


日本では『テロとの戦い』と書くことが多いんだけど海外のメディアで最近目立つのはU.S.-backed anti-terror missionとかU.S.-led war on terror、US-led 'war on terror'ちゅうような書き方なんだな。
Japan's ruling coalition forced a bill through parliament Friday to revive a U.S.-backed anti-terror mission in the Indian Ocean,(CNN)
Japan revives mission aiding U.S. ships
Japan's ruling coalition forced a bill through parliament today to revive a U.S.-backed anti-terrorism mission in the Indian Ocean,(Los Angeles Times)
The Japanese government on Friday pushed through a special law authorizing its navy to resume a refueling mission in the Indian Ocean as part of the American-led military effort in Afghanistan.(New York Times)
The bill will allow Japanese ships to resume a refuelling mission supporting US-led operations in Afghanistan.(BBC NEWS)
Japan revives mission aiding U.S. ships
Japan voted Friday to return to the US-led "war on terror" after a two-month gap as the government took the drastic step of overriding a rejection in parliament for the first time in the modern era.(AFP)

MR. CASEY: Well, first of all, we've been appreciative over the years of the support that Japan has given to the United States as well as to other coalition partners. We were disappointed that that cooperation had to cease temporarily. We welcome the decision by the Japanese Government to renew this very important support and we appreciate the efforts that were made to see that this legislation move forward. We look forward to continuing our work with the Government of Japan and Japanese forces as we continue these operations.

QUESTION: Musharraf, please. These comments in this interview he made, rather strong worded comments that he would regard any U.S. troops crossing over into the Pakistani border as invaders. What do you make of that?
MR. CASEY: Well, I've only seen press reports of that. I'm not sure what he actually said or didn't say. But the thing that's clear to us is we have a cooperative relationship with Pakistan. Pakistan is an important partner for us in combating terrorism and combating extremism. And certainly anything that the United States has done and anything the United States will do will be in full cooperation with the Pakistani Government.

Pakistan Warns U.S. on Attacking Al Qaeda on Its Own

 どうも産経の和平へ「禁じ手」などない 英MI6、タリバンと接触って記事のようにMI6に関心を向けようってのが鼻につくんだけど、まぁその方が話題性はあるから商業メディアとしては致し方のないところでしょう。

その二人とは、Michael SempleとMervyn Pattersonといい、前者がEUの関係者のアイリッシュ、後者が国連の政治顧問のイギリス人です。











 そんな区分けになんか意味あるのか? こう思う人がいるかも知れんけど、そりゃ友人いなきゃ解らんと思うぞ。




 産経の米、台湾国連加盟の住民投票に反対 中国に配慮っつう記事ですが、中身は共同配信、それを垂れ流しているだけ。

こうも易々と共同の印象操作に荷担してもいいのかね? やっぱソースをあたれちゅうことだと思うんだが...
We think that Taiwan's referendum to apply to the United Nations under the name 'Taiwan' is a provocative policy. It unnecessarily raises tensions in the Taiwan Strait and it promises no real benefits for the people of Taiwan on the international stage.

they raised at various levels our arms sales to Taiwan, and I was very explicit that our arms sales were consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act and the joint statement, and that as long as they continued to build up their forces on their side of the Taiwan Strait, we would continue to give Taiwan the resources necessary to defend itself.
No, I'm not worried that there will be a military reaction.
We obviously are watching it very closely.
The United States has spoken out on this quite clearly to the Taiwanese government, and the Chinese government knows that we have spoken out.
They made reference to it while I was there.
I think they'd like for us to speak out every single day, but I think that they know that we have weighed in heavily on this matter with the Taiwanese.
By the same token, we've made pretty clear to the Chinese that this matter, that should continue to handle this matter in a political way.
 冒頭の「there will be a military reaction.」は、台湾の国民投票の結果により中国が軍事行動を起こす可能性の否定ですね。
玉虫色の対応と言ってしまえばそうなんだけども、少なくとも共同電の伝える印象とは違うわけで、同じテーマを今日New York Timesが記事にしていまして、そのタイトルは「Rice Has Sharp Words for Taiwan, as Gates Does for China」
"The European effort on the police training has been, to be diplomatic, ... disappointing."
"I am not ready to let NATO off the hook in Afghanistan at this point,"
"The European effort on the police training has been, to be diplomatic, ... disappointing."
"We believe there is a lack of coherent strategy and, of course, we are frustrated by the fact that some NATO nations, in our view, are not doing enough or making a sufficient contribution to the campaign."

