DPRK Foreign Ministry Blasts Abe Group's Racket over "Abduction Issue"
Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK released a memorandum Thursday to warn the international community of the dangerous consequences to be entailed by the Japanese authorities' attempt to abuse the "abduction issue."
The memorandum says:
The Abe group is now busy with soliciting diplomacy in a bid to put international pressure upon the DPRK while asserting that the "abduction issue" has not yet found a solution.
As if it were not enough with applying economic sanctions against the DPRK under the pretext of the "issue," it is even scheming to destroy the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan.
The "abduction issue" had already been settled thanks to the DPRK's sincere efforts.
When a delegation of Japanese political parties led by former Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama visited the DPRK in December 1999 the Japanese side requested the DPRK side to confirm the whereabouts of 13 Japanese who had been reported missing.
The DPRK government, taking the humanitarian nature of the issue of the missing persons into consideration, organized a special investigation committee in April 2002 to conduct the investigation on a nationwide scale.
The results of the investigation proved that there were cases in which some Japanese had been abducted by individual Koreans from late in the 1970s to early in the 1980s.
During the Pyongyang visit by former Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi on September 17, 2002 the Japanese side was informed of the results of the investigation that 13 missing Japanese were confirmed to be abductees:
Five of them are still alive and eight died.
Formal regret was also expressed over the emergence of the "abduction issue" at the DPRK-Japan summit talks.
It was by no means a simple decision that the DPRK government opted to settle among other things the issue of a little more than ten Japanese abductees out of sincerity, given the fact that Japan had not compensated for the huge damage done to the Koreans by the Japanese imperialists in the earlier period of the same century when they committed such hideous crimes against humanity as forcibly drafting more than 8.4 million Koreans, killing more than one million and forcing 200,000 Korean women into sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army.
On October 15, 2002 the DPRK government allowed five survivors of abduction to visit their home towns in Japan at the request of the Japanese side.
On October 30 after their arrival in Japan the Japanese government, all of a sudden, unilaterally made public a decision that it would not send them back to the DPRK.
This is the first example showing how the Japanese side reneged on its promise and behaved against good faith in the course of settling the "abduction issue".
It was later confirmed that the then Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe was behind the decision.
On May 22, 2004, former Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi again visited Pyongyang.
The DPRK side allowed him to take all the five sons and daughters of the survivors to Japan with him as requested by him.
In November 2004 the DPRK provided every facility to a Japanese government joint delegation made up of officials concerned of the Cabinet, the Foreign Ministry and the National Police Agency and medico-legal experts so that they could visit the DPRK for a week and confirm on the spot the death of the above-said Japanese.
Thanks to the sincere efforts exerted by the DPRK government five survivors of the 13 abductees and all of their seven sons and daughters went to Japan and the remains of Megumi Yokota were also sent to Japan as requested by her parents, thus settling the "abduction issue".
The Abe group has persistently kicked up a racket over the "abduction issue" while flatly denying the fact that the "abduction issue" had found a solution.
Japan's first negative reaction to the settlement of "the issue" came when it floated the fiction about the false remains of Megumi Yokota.
Abe who was acting secretary general of the Japan Liberal Democratic Party in a lecture given in Tokyo Metropolis on November 17, 2004 let loose a string of anti-DPRK vituperation and his group claimed that the results of the DNA test of the remains of Megumi Yokota handed over by her husband proved that they were "bones of two other persons." Timed to coincide with this, Abe asserted the need to immediately apply economic sanctions against the DPRK and the Japanese government declared that it would freeze humanitarian aid which Koizumi promised during his Pyongyang visit.
Recalling that the "report on the DNA test of the remains of Megumi Yokota" sent to the DPRK by the Japanese side on Dec. 25, 2004 contained contradictions in the explanation about the method involved in the examination and the content of the DNA samples and it was a document hard to believe as it lacked signatures of the analysts and witnesses as well as the seal of the institution that conducted the examination, the memorandum goes on:
As the doubt about the results of the DNA test of the remains of Megumi Yokota widely floated at home and abroad, the Japanese authorities soon transferred Tomio Yoshii who had been in charge of the examination of the remains to the Police Institute of Science to hold the post of its section chief and cut off all contacts with outsiders.
