


AP Photo



Myanmar troops fire shots to disperse crowds
Buddhist monks defy assembly ban
Burmese riot police attack monks
Burmese troops fire warning shots
Myanmar cracks down on protesters but marches continue




Wife severed husband's penis after sex slurs



 そして今回もイギリスの媒体Sunday Timesが、実はその直前、つまり強襲空爆の直前ですが、にイスラエルの特殊部隊がその施設を強襲して、北朝鮮がシリアに大量破壊兵器あるいは核関連資源を提供した証拠を入手していた、こんな話を報じてます。
それに関連する記事を色々とあたってみたら、やはり16日のSunday Timesの記事に、ここに至るまでの北朝鮮とシリアの核と化学兵器、細菌兵器に関する連携の動向がかなり具体的に示されており、全体としては「それみろ!!ボルトンが警告した通りぢゃんかよ!!」ってな感じの国務省の対朝鮮前のめり非難なんですが、イスラエル側から行われているのであろうこのキャンペーンの真偽はさておき、拉致問題を独力解決できっこない我が国としては歓迎すべき流れではあります。


Despite the apparent nuclear proliferation concerns, Rice noted progress in the six-party talks based on a February 13 agreement under which North Korea agreed to end its nuclear weapons program in return for energy aid and diplomatic and security guarantees. Rice said Pyongyang had provided "very good access" to the experts. US top nuclear negotiator Christopher Hill had said that participants in the six-party talks would seek to devise and adopt a "work plan" for Pyongyang to declare and disable its entire nuclear arsenal.

 Sunday Timesの関連記事に似たような記述はありますが、しかしこの事態は今回のイスラエルの強襲による事態ではなく、2004年4月22日に起きたリョンチョン鉄道爆発事件で爆発した列車にシリアの要員が乗車していた、そしてその処理に核防護服を着た部隊があたっていた、これに関する記述を他の同紙の記述
Diplomats in Pyongyang have said they believe reports that about a dozen Syrian technicians were killed in a massive explosion and railway crash in North Korea on April 22, 2004. Teams of military personnel wearing protective suits were seen removing debris from the section of the train in which the Syrians were travelling, according to a report quoting military sources that appeared in a Japanese newspaper. Their bodies were flown home by a Syrian military cargo plane that was spotted shortly after the explosion at Pyongyang airport.

NKorea must be open about nuclear program:Rice
Snatched: Israeli commandos 'nuclear' raid
A tale of two dictatorships: The links between North Korea and Syria


 ソースはChina cracks down on TV talent showsなんだけど
"The performing style, language, hair and clothing of the contestants must be in line with the taste of the masses."