 そしてこれはWashington Postの記事ですが
U.S. officials are doubtful that allies will provide all the requested troops, and predict Bush will be faced with a request for even more U.S. troops, possibly after attending a NATO summit in April in Bucharest, Romania. The United States has about 26,000 troops in Afghanistan. NATO provides most of the additional 28,000 foreign troops in the country. Among NATO-led forces, Britain, the Netherlands, Canada and Australia have assumed the heaviest part of the combat burden alongside U.S. troops. "I suspect that we will see increasing enemy pressure over time, which may well create demands for combat forces in the future beyond the three battalions cited now," Barno said.
Restrictions by NATO members on how their troops can be used -- Germany, for instance, limits where its forces can be deployed -- have made it difficult to mount a coherent response to the Taliban resurgence.







"It is unacceptable that the United States, in charge of monitoring our airspace, authorised Turkey to bomb our villages,"


Gates slams Germany over Afghanistan role
Military chief: attacks up in Afghanistan
Allies losing Afghanistan war, Australian minister warns: report
Dutch set deadline to quit Afghanistan
Turkey defends incursions in Iraq
Turkish Army Sends Soldiers Into Iraq
Bush Faces Pressure to Shift War Priorities
 これまでWashington Postは何回か拉致問題を記事にしてきましたが、最近は影を潜めていた。

 問題の記事は30 Years After Abductions, Questions Haunt Japaneseですが、時系列を並べながらこんな一節が押し込んである。
For Japan, the political potency of these anguished questions is almost impossible to overstate. The unresolved questions about Yokota and seven other Japanese have become a national obsession, a public-opinion fault line that Japanese politicians dare not cross and a formidable roadblock for diplomacy in Northeast Asia. As North Korea is emerging from its Stalinist shell and acceding to U.S. demands to disable its nuclear facilities, Japan's enduring anger over the decades-old abductions is not only blocking improved ties with North Korea but also straining relations with Japan's most important ally, the United States.

それを是としてしゃぁしゃとしている政治家マトモかよ? あるいはまた、そういうことに口をつぐんでいる有権者マトモかよ?

The families continue to lobby in Washington: In November, Sakie Yokota and her husband, Shigeru, sent letters to more than 100 U.S. lawmakers, asking for help in keeping North Korea on the list. But some relatives are losing hope in that fight. Teruaki Masumoto, whose sister, Rumiko, was kidnapped by the North in 1978, said his November trip to Washington was a bust. "I took removing the designation as an already established course of action," he said.

 いずれにしろ、これは今までのWashington Postの報道にはなかった筆致ですわ。


 US TodayやNew York Timesの記事タイトルが鮮明なんですが、多くはこれはブッシュの対北朝鮮政策の転換、ハードル強化であると受け止めており、その背景にあるのはシリアへの機材や技術移転の疑惑というよりも事実、それによるタカ派の圧力であるという観測が主流のようです。


2007年12月6日ホワイトハウス プレス・ブリーフィング
QUESTION: Thanks. On this letter to North Korea today from the President, clearly the message was tough: Meet the deadline, follow through with your commitments. But does this not also represent somewhat of a carrot for North Korea, with the kind of leader-to-leader dialogue and recognition of status that North Korea has always wanted?
MS. PERINO: I think that it is -- I would read it as a reminder that coming up at the end of this month, the end of December, that the DPRK, on this October 3rd, reiterated its commitment to provide a complete and accurate declaration of all of its nuclear programs by the end of this year. And so the President sent a letter to all the members of the six-party talks -- separate to himself -- on December 1st, saying this is the agreement that we have. And to the North Koreans, the letter was slightly different -- this is the agreement that you have agreed to; you have a commitment for this full and accurate declaration. The declaration was to include all nuclear facilities, materials and programs. They had also agreed to address concerns related to any uranium enrichment programs and activities. I got asked that earlier this morning, so I found that out. And the President also said that he expects the North to address any proliferation issues.
QUESTION: How tough is the language? And will you release the letter?
MS. PERINO: I don't believe we will release the private correspondence, but I'll check. I would describe it as a presidential letter to another leader of a country. I was asked this morning how the letter was addressed. He is addressed as "Dear Mr. Chairman," as he is the Chairman of the National Defense Commission of North Korea. It's on White House letterhead and signed, "Sincerely," dated December 1st. The President did hand-write -- hand-sign the letter.
QUESTION: And what do you say to those who see it as a carrot, as a -- what it symbolically represents?
MS. PERINO: Well, remember, we entered into -- I would tell them that the President started this six-party process in order to getting the leverage that we would get from having other partners involved, and not having unilateral -- I'm sorry, bilateral negotiation with North Korea. And that has worked so far. But what the President wanted to remind everybody is that the next step in this is a complete and accurate declaration by the North, and we -- the President expects for it to be accurate. Paul.
QUESTION: But the President has shunned Kim Jong-il for years. He's called him a tyrant on several occasions. Is this not, as well as an attempt to put pressure on North Korea, a way of saying -- showing there's a potential opening of dialogue, at a very high level, even?
MS. PERINO: Remember, I think that you're missing the point of the six-party talks. The origination of the six-party talks was to solve this diplomatically, was to give them a path to get out of the isolation that they have put themselves in, and to change their behavior, but only if they make this complete and accurate declaration; it was conditional. And so the President was reminding everybody that this is where we are; we have this agreement in terms of the six-party talks, everyone should be going towards the same goal, but it is up to you, North Korea, to make a complete and accurate declaration; and if you don't, we will know that you're not.