The husband of Megumi, angered to hear the fiction of "false remains" spread by the Abe group, demanded the Japanese side return her remains at once but the latter has still refused to meet this demand.
The Abe group is now concocting stories about more "abductees" as the probe into and handling of the issue of the 13 abductees raised by the Japanese side at the outset have come to an end.
The Abe regime is working hard to keep the "abduction issue" debated in a bid to use it for the purpose of stepping up the rearmament of Japan.
It is the calculation of the ultra-nationalist forces of Japan represented by Abe that when it bars the DPRK-Japan relations from being normalized over the "abduction issue" and succeeds in torpedoing the six-party talks in a bid to deter the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula from being settled, it will be able to use the "access to nukes by the DPRK in hostile relationship with Japan" as a pretext for preserving the justification for its militarization and nuclear armament.
The "theory of departure from the postwar regime" much touted by Abe right after holding premiership was nothing but his real intention to free Japan of the position of a defeated nation subject to military restrictions.
Japan once used the issue of the DPRK's missile launch as a good pretext for its rearmament.
But when it succeeded in putting into the orbit even a spy satellite by such delivery means as missiles, it needed a more proper pretext other than that pretext.
That is why the Japanese right-wing forces had no option but to raise the "abduction issue." According to the scenario of the ultra-nationalists, a frantic propaganda campaign was kicked off to underscore the "seriousness" and "rate" of the "abduction issue." After holding the premiership in September 2006, Abe set up the "headquarters for measures to settle the abduction issue" headed by himself and created such posts as "minister in charge of the abduction issue" and "adviser on the abduction issue," making his cabinet known as a "cabinet to handle the abduction issue," the first of its kind in history.
As claimed by Japan, the "abduction issue" can be settled only when the dead return to life and all those Japanese missing reappear.
Even according to what was reported up to 2004, eight persons whom the Japanese side had claimed "abducted" by the DPRK were discovered in Japan.
Japan is now taking much pain to make even the six-party talks a scapegoat of the "abduction issue." As regards the decision of the participating countries to provide energy aid to the DPRK as a step to be taken at the preliminary phase for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, Abe uttered on February 5, 2007 that he would like to explicitly state there would be basically nothing to be given by Japan to north Korea should it fail to take sincere measures for the solution of the abduction issue.
If Japan is allowed to pursue such design, the nuclear issue on the peninsula will remain unsettled for an indefinite period like the "abduction issue," an issue of bringing the dead to life.
This is the ultimate goal pursued by the ultra-nationalist forces of Japan keen on the nuclear weaponization.
Herein lies the danger of the political aims sought by the Abe group.
It is so morally vulgar that it is hyping the "issue" of a little more than ten abductees though Japan forcibly took away and abducted millions of Koreans to force them to toil and moil at the construction sites of power stations, coal and ore mines, railways and airfields.
Noting that Japan's operations for luring and abducting Koreans are still going on, the memorandum says:
The DPRK government suggested more than once the Japanese side to probe the cases in which it lured and abducted citizens of the DPRK in the area along the DPRK-China border, inform the DPRK of the results and send back the victims but Japan is avoiding any response to it.
The increased zeal of Japan to evade the responsibility for redeeming its past and rearm itself under the pretext of threats from neighboring countries would only precipitate its self-destruction, not revival, warns the memorandum.