United Nations S/RES/1776 (2007)
Security Council
Distr.: General 19 September 2007
Resolution 1776 (2007) Adopted by the Security Council at its 5744th meeting, on 19 September 2007 The Security Council,
Reaffirming its previous resolutions on Afghanistan, in particular its resolutions 1386 (2001), 1510 (2003), 1707 (2006) and 1746 (2007),
Reaffirming also its resolutions 1267 (1999), 1368 (2001) and 1373 (2001), and reiterating its support for international efforts to root out terrorism in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,
Recalling its resolutions 1265 (1999), 1296 (2000), 1674 (2006) and 1738 (2006) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict and its resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security,
Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Afghanistan,
Recognizing that the responsibility for providing security and law and order throughout the country resides with the Afghan Authorities and welcoming the cooperation of the Afghan Government with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF),
Recognizing the multifaceted and interconnected nature of the challenges in Afghanistan, reaffirming that sustainable progress on security, governance and development, as well as the cross-cutting issue of counter-narcotics is mutually reinforcing and welcoming the continuing efforts of the Afghan Government and the international community to address these challenges in a coherent manner through the comprehensive framework provided by the Afghanistan Compact,
Stressing the central role that the United Nations continues to play in promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan, noting, in the context of a comprehensive approach, the synergies in the objectives of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and of ISAF, and stressing the need for further sustained cooperation, coordination and mutual support, taking due account of their respective designated responsibilities,
Reiterating its concern about the security situation in Afghanistan, in particular the increased violent and terrorist activities by the Taliban, Al-Qaida, illegally armed groups and those involved in the narcotics trade, and the links between terrorism activities and illicit drugs, resulting in threats to the local population, national security forces and international military and civilian personnel,
Expressing also its concern over the harmful consequences of violent and terrorist activities by the Taliban, Al-Qaida, and other extremist groups on the capacity of the Afghan Government to guarantee the rule of law, to provide basic services to the Afghan people, and to ensure the full enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms,
Reiterating its support for the continuing endeavours by the Afghan Government, with the assistance of the international community, including ISAF and the Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) coalition, to improve the security situation and to continue to address the threat posed by the Taliban, Al-Qaida and other extremist groups, and stressing in this context the need for sustained international efforts, including those of ISAF and the OEF coalition,
Condemning in the strongest terms all attacks, including Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attacks, suicide attacks and abductions, targeting civilians and Afghan and international forces and their deleterious effect on the stabilization, reconstruction and development efforts in Afghanistan, and condemning further the use by the Taliban and other extremist groups of civilians as human shields,
Expressing its concern about all civilian casualties, and reiterating its call for all feasible steps to be taken to ensure the protection of civilian life and for international humanitarian and human rights law to be upheld,
Recognizing the robust efforts taken by ISAF and other international forces to minimize the risk of civilian casualties, notably the continuous review of tactics and procedures and the conduct of after-action reviews in cooperation with the Afghan Government in cases where civilian casualties have reportedly occurred,
Stressing the need for further progress in security sector reform, including further strengthening of the Afghan National Army and Police, disbandment of illegal armed groups, justice sector reform and counter-narcotics,
Stressing in this context the importance of further progress in the reconstruction and reform of the Afghan prison sector, in order to improve the respect for the rule of law and human rights therein,
Reiterating its call on all Afghan parties and groups to engage constructively in peaceful political dialogue within the framework of the Afghan Constitution and in the socio-economic development of the country, and to avoid resorting to violence including through the use of illegal armed groups,
Recognizing the importance of the contribution of neighbouring and regional partners for the stabilization of Afghanistan, and stressing the crucial importance of advancing regional cooperation as an effective means to promote security, governance and development in Afghanistan,
Welcoming the completion of ISAF’s expansion throughout Afghanistan, the continued coordination between ISAF and the OEF coalition, and the cooperation established between ISAF and the European Union presence in Afghanistan, in particular its police mission (EUPOL Afghanistan),
Expressing its appreciation for the leadership provided by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and for the contributions of many nations to ISAF and to the OEF coalition, including its maritime interdiction component,※謝意の部分
Determining that the situation in Afghanistan still constitutes a threat to international peace and security,
Determined to ensure the full implementation of the mandate of ISAF, in coordination with the Afghan Government,
Acting for these reasons under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
1.Decides to extend the authorization of the International Security Assistance Force, as defined in resolutions 1386 (2001) and 1510 (2003), for a period of twelve months beyond 13 October 2007;※活動延長の部分
2. Authorizes the Member States participating in ISAF to take all necessary measures to fulfil its mandate;
3. Recognizes the need to further strengthen ISAF to meet all its operational requirements, and in this regard calls upon Member States to contribute personnel, equipment and other resources to ISAF, and to make contributions to the Trust Fund established pursuant to resolution 1386 (2001);
4. Stresses the importance of increasing the effective functionality, professionalism and accountability of the Afghan security sector in order to provide long-term solutions to security in Afghanistan, and encourages ISAF and other partners to sustain their efforts, as resources permit, to train, mentor and empower the Afghan national security forces, in particular the Afghan National Police;
5. Calls upon ISAF to continue to work in close consultation with the Afghan Government and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General as well as with the OEF coalition in the implementation of the force mandate;
6. Requests the leadership of ISAF to keep the Security Council regularly informed, through the Secretary-General, on the implementation of its mandate, including through the provision of quarterly reports;
7. Decides to remain actively seized of this matter.

 Washington Postの記事に拠れば、このテレビドラマはざっくりSchindler's Listのイラン版なんだそうで、1940年代のパリであった実話をベースにしてるんだそうです。


A Humanitarian-in-Chief
Iran's Newest Hero Aids WWII-Era Jews
France calls for Iran investment boycott
France warning of war with Iran
France says must prepare for possible war with Iran
World should brace for possible war over Iran: France
France moots EU-wide Iran sanctions
France says all must be done to avoid war with Iran
He angrily denied the navy had paid for such surgery for cosmetic reasons. "There are some reasons or circumstances where a lady might need to have that sort of surgery - e.g., breast cancer," Brigadier Nikolic said. Defence policy took into consideration the physical and psychological needs of its personnel but that was a long way from saying if someone did not like their appearance, defence would fund things like breast augmentation, Brigadier Nikolic said. "Where there are medical or dental reasons for a procedure or compelling psychological or psychiatric reasons that may result in a member being classified unfit to deploy on medical or psychological grounds, then we will certainly consider their needs in accordance with our policy," he said.
Dr Tavakoli said the officers, aged 25 and 32, had claimed to have "psychological" problems. "I've had two female navy officers who've got the navy to pay for breast augmentation for psychological reasons," he said. "I know for a fact the two patients claimed it back on the navy. They know it was breast augmentation and they (the navy) pay for it. "There's no breast augmentation that I know of for medical purposes."