QUESTION: The letter, again, from President Bush --
MR. CASEY: I was wondering when we'd get back to that.
QUESTION: Do you know if there was any mention of the State Sponsor of Terrorism list and normalization of relations between the U.S. and North Korea?
MR. CASEY: Look, I would refer you to my colleagues at the White House. I note Dana was speaking to this issue shortly before I came out here, but what I would encourage you to take from this is that this letter is not a negotiating document. It is a reiteration of longstanding U.S. policy concerning the six-party talks. So what is the value of having that come from the President? Well, it clearly indicates -- and again, these are letters that went not just to North Korea, but to all the members of the talks. It reiterates, from the highest level in our government, our commitment to the six-party talks, our commitment to denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, and it also indicates the seriousness with which we take the current state of the process and the need for a clear, full, and complete declaration from the North Koreans. But I wouldn't steer you in the direction that this letter contains specific references to the very extensive host of other issues that are more properly dealt with in negotiations by the six parties. Charlie.
QUESTION: To what extent, though, from your vantage point, is the State Department concerned that the deadline is slipping away, that the deadline will go unmet -- the December 31st deadline for the declaration?
MR. CASEY: Well, I think Chris has spoken to this and others have as well. Look, all the parties made commitments to complete this second disablement phase by December 31st. Chris has said that he believes that the North Koreans can meet their commitments, including producing such a declaration, by the 31st. And I don't have any reason at this point to believe they can't. So we look forward to seeing the declaration provided in the timeframe that everyone agreed to, which means before the end of the year.
QUESTION: But did this -- did Secretary Rice urge President Bush to become so directly personally involved, to make this rare demonstration of interest?
MR. CASEY: You know, look, I'll let the White House speak to the reasons behind this. I think that's probably an over-dramatic reading of the situation. I think this was deemed to be an appropriate moment for there to be a clear communication of U.S. policy, again, from the highest levels of our government. And while I know it's certainly unique to have such a high-level communication go between our government and the Government of North Korea, there are, in fact, these kinds of correspondences from the presidential level to any number of other countries on any number of issues. And generally, the main reason for it is to show very clearly that the policies we're pursuing have the highest level of support in our government and that we are very serious about moving forward on the issues involved. And so I would look at these letters very much as reinforcing documents. They were designed to, again, make absolutely clear what our policies were and show that that -- those policies have the personal attention and support of the President.
QUESTION: Would you dissuade us from a belief that one of the underlying reasons for the letter is that you are worried that the North Koreans may not provide a full and complete declaration by the end of the year, as they agreed to do?
MR. CASEY: I would actually dissuade you from that. I think at least my understanding based on Chris's comments and the feedback that we have gotten from him is that we do believe that the North Koreans can and will be able to produce this document in the timeframe suggested. I certainly don't want to not stress the fact that we do think this is a very critical piece of the overall efforts at dismantlement. And why is it important? Well, it's important because that declaration, in a full and complete form, then becomes the basis for which you negotiate the third phase of this, which means the dismantlement of those programs. And so knowing the full extent and nature of the programs in a clear and consistent and complete way allows you to then move forward with your negotiations in good faith on fully dismantling the program and on absolutely assuring all the parties involved that we get to where we intended, which is a denuclearized Korean Peninsula.

Bush makes personal appeal to NKorean leader
The latest nuclear crisis began in late 2002 when Washington accused North Korea of having a secret HEU program in addition to its declared plutonium operation. Pyongyang has never admitted such a program. Hill has said Washington has "credible evidence" of North Korea purchasing equipment and materials that could be used in a HEU program, and Pyongyang must account for this before any steps to establish bilateral diplomatic ties.