Ⅰ 第6回六者会合に関する首席代表者会合は、北京において、2007年7月18日から20日まで開催された。武大偉中華人民共和国外交部副部長、金桂冠朝鮮民主主義人民共和国外務副相、佐々江賢一郎日本国外務省アジア大洋州局長、千英宇大韓民国外交通商部朝鮮半島平和交渉本部長、クリストファー・ヒル・アメリカ合衆国東アジア太平洋問題担当国務次官補、V.ラフマニン・ロシア連邦外務省大使が、それぞれの代表団の首席代表者として会合に参加した。武大偉外交部副部長が、会合の議長を務めた。
Ⅱ 六者は、第6回六者会合第1セッション以後の作業及び進展を検討し、六者会合のプロセスを促進させるためのすべての当事者による建設的な努力に満足の意を表明し、また、相互信頼を高め互いの関係を改善するために生産的な二者間の協議及び調整が行われてきたことを歓迎した。
Ⅲ 朝鮮半島の非核化、関係者間の国交正常化及び北東アジア地域の永続的な平和と安定のため、六者は、次の段階の期間中の作業について率直かつ実務的な協議を行い、以下の全般的なコンセンサスに達した。
Ⅳ 六者は、上記の全般的なコンセンサスを実施するために、以下の措置をとることを決定した。
理由は、(1)クリントン政権下の1994年の「米朝枠組み合意」で双方とも経験ずみであること (2)北朝鮮としては最低限の抑止力として必要量のプルトニウムはすでに備蓄していること (3)すでに20年以上稼動し、途中、凍結期間が長かったことなどから保守点検が不完全で施設が老朽化していることなどです。
「見返り」とは、(A)米朝国交正常化による米朝平和条約締結 (B)テロ支援国家の指定除外による経済制裁解除 (C)軽水炉の提供です。前二者は、ブッシュ政権の「敵視政策」撤廃の具体的措置として、北朝鮮がかねてから主張しているものですが、軽水炉による原子力発電は「金日成の遺訓」であり、金正日総書記としては核廃棄の条件として絶対に譲れない要求です。
韓国は、軽水炉提供には「枠組み合意」履行当時から積極的に協力してきましたが、建設資金の裏づけとして日本の参加が不可欠であり、そのためにも日朝国交正常化、少なくともそのための交渉再開が前提となります。日本がどこまで拉致問題解決一本槍を貫けるか、その帰趨が注目されるところです。 【2007年7月16日】
固有の問題とは言うまでもなく拉致問題ですが、日本人記者でこの件に関して質問をしたのは北海道新聞のニシムラ タクヤという記者のみで、しかも、「アメリカが北朝鮮をテロ支援国家リストから外すのか? 外すとしたらばどういうタイミングで外すのか?」こんな程度で、拉致をどうするんだというところには踏み込んでいない。
そしてなにより、この人より後の質問者、共同の記者May Masangkayさんがめちゃ鋭く切り込んでいるんですね、僕はもう情けなくなりました。
このあたりに安倍総理や麻生さんや塩崎がいつの間にか「解決」を「進展」に言い換えたからくりが見て取れますが、このヒルの一次回答に対してこのMayさんは、謙虚に「そうなんですか? では日本エネルギー支援に参加することを納得する落とし所をどの辺に考えているんですか?」、「日本が参加しないと6カ国協議の枠組みが壊れますね。」、「進展というなら進展で良いんだけど、日本が納得できる進展とはどういう状態を想定しているのか?」と聞き返してます。
Brad Martin from Bloomberg News.
A hang-up seems to be the abduction problem. How would you recommend to solve that? There is talk that maybe the Red Army guys might be turned over. What's your thinking?
Well, as you know, that's a very -- You're asking a very general question about an issue that I think has been with us for some time and is obviously a great concern to the Japanese Government, the Japanese people and, frankly speaking, the American Government and the American people.
So this is an issue which -- like some others -- I think is expected to be addressed within the bilateral elements of the Six-Party process. I know that when the Japanese-DPRK meeting took place in Hanoi it was raised. I gather there was not a lot of progress on it. I think it is something that does need to be addressed.
We're hopeful as we go further in this process that it will be addressed. This is an extremely difficult issue for the families of these people, and it's our view that this is an issue that needs to be addressed.
Now how it is done and what the resolution is, I can't say at this point how it will be done. But certainly we believe that it's something that obviously cannot be ignored in this process. So we will see as we go forward.
I think, clearly, in the long run countries cannot choose their neighbors. And the DPRK has a neighbor in Japan, and I think it's clearly in the DPRK's interest to reach out and figure out how to get along with Japan and how to deal with Japan.
So, again, there's really no new thoughts on this, except that it's obviously an issue that has to be addressed.
