U.S. soldiers in Iraq surveyed by the Army said they believe torture should be allowed if it helps gather important information about insurgents, the Pentagon disclosed yesterday. Four in 10 said they approve of such illegal abuse if it would save the life of a fellow soldier. In addition, about two-thirds of Marines and half the Army troops surveyed said they would not report a team member for mistreating a civilian or for destroying civilian property unnecessarily. "Less than half of Soldiers and Marines believed that non-combatants should be treated with dignity and respect," the Army report stated. About 10 percent of the 1,767 troops in the official survey -- conducted in Iraq last fall -- reported that they had mistreated civilians in Iraq, such as kicking them or needlessly damaging their possessions.
For Court, Slipping Into Something a Bit More Conservative
2日にはエストニアのアンシップ首相がEUの議長国・ドイツのメルケルに仲裁を求めたそうですが、アンシップの議会での報告は「ロシアの内政干渉に関してEUに直ちに行動するよう求めた。 加盟国に対する攻撃はEU全体に対する攻撃だ。」というんですが、メルケルピンチ!!ですね。
ちなみに現在のEU加盟国はベルギー 、 オランダ 、 ルクセンブルク 、 フランス 、 イタリア 、 ドイツ 、 イギリス 、 アイルランド 、 デンマーク 、 ギリシャ 、 スペイン 、 ポルトガル 、 オーストリア 、 フィンランド 、 スウェーデン 、 ポーランド 、 ハンガリー 、 チェコ 、 スロバキア 、 スロベニア 、 エストニア 、 ラトビア 、 リトアニア 、 キプロス 、 マルタ 、 ルーマニア 、 ブルガリアです。
毎日新聞 2007年4月29日 19時23分
そんな中で2001年09月にZugですからツークですか? まぁそんなような名前の田舎町がチューリッヒの南の湖畔の町であるらしいのだけど、そこでオツムのイカレタ奴が銃を乱射して十四人を殺して自殺した、それを契機にスイスでも銃規制の動きが始まったとかいうんですね。
An Armory in Gun-Shy Europe
Britain's Gun Laws Seen as Curbing Attacks
Al Qaeda suspect in U.S. custody
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