Bush's letter to Kim Jong Il reflects policy change
A U.S. official told the AP that the letter to North Korea refers to a need to resolve three main sticking points: the exact amount of weapons-grade nuclear material the North produced, the number of warheads it built and whether and how North Korea may have passed nuclear material or knowledge to others. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe details of the delicate diplomacy, said the letter underscored Bush's desire to resolve the nuclear dispute, and made plain that North Korea cannot skirt requirements to fully explain the extent, use and possible spread of nuclear material and technology.
The correspondence also serves a domestic political purpose - signaling to conservative critics of the North Korea deal that the United States will not roll back its requirements or accept less than a full declaration of the North's nuclear program. The question of proliferation has taken on greater significance, and become a political hurdle for the Bush administration, since Israel's airstrike on a suspected Syrian nuclear site Sept. 6. Intelligence reports suggested Syria was cooperating in some fashion with North Korea in building the site. The news that North Korea may have been working with others as recently as this year, after it had agreed to give up its weapons, reinvigorated U.S. domestic opposition to what some conservatives in Congress see as an overly generous deal with an unreliable country.

A new Bush tack on North Korea
President Bush, directly engaging the man he publicly called a "tyrant," wrote a letter to North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-il, in which he held out the prospect of normalized relations with the United States if North Korea fully disclosed its nuclear programs and dismantled its nuclear reactor, administration officials said Thursday. The high-level personal missive from Mr. Bush to the leader of the country he placed in his "axis of evil" in 2002 was sent as American negotiators struggle to get the secretive North Korean government to fully explain and disclose the extent, use and spread of its nuclear material and technology. At the same time, the United States is also urging other nations to maintain pressure on Iran in the wake of a new assessment that Tehran halted nuclear weapons work in 2003.
While administration officials described the letter as straightforward, its very existence underscores just how much the White House wants to ensure that one of the administration's scarce, tangible diplomatic accomplishments does not slip away.

George W Bush makes plea to Kim Jong-Il

65 years ago,Japanese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7 and the casualties added to the overall this attack toll of 2,388 dead and 1,178 wounded.
U.S.A. started war with Japan on the pretext of it and they repeated non-humanitarian city bombing in violation of an international law after 1942.
As a result of having used incendiary bomb and nuclear bomb, they burnt hundreds of thousands of Japanese noncombatants to death.
However, Why is not American accused by "crime for the humanity?"
We shall not forget Curtiss LeMay and Enola Gay unless U.S.A. apologizes in comformity with the conscience that their God says.

WWII vet: Wounded Marine's story 'broke my heart'
Pearl Harbor survivors to honor USS Oklahoma
 産経新聞の仏大統領、植民地時代の謝罪せず アルジェと原子力協力って記事が

 アメリカがテロ支援国家指定を外すハードルを高くした、これのソースはWashington Timesらしいですが、公式にはアメリカは否定してます。




U.S. says has proof of N.Korea uranium program
QUESTION: With the Six-Party process and the U.S.-DPRK process proceeding [inaudible], what kind of thing do you think is missing that is required for Japan and for North Korea to do?
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: As you know, in the Six-Party process, we consider this a broad framework for dealing with a number of issues in the region, one of which is the U.S.-DPRK bilateral relationship, and second is the Japan-DPRK bilateral relationship.
Now obviously, they will not move ahead simultaneously, and at times one or the other will move very slowly.
But I think we are committed to trying to make sure that both of these bilateral processes move ahead.
QUESTION: [inaudible] by the end of the year.
Does that mean you think it's likely that the U.S. will decide to at least state that it's going to take North Korea off the state sponsors of terrorism list?
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: Well, again, we have a number of obligations that are set for the end of the year.
We're pursuing a number of these things, and where we get to at the end of the year, we will have to see.
But I think things are moving ahead.
And most importantly, I think, is denuclearization, that is the disablement of this Yongbyon facility -- that until we were able to have it shut down this summer, until that happened, it was producing plutonium.
And so, I think we have made some progress.
And I would expect all elements to move ahead by the end of the year.
But I don't want to get into the specifics of it until we actually see where we are at the end of the year.
 一昨日あたりは色々報じられていて、北朝鮮の出してくる申告書には核兵器は含まれないことで米朝が合意したなんて話まであったわけですが「ヒル国務次官補が来日 北の核計画の申告が重要」には

QUESTION: Yes. A follow-up on Chris Hill about North Korea. Please, can you comment about reporting to the U.S. Congress just for delaying -- just North Korea from the terrorist sponsors country?
MR. MCCORMACK: Nothing new to report. Yeah.
QUESTION: About the declaration, when you said a full declaration, does that include nuclear weapons? Does the U.S. expect to see nuclear weapons on the full declaration --
MR. MCCORMACK: We expect -- let me just put it this way, we would expect a full declaration regarding their nuclear program, as do other members of the six-party talks.

It's important that this declaration be full, that it be complete, and that it reassure all of the other five parties that North Korea is being completely forthcoming with the declaration. So that's what we'll be looking for. I would expect, along the way here, they may give some interim reports to the six parties. But what matters is what they say is their final declaration, which I would expect to come closer to the end of the year.