My name is Takuya Nishimura with Hokkaido Shimbun newspaper.
Based on the notion that North Korea seems to be willing to shut down the Yongbyon facility or other nuclear facilities, how do you see the situation of their implementation of removing North Korea from the terrorist-supporting country list of the United States? And what is your idea of the situation of this issue at the end of the term of initial action?
Well, as you recall, in the February statement we agreed to begin this process. We agreed to begin the process of removing them from this list of state sponsors of terrorism. I think we will ?
Obviously this is an issue we're going to be dealing with in this coming phase. I'm not prepared at this time to tell you precisely when it will happen. I think it will depend on some actions on the DPRK side, and it's something that will emerge in the context of the negotiations. So I don't want to tell you right now exactly what our plan is and what we are seeking from the DPRK -- because that would be kind of negotiating through the media, which we never do. Believe me, we know all about this issue. We know all about how it would, in our view, fit into the goals we all would like to achieve, and we're going to deal with it in the coming weeks and months. But I'm not prepared to tell you precisely how we'll do it at this point.
May Masangkay from Kyodo News.
Sir, you mentioned about energy a while ago. I was wondering, every time you come to Japan you repeatedly stress the importance of the abduction issue and all that, but Japan has repeatedly said that it won't provide energy unless there is resolution of the abduction issue.
I think they said, I think the term of art was "progress."
Progress on the abduction issue and -- Well, the abduction issue is a very complicated issue, and it's really hard to find a way to find progress. So I was wondering how you see things going. How are you going to reconcile the fact that ? I mean how are you going to, if Japan doesn't keep, doesn't take part in energy, I'm sure it's going to somehow endanger the energy progress, I mean the energy process -- the support of the united front of the six parties to provide energy to North Korea. And, well, what I wanted to ask was that if there is no progress on the abduction issue, Japan won't provide energy aid. How concerned is the United States with this stance, and how are you going to convince Japan to give aid?
Well, better put, how are we going to convince the DPRK to make progress on this very difficult, very emotional, very real problem that has arisen in this bilateral relationship - So rather than say what are we going to do if it fails, why don't we say: How are we going to support this? And I think I have made it very clear to the DPRK on many occasions that I think a good relationship -- they need a good relationship with Japan. As I said, you can choose a lot of things in life, but you usually can't choose your neighbors. And so you have to figure out ways to get along with your neighbors. You have to respect the issues that your neighbors have and try to look for ways to resolve it. And I think it's very much in the DPRK's interest, having acknowledged that this happened, I think it's very important for them to be transparent about it, and figure out all the details, and make sure that everything is clearly accounted for and, if there are people there, that they should obviously all be returned. So I think it's just part of what we're trying to do in the overall process here in the Six Parties -- which is not just deal with denuclearization, not just deal with energy, but deal with, I think, the broader issues of relations among states in Northeast Asia. So I'm just not going to stand here and tell you what I'm going to do if this fails, because I think it has to succeed.
Search Underway for WWII Japanese MIAs in Alaska
At a campaign rally in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton, frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, questioned whether the US wanted freedom and stability for Iraq "more than the Iraqis want it for themselves".
"We have given them their opportunity," she said.
国務省系は慎重さを滲ませながらも「やったやった!!!」ですが、これまでさして批判めいたことを書かなかったNew York Timesですらが「North Koreans Say Nuclear Reactor Is Shut」で皮肉に充ちた書き方をしてます。
- Still, for President Bush the announcement is a rare diplomatic victory for an administration besieged on many fronts.
- He has quietly helped drive a discussion within the Bush administration over whether to offer to buy the centrifuges and other equipment back from North Korea.
Mr. Hill has also drawn up preliminary plans to open talks with the North over a formal treaty ending the Korean War. That has long been a demand of the North Koreans, and a treaty could begin to pave the way to lifting trade sanctions that the Bush administration has tried to tighten, in hopes of speeding the collapse of North Korea's government.