 外信でこれを報じているのは今のところ東京発REUTERSのU.S. envoy sees progress before N.Korea visitしか見あたりませんが、ここには
Hill said the United States wanted to work with Pyongyang to avoid a "crisis where ... we accuse the DPRK (North Korea) of not providing full disclosure".

シリアと北朝鮮 化学兵器開発で連携





Bush Loyalist Now Sees a White House Dangerously Soft on Iran and North Korea
John Bolton: The Angriest Neocon
U.S. reportedly stations diplomat in North Korea

 「中国の軍拡は脅威ではない」だと!?福田さん本気で言ってんのかよw では「北朝鮮、核保有続けるなら消滅」首相、米テレビに語る」に紹介されたCNNのインタビューに対する福田さんのコメント
を紹介し、それを皮肉ったわけなんだが、今日の「東シナ海、ガス田試掘先送り 首相、対中関係重視」によれば、





経営コンサルタント 大前 研一氏





















QUESTION: Yes. In New York, North Korea and the U.S. financial working group is holding the meeting right now. So what issues will be discussed at said meeting?
MR. MCCORMACK: I think you can check with the Department of Treasury. They have somebody there, a Deputy Assistant Secretary who is leading that delegation, and they're in a better position to answer that question than I am. Yeah. Do you have one, sir? Yeah, go ahead.
QUESTION: One, is the meeting part of a possible delisting of North Korea from the terrorism sponsoring list?
MR. MCCORMACK: No updates for you. Yeah.
QUESTION: This may still be ongoing, but do you have anything from the Secretary's meeting with the New Zealand Foreign Minister or --
MR. MCCORMACK: I don't. No, they're just -- they're having a one-on-one lunch, yeah. Yes, sir.


ちなみに僕が「日新丸出動:捕鯨開始そして展開するお約束の世界 」に書いた当時は英語メディアとドイツ語メディア計4社でしたが、今現在ほぼすべての英語メディアが批判的な記事を上げてます。

QUESTION: Oh, right, sorry. A Japanese whaling fleet is en route to take -- well, I guess close to a thousand whales that are protected as alleged scientific research. Do you buy the line --
MR. MCCORMACK: That's the key --
QUESTION: -- that this is scientific research and do you think that it's permitted under the IWC rules?
MR. MCCORMACK: That is the key there. While recognizing Japan's legal rights under the Whaling Convention to conduct this hunt, we note that non-lethal research techniques are available to provide nearly all relevant data on whale populations. We call on Japan to refrain from conducting this year's hunt, especially with respect to humpback and fin whales. We also urge restraint and measured approaches from all sides in any protest activity that may be planned against the Japanese fleet in the Southern Ocean. The sinking or damaging of a vessel in this area could have catastrophic consequences for the crews involved, the environment, and indeed, the living resources all parties cherish in the region.
QUESTION: So that was -- so you don't want -- you said to refrain from this year's hunt?
QUESTION: Especially for those two species?
MR. MCCORMACK: That's correct.
QUESTION: What about for the rest of the species?
MR. MCCORMACK: Well, we would ask them to refrain, but most in particular with respect to those two species.
QUESTION: And what if they go ahead --
QUESTION: Why those two, just out of curiosity, do you know -- have the answer?
MR. MCCORMACK: I believe they are the most endangered.
QUESTION: And what happens if they go ahead with it?
MR. MCCORMACK: Well, again, as the first part of my answer indicated, they -- we do recognize a legal right, but we would note for the Japanese that while they have a legal right, there are other ways to conduct scientific research, non-lethal ways to conduct scientific research, which is the ostensible reason for this expedition.
QUESTION: Do you believe that that's --
MR. MCCORMACK: I don't have any other words to offer on this, Matt.




日本の調査捕鯨自粛を求める 米国務省報道官
(2007年11月20日10時57分 読売新聞)
毎日新聞 2007年11月20日 11時27分 (最終更新時間 11月20日 11時54分)
2007.11.20 09:28
2007/11/20-06:50 日本は捕鯨自制を=「別の調査方法」要求-米政府
調査捕鯨の中止要求 米国務省報道官
2007/11/20 10:20 【共同通信】


 国務省のサイトでは「President Bush and Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda of Japan in Joint Statements」なのに日本側では「共同記者会見」に統一されているんだけどなんで?
 北朝鮮がテロ支援国家から外れて国際決済システムの中に組み込まれるのを待っているというのでわかりやすいのはColin McAskillのファンド(The Chosun Development & Investment Fund LP)みたいに、EUやアラブの金を集めてる奴等なんだが、今までどこにいるかすらわからなかったように何もしてないニュージーランドが恥知らずにも国として名乗りを上げました。

North Korea has been isolated over its atomic ambitions, but, under a multilateral agreement, its steps to dismantle its nuclear weapons programs are to be matched with diplomatic normalization and moves in the United States to remove the country from its terrorism blacklist.
I left the clear impression with the North Koreans that there is an enormous community out there that I believe would back their cooperation on this issue with significant investment and aid into the Korean people," New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters told reporters in Beijing.
Japan is urging the United States to keep North Korea on its terror list until a dispute about the fate of Japanese citizens abducted by the North in the 1970s and 1980s is resolved. The issue has kept Tokyo and Pyongyang from normalizing ties. But Peters said the kidnapping issue and other negotiation points should not be allowed to derail denuclearization. "A failure would be dramatically sad here, and success would be of enormous value and interest to the North Korean people.
てなこと言っとるわけですが、ピータース発言を簡単に言えば「拉致問題で非核化交渉が頓挫するようなことが有っちゃ いかん!!」ちゅうことです。


 さてColin McAskillThe Chosun Development & Investment Fund LPのサイトのプロフィールには
Colin McAskill: Director; is the founder and senior partner of Koryo Asia Limited Colin McAskill has specialized in business affairs of the DPRK for more than two decades. He has functioned as the official representative of DPRK government agencies, financial institutions and corporate groups, as well as consulting for major international financial institutions dealing with the DPRK. Colin McAskill has particular knowledge of the external financial dealings of the DPRK, having negotiated on the country's behalf with their foreign bank creditors. A British citizen educated in South Africa, Colin McAskill first came into contact with the DPRK through companies he owned and managed after leaving the Royal Navy.
そしてBDAにあった金のうちの700万ドルはこいつのファンドの金だし、英国人でありながら香港に所有するKoryo Asiaというダミー会社を通じて北朝鮮のDaedong Credit Bank(大同信用銀行)を所有している。

U.S. squeeze on N.Korea funds hurts reform - investor
Macau bank struggles to shake off North Korea links
NZ dangles promise of engagement for N. Korea

It's the first visit the Prime Minister has taken since he has assumed his important office. It's a recognition that our alliance is vital for peace and security. The alliance between our two countries is rooted deeply in our strong commitments to freedom and democracy. The Prime Minister and I are going to keep it that way. One of the things we've decided to do is to continue to make sure the U.S.-Japanese relationship is the cornerstone of security and peace. And I appreciate you being here. We'll continue to work together to advance freedom, security and prosperity in our respective regions and beyond.


and also provides the basis for our active diplomacy vis-a-vis Asia.

I explained to the President that the solid Japan-U.S. alliance will provide the foundation for Asia's peace and prosperity. And realizing a stable and open Asia that advances in prosperity by further deepening our relations with Asian countries on the basis of Japan-U.S. alliance will be in our mutual interests. And I told the President I'm convinced that such active diplomacy vis-a-vis Asia in turn will further strengthen our alliance. Following this meeting here, I shall be attending a series of ASEAN-related summit meetings in Singapore, and I desired to visit Washington, D.C. and have discussions with President Bush because of my belief regarding our alliance.

I appreciate Japan's participation in the six-party talks. Together with China, Russia and South Korea, our two nations are pressing North Korea to fulfill its obligation to abandon all its nuclear weapons programs, as well as its proliferation efforts.
The six-party talks have delivered measurable results. The plutonium production facilities at Yongbyon are now being disabled, under six-party supervision. Hard work still remains to be done. North Korea has agreed to provide a full declaration of all its nuclear programs and proliferation activities by the end of this year. Full declaration is one of the next steps North Korea must take to keep the six-party talks moving towards the goal of a Korean Peninsula without nuclear weapons.

I reminded the Prime Minister of one of the most moving moments of my presidency, when the mother of a young girl who had been abducted by the North Koreans came to visit me. I told her, and I'm going to tell the Japanese people once again, we will not forget this issue. I understand, Mr. Prime Minister, how important the issue is to the Japanese people, and we will not forget the Japanese abductees, nor their families.

With regard to North Korean nuclear programs, we agreed that Japan and U.S. need to maintain close coordination with each other, in order to achieve complete abandonment of all nuclear weapons and programs by North Korea, through the six-party talks.
President Bush stated that he will never forget the abduction issue, and on that basis he once again expressed his commitment for unchanged support to the Japanese government.



Mr. Prime Minister, I appreciate the great leadership that you are showing as you work to reauthorize the Japanese refueling mission.
I appreciate the contribution that the Japanese people are making to help this young democracy.
We should never allow Afghanistan to once again become a hotbed for terrorism. And we agreed that Japan and the United States should continue to work together with the international community in the fight against terrorism.

The Prime Minister and I condemned the regime's crackdown on democratic activists. We call for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners. We're for a genuine dialogue between the regime and those who seek a democratic future for Burma. U.S. sanctions on the regime are in place. Japan has canceled an aid grant. The Prime Minister told me his government is reviewing other aid projects to ensure that they directly benefit the people of Burma. We discussed our strong economic relationship.