U.S. to Hold Direct Talks in North Korea on Arms
報道官会見記録(平成19年7月10日(火曜日)17時40分~ 於:本省会見室)
報道官会見記録(平成19年7月12日(木曜日)17時15分~ 於:本省会見室)
報道官会見記録(平成19年7月13日(金曜日)17時05分~ 於:本省会見室)
QUESTION: Anything to add or any more information than you had two hours ago about the North Koreans and their --
MR. CASEY: No, I --
QUESTION: -- alleged offer of military --
MR. CASEY: Basically, it's the same thing.
We've seen that press report.
There have been no communications between the North Koreans and us that would elaborate, in any way, on that press statement.
I went back and looked too and if you look at the September '05 agreement reached between the parties, of course, it does note that the various relevant players would, at a -- in a separate forum, sit down and discuss the resolution of the Korean conflict and move from the current armistice to a permanent peace treaty.
But again, that's something that's further down the road.
I'm sure when we next have a meeting of the six-party talks, that if the North Koreans have some specific ideas on this subject, that there'll certainly be an opportunity both in that six-party framework as well as in whatever individual meetings Chris has with his counterpart there to elaborate on this.
QUESTION: But you talked about moving from the armistice to a more formal peace treaty, but isn't that something that civilian -- civilians would do, not --
MR. CASEY: Well, one would presume, Matt, that establishing a different relationship between the parties establishing a permanent peace would also have an impact on the military situation and that there would be military involvement in that.
QUESTION: Well, I know, but it's the civilians who made -- civilian leadership makes peace, right?
MR. CASEY: Right, but I would hope a civilian leadership would take into account the concerns and considerations of our military officials.
It usually works that way, anyway.
QUESTION: Thank you.
MR. CASEY: Thank you.
(2007/07/13 20:09)
67%が天然ガスの調査せず 温泉施設、消防庁まとめ
2007/07/12 20:40 【共同通信】
18日から6カ国首席会合 約4カ月ぶり、米朝協議も
2007/07/12 20:13 【共同通信】
QUESTION: There's a report that the North Koreans requested for a light-water reactor when Ambassador Hill went to visit Pyongyang.
QUESTION: Do you have anything --
MR. MCCORMACK: I don't know whether in fact they made the request.
But the answer would be the same, as we have given previously.
QUESTION: Can I just -- and the ministerial meeting, I think Ambassador Hill talked to some Japanese press and indicated that doing it at the end of the month, beginning of next month, is becoming more and more difficult.
Can you -- do you have anything on that?
MR. MCCORMACK: First of all, what matters here the most is all the parties fulfilling their February 13th obligations.
For the North Koreans, that means shutting down and sealing Yongbyon.
And from that point, we can start talking about a ministerial meeting, which is something that has been agreed to after the February 13th agreement has been implemented.
So that's the first hurdle we need to get over.
Once that has been cleared, I fully expect, within a matter of weeks, shall we say, that there would be a ministerial meeting.
But at this point, there has not been a time or place set yet.
Okay, great.
ヒル氏、平和体制協議年内開始を 外相会議APEC前に
北朝鮮・核問題:北朝鮮、核燃料が枯渇 協議受け入れ背景か--IAEA筋
この人は同決議案が下院に提出された直後の4月2日にワシントン大学で行った講演の中でも「日本の指導者はすでに数回にわたって謝罪している。外交の観点からは、こういった問題にはいつか終止符が打たれる必要がある」「日米関係はきれいに舗装されたハイウェイのようなものだと思ってはならない」といった内容の発言をやったり、下院外交委員長のThomas Peter Lantosに「(同決議案は)不必要なだけではなく、日本との関係に悪影響を及ぼす」として採択しないよう求める書簡を送ったりして、我が国の熱湯浴諸兄から熱烈な喝采を浴びたことは記憶に新しいんですが、同内容の意見書を下院に送ったらしいですね。
Daily Press Briefing
Sean McCormack, Spokesman
QUESTION: Can you expand any more on what Tom said this morning about Chris Hill's travel plans?
QUESTION: No, okay. (Laughter.)
QUESTION: Thank you. All right, well -- (Laughter.)
MR. MCCORMACK: I certainly do, but I'm not telling you. (Laughter.)