I think we're going to serve the Prime Minister -- I hope we serve him some good U.S. beef, which is a good way to bring up the subject of beef. We hope we're able to have the Japanese market fully open to all U.S. beef and beef products, consistent with international guidelines.
There was a reference to beef. I hope that -- well, we are addressing the beef issue on the basis of scientific findings.


Bush assures Japanese premier
President Bush and Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda of Japan in Joint Statements

1. 日時

2. 場所


3. 主催

4. 内容

5. 定員


● 申込み方法
○ 往復はがきでお申し込みください。



QUESTION: Two things. One, there was a Yonhap report last night that there are going to be two days of U.S.-North Korean financial discussions in New York next week. I think you had agreed after the resolution of the BDA matter to set up a channel for such conversations. Are there such meetings? Is it Treasury or State that has the lead on those?
MR. MCCORMACK: Treasury has the lead on them. Let me give you -- I have some of the specifics, some of the specifics here in terms of the dates. Let me find the dates here. Yeah, they're going to be -- it's the Bilateral Financial Working Group. It's going to be held on November 19th and 20th in New York. The U.S. delegation is going to be led by Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes Danny Glaser. He's the one who's been working on these issues quite a bit. You might remember his name coming up quite a bit during the Banco Delta Asia episode. The North Koreans apparently -- the information I've been given here, requested this meeting and we think it's an opportunity to familiarize the North Koreans with accepted international banking practices and problems that have affected North Korean access to the international financial system.
QUESTION: Do you know if the North Koreans -- whether they're sending anybody or whether it's their UN mission -- the mission to the UN?
MR. MCCORMACK: I don't. I don't. They have typically, in these working group meetings, had people specializing in these kinds of issues. It wasn't necessarily the New York mission folks. I'll see if I can find out for you, but --
QUESTION: And do you know why they asked for the meeting?
QUESTION: Can you tell us about Ambassador Hill's meeting with the Japanese family tomorrow and also what do you expect from the meeting?
MR. MCCORMACK: Yes, they gave me some information about this. He is going to be meeting with a delegation from the Diet and an advocacy group, members from -- with regards to the abductee issue. The delegation is being led by House of Representative member Takeo Hiranuma and Secretary -- Assistant Secretary Hill looks forward to talking to them and making clear what our position is on the issue, which he has repeated many times in public.
QUESTION: Can I just follow up?
QUESTION: Sorry. Is that position that the abductee issue is not specifically linked to the lifting of --
MR. MCCORMACK: You can -- there's a lengthy public record on the issue. You can check out the transcript.
QUESTION:Thank you.

しかし、媚米政策のために我が国では一つの政権が潰え、そしてまたその後継政権が程なく潰えようとしていることだけは確かで、15日付のECONOMISTの記事「Japan and America Looking to the future, stuck in the present」には
George Bush will probably josh too informally with Mr Fukuda, or mispronounce his name.
Mr Bush's administration has just a year to run, and Mr Fukuda may not last that long.

 同じような論調は他にも見られ、たとえば15日付のREUTERSには「Japan PM has full plate but empty hands for U.S.」というタイトルがあるんだけど、これなんかはタイトルだけで何が書いてあるか想像つくし、実際想像の通りのことが書いてある。











Mystery still surrounds Israel's Syria attack
Rarely does President George W. Bush bite his lip when discussing "axis of evil" states such as Syria and North Korea. But for more than two months Mr Bush has done just that when asked about a September 6 Israeli strike on a mysterious Syrian site. So has every other US administration official speaking on the record, as well as the Israeli government itself, fuelling a continuing controversy about the incident. "This is not my first rodeo," Mr Bush said at a press conference last month after being asked about the incident at least six times. "And I know where you're trying to get me to comment. I'm not going to comment on it, one way or the other."
This uncharacteristically taciturn approach has angered some of the president's Republican supporters, amid a series of newspaper reports that the Syrian site was a nuclear reactor built with North Korean help.
The mystery may not continue indefinitely: under the talks framework, North Korea is due to give an account of its nuclear activities by the end of the year. And so far, despite Mr Bolton's concerns, the events in Syria have not interrupted those negotiations. "The opponents of the six-party talks wanted to use this strike to kill this deal," said Mr Cirincione( non proliferation expert at the Centre for American Progress). "But the president isn't having it."

 先週「久々の「熱湯浴はアホだ」という話 」に余談とも言えないということで11月7日の国務省定例記者会見におけるやりとりを引用しましたが、中身は、アメリカが国連の人権委員会に対北朝鮮決議を上程しているちゅうよな話でした。

QUESTION: Yes. Mr. Christian Whiton, Deputy Special Envoy on Human Rights in North Korea, talk about North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004 in Hong Kong yesterday. He said the act set aside $24 million to improve human rights situation in North Korea. But none of that money has yet been approved by -- approved for release by Congress, so what is your comment on that?
MR. CASEY: My comment by that is if it hasn't been approved for release by Congress, I'll let Congress speak to their reasoning as to why.

QUESTION: Yes, Japanese Prime Minister will visit U.S., so if one of (inaudible) issue is -- will be discuss removing the -- North Korea from the list of terrorist sponsors country, so at the time, what you're -- just U.S.'s viewpoint to -- before facing this issue?
MR. CASEY: Well, first of all, the Prime Minister is, of course, coming for a visit over at the White House and in terms of the agenda and discussions there, I'd leave it to my colleagues there to talk about that. In terms of U.S. policy with respect to North Korea's status on the list of state sponsors of terror, and you've heard Chris Hill talk about this before, this is part of the step-by-step process that has been envisioned and created through the six-party talks. Obviously, North Korea not only needs to continue to do what it's promised in terms of disabling and ultimately dismantling its nuclear program, but at the same time, there are statutory requirements that need to be met and these are things that we'll continue to work with the North Koreans on. Certainly, at the end of the day, as North Korea moves forward with disabling and dismantling its nuclear program, we will hopefully be in a position to take them off the list. But I would not, basically, offer you anything new on that beyond what Chris said during his trip out to the region, including Japan, I guess it was about 10 days ago.
QUESTION: You don't think -- dealing with the abductee issue, a condition of removing them -- you don't feel that satisfying the Japanese on that is a condition for removing North Koreans from the state sponsors list; right?
MR. CASEY: Well, the state sponsors -- how one gets on the state sponsors list is in accordance with U.S. law. And that is how North Korea can and would be removed from the list. In terms of the abductee issue, the two are not necessarily specifically linked. On the other hand, as Chris has said repeatedly, we are very sensitive to this issue for the Japanese Government. It's an important one. It's one that Chris raises every time he talks with his North Korean counterparts. And certainly, we need to see progress on that issue to be able to have the six-party process move forward. This is not a game in which one piece of the agenda can be left lagging while the others move forward. There needs to be progress on all of them. So certainly, we're very sensitive to this issue and it's one that we have talked with the Japanese about regularly and it's one, again, that we continue to raise independently even in our bilateral working group with the North Koreans and the other bilateral contacts that Chris and others have had. So I think we are very much looking for uniformed progress on these issues.
On the other hand, as Chris has said repeatedly, we are very sensitive to this issue for the Japanese Government. It's an important one. It's one that Chris raises every time he talks with his North Korean counterparts. And certainly, we need to see progress on that issue to be able to have the six-party process move forward. This is not a game in which one piece of the agenda can be left lagging while the others move forward. There needs to be progress on all of them. So certainly, we're very sensitive to this issue and it's one that we have talked with the Japanese about regularly and it's one, again, that we continue to raise independently even in our bilateral working group with the North Koreans and the other bilateral contacts that Chris and others have had. So I think we are very much looking for uniformed progress on these issues.

 「very much looking for uniformed progress」の一環として古証文を甦らせようとしている、局部的にそんな動きがある、そしてそこを関心を持ってウォッチしている人達がいるそんなことなのかも知れません。

(25) In addition to infringing the rights of its own citizens, the Government of North Korea has been responsible in years past for the abduction of numerous citizens of South Korea and Japan, whose condition and whereabouts remain unknown.
(3) fully disclosing all information regarding citizens of Japan and the Republic of Korea abducted by the Government of North Korea;
(4) allowing such abductees, along with their families, complete and genuine freedom to leave North Korea and return to the abductees original home countries;


When Yasuo Fukuda, Japanese prime minister, meets George W. Bush, US president, in Washington on Friday, he will offer a slightly more conciliatory approach on North Korea and a promise to do his best to pass anti-terror legislation.


"We certainly do not think that the US is engaging in its discussions over nuclear disarmament with North Korea in a lax manner. The North Korean nuclear weapons are a major threat to Japan," he said. He added that he hoped the abduction issue could be resolved at "more or less the same time", through separate discussions between Tokyo and Pyongyang.



※福田さんの発言はWashington Postのインタビューに答えた発言だったようでその部分を同紙の「Japan's Leader Cites Limits In Global Security Abilities」から引用しておきます
"We do not take exception to the substance"
。"the existence of North Korean nuclear weapons is a greater threat to Japan than to the United States. So naturally we cannot remain indifferent to that. We are, of course, greatly concerned."


Tokyo to soften line on N Korea
Japan's Leader Cites Limits In Global Security Abilities

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