MR. MCCORMACK: No, Tom -- let me run through the basic schedule once again for those who might have missed it.
Chris Hill, our Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, not just the six-party talks, is going to be traveling to the region on Thursday, beginning Thursday, July 12th for consultations with counterparts regarding six-party talks.
He'll be in Tokyo July 13th and 15th for those of you who wish to stalk him. (Laughter.)
And on -- Seoul July 15th through the 17th and he'll arrive in Beijing on the 17th.
Now he's going to be having consultations with Chinese authorities.
I think one might presume that if there were to be six-party talks, that he would be in place to have those six-party talks, but the Chinese Government has not yet made any official announcements in that regard and I think we're also still looking for what kind of momentum we can build up in terms of meeting the February agreement before we have an official announcement.
QUESTION: But you don't feel that it's necessary for the North Koreans to actually take some steps to shut down Yongbyon?
MR. MCCORMACK: We'll see.
This is -- again, the 18th would be after, presumably, they have talked about the timeframe that they might shut down Yongbyon.
They've talked about timing the shutdown of Yongbyon to the arrival of that first small tranche of the 50,000 tons of fuel oil.
That is scheduled to happen, I think, this weekend on Saturday.
So we'll see.
We'll see what the timing is and we'll see if it is appropriate to have those discussions.
As I said, Chris would be in place in the case that there were those discussions and in any case, it's useful for him to go out to the region in anticipation of some future six-party talks, whether that is next week or sometime thereafter.
QUESTION: But you continue to say that there's no link necessarily between the two; in other words, they can stiff you on Yongbyon and you might still have six-party talks?
MR. MCCORMACK: As I have said before, I'm not going to tie our hands diplomatically, but everybody agrees, I believe, among the five parties certainly, that it would be good to have that next envoys level meeting actually build on some momentum that was already there instead of relying upon just the meeting to develop some momentum.
How Kim Jong Il Lost Japanese Fans
野望っすか? いいたいどういう?w
暗躍? 一体ヒルがどういう?
North Korea引用終わり
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was not known to have sponsored any terrorist acts since the bombing of a Korean Airlines flight in 1987. The DPRK continued to harbor four Japanese Red Army members who participated in a jet hijacking in 1970. The Japanese government continued to seek a full accounting of the fate of the 12 Japanese nationals believed to have been abducted by DPRK state entities; five such abductees have been repatriated to Japan since 2002. In the February 13, 2007 Initial Actions Agreement, the United States agreed to "begin the process of removing the designation of the DPRK as a state-sponsor of terrorism."
North Korea
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is not known to have sponsored any terrorist acts since the bombing of a Korean Airlines flight in 1987.
Pyongyang in 2003 allowed the return to Japan of five surviving abductees, and in 2004 of eight family members, mostly children, of those abductees. Questions about the fate of other abductees remain the subject of ongoing negotiations between Japan and the DPRK. In November, the DPRK returned to Japan what it identified as the remains of two Japanese abductees, whom the North had reported as having died in North Korea. The issue remained contentious at year's end. There are also credible reports that other nationals were abducted from locations abroad. The ROK government estimates that approximately 485 civilians were abducted or detained since the 1950-53 Korean War. Four Japanese Red Army members remain in the DPRK following their involvement in a jet hijacking in 1970; five of their family members returned to Japan in 2004.
という映画にも出たような有名な話もある。Wikipediaで「インディアナポリス」「USS Indianapolis (CA-35)」参照
以下は上がインディアナポリスの生存者Jim O'Donnell、下が記念館副館長のKenneth McNamaraの言葉ですが
-"I hope the young people wake up and realize that the freedom they have today didn't come cheap," he said. "There was an awful price paid for it."
-"This is an incubator for what we want to continue doing," he said.
WWII ship sinking marked in exhibit
USS Indianapolis Exhibit Opens Saturday
QUESTION: In 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on civilian centers over Nagasaki and Hiroshima, consequently killing over 200,000 people. In hindsight, I think we can all agree that that was a very irresponsible use of the technology at the time.
So my question is what gives the United States the right to sit at the head of the table and dictate to other countries how the type of technology should be regulated today?
MR. JOSEPH: I guess that's probably for me. (Laughter.) Well, I fundamentally disagree with the premise of the question. And in fact, I think that most historians would agree that the use of an atomic bomb brought to a close a war that would have cost millions of more lives, not just hundreds of thousands of allied lives but literally millions of Japanese lives.
さてRobert Josephですが、笑いながら「それは多分私への質問だね。」っと答え始めています、ですからおそらく質問者は日本人記者なのでしょう。
そしてこのJosephの見解に対してロシアのSergei Kislyakは
Certainly, among the historians there are more than one view as to the wisdom of the use of nuclear weapon in the end of the World War II.
And it's not that (inaudible) assessment that we share.
安倍ちゃんは抗議の表明、塩崎君は真意を確認だそうですがそんな腰の引けたこと言ってないでさ、We will spread neither the blood nor the sweat for such an upstart nation. I decided immediate withdrawal of our force from Iraq.くらい言ってやれって。
国民レベルでは久間前防衛大臣の失言をおおいに利用、激しい怒りを表現することは 対米的にもすこぶる有効だろう。ジョゼフ核不拡散担当特使がすぐに、米公式見解を発表したのもその効果だろう。
U.N. Security Council Dissolves Unit Looking for Iraqi Arms
Abe Rips Official for A-Bomb Comment
Japan Official Resigns Over A-Bomb Quip
Japan's first female defense minister eyes close U.S. ties
「Expect worse」
This week Mr Kim got his money his way-a success unlikely to soften his tactics. Getting a plausible list of his nuclear activities will be another problem-but not the only one. Japan vows not to normalise relations, nor to help finance the six-party deal, until Mr Kim tells more about the abduction over the years of at least 17 Japanese citizens (the true number is much greater). Its prime minister, Shinzo Abe, has George Bush's assurance that America won't normalise relations either until the abductee issue is tackled. If that resolve holds, it will cheer those trying to ensure that North Korea's appalling human-rights abuses are not overlooked in the push for a nuclear deal. A report this week by Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a British-based human-rights group, points out that alongside the Japanese and hundreds of South Koreans, others have been snatched from elsewhere in Asia, the Middle East and Europe. But it is ordinary North Koreans who suffer most: over the years an estimated 500,000 to 1m have been executed or have died from ill-treatment in Mr Kim's gulag. The CSW report calls on the Security Council to set up a commission of inquiry, and it marshals its evidence to show that the Kim regime has a prima facie case to answer for legally recognised crimes against humanity-from widespread torture, to mass killing and other inhumane acts. Its persecution of Christians, Buddhists and others may also have breached the genocide convention. But veto-wielding China is already under pressure for sending would-be escapees back to North Korea and punishment. It is unlikely to want further UN scrutiny of North Korea's nasty habits. Mr Kim is no doubt counting on that.
REUTERSなんですが、匿名を条件とするニュースソースからの情報で、北朝鮮はまだこの内容を日本には伝達していないとか、そしてこれはREUTERSが言うんですが、この匿名ソースは信頼できる、その根拠として、過去にも確度の高い情報を得たことがある(The source has provided reliable information on the secretive state's policy in the past.)っと。
さて、その匿名情報の内容ですが、金正日が拉致問題の徹底的な調査を発令した、北朝鮮は拉致問題の解決を企図している、("Kim Jong-il has ordered a thorough investigation into the issue ... North Korea intends to resolve this issue," the source told Reuters, requesting anonymity.)、こんな話ですが、この情報を正しいと仮定しても問題はここにおける「解決」とはどういうことを指すのかであり、このことを日本政府の言う「前進」と並べると、果たして今度はどういう茶番が日米朝合作で用意されているか?がなんとなく見えてくると思います。
North Korea to probe abducted Japanese: source
Boss of the inhuman person
The Bush administration is also considering authorizing Mr. Hill to offer to buy from the North Koreans nuclear equipment that they are believed to have purchased several years ago from Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani nuclear engineer.
Japan Changes Name of Iwo Jima
U.S. searching for Iwo Jima Marine
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