Australia navy in breast op row
Navy investigates breast-op claims

「ナチス政策、いい点も」でクビ 独人気司会者
 ドイツ公共放送の人気トークショー番組の人気女性司会者がこのほど、ナチス時代の家族政策を称賛する発言を行い、突然解任された。司会者は、エファ・ヘアマンさん(48)。先週、自著の出版記念会合で、ナチス時代を「危険な指導者がドイツを破滅に導いた恐ろしい時代」と前置きしたうえで、「家族のあり方などでは、いい点もあった」などと語った。これに対し、テレビ局側は番組に出演辞退者が相次いでいることを明らかにしたうえで、解任を発表した。ヘアマン氏は、独大衆紙で「(家庭の重視は)ヒトラーの価値観ではなく、人間にとって基本的な価値観で、第三帝国によってねじ曲げられた」と反論している。(ベルリン 黒沢潤)

 2007 年9月8日、北京市内のマッサージ店でマッサージを受けていた50代の男性が死亡するという事件が起きた。このマッサージ店はマッサージ嬢がうつぶせの客の背中に乗り、足で踏みながら凝りをほぐすという方法で施術しており、男性は施術を受けている最中に突然死した模様。




U.S. scholar allowed to leave Iran





 メルケルが来る、おもに中国に文句を言いにだがw でドイツの政府機関や首相府のシステムが人民解放軍にハックされたちゅう笑い話を書きました。


 最初に目にしたのはSPIEGEL ONLINEの記事「Chinesische Hacker legen Pentagon-Computer lahm」ですが、ソースがFinancial Timesなんでソースをあたってきました。
The Chinese military hacked into a Pentagon computer network in June in the most successful cyber attack on the US defence department, say American -officials. The Pentagon acknowledged shutting down part of a computer system serving the office of Robert Gates, defence secretary, but declined to say who it believed was behind the attack.



Chinese military hacked into Pentagon
China hacked into Pentagon computer network

A Taliban commander, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said on Saturday: "We got more than $20 million dollars from them (the Seoul government). With it we will purchase arms, get our communication network renewed and buy vehicles for carrying out more suicide attacks."

"The two conditions for the release are that we pull out our troops and stop Korean missionary work in Afghanistan by the end of the year," said the official who declined to be identified.



■2007/09/02 (日) スロバキアにおける韓国による反日運動(1)



South Korea insists it paid no ransom to Taliban
In Bayern gibt es einen neuen Gammelfleisch-Skandal: Eine Fleischfirma in Wertingen soll mindestens 20 Tonnen genussuntaugliches Puten- und Rindfleisch an einen Döner-Hersteller geliefert haben.
Im bayerischen Landtag beschäftigt sich ein Untersuchungsausschuss mit der Serie von Fleischskandalen im Freistaat.

 詳しいことはドイツにお住まいのTakako Kleinにでも書いて貰ってください。




 ここまでは政治レベルの話なんですが、今日のNew York Timesにこんな記事がある。Iraq Weapons Are a Focus of Criminal Investigations
BAGHDAD, Aug. 27 - Several federal agencies are investigating a widening network of criminal cases involving the purchase and delivery of billions of dollars of weapons, supplies and other materiel to Iraqi and American forces, according to American officials.
The officials said it amounted to the largest ring of fraud and kickbacks uncovered in the conflict here.


 これにはペトラウス中将の側近のLevonda Joey Selph、ちゅうんだから女性佐官だろうが、そのセルフ中佐に捜査が集中しており、既に民間人と軍人併せて20名が起訴された、その容疑は収賄と詐欺。




イラク首相、国民融和策で「一定の合意」を発表 実効性には疑問も
A Humanitarian-in-Chief
Lobbyists Hired to Press Maliki, Former Premier Says
France calls for new Iraq prime minister
The Return of Ayad Allawi
Bush's History Problem
Sunni leaders to continue Iraq boycott

QUESTION: Thank you. (Laughter.) The French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said that it had to apologize today because he called for the resignation of Prime Minister Maliki in Iraq and there were very strong reactions in Iraq. Do you think it's helpful for the U.S. policy in Iraq?
MR. CASEY: Look, I understand that Foreign Minister Kouchner has spoken to this issue and concerns, comments that he made to major media organization. I think from our perspective, we understand that the Government of France and the governments of all of our friends and allies in Europe want to see progress made in Iraq. And I think it's important that we all work together to try and achieve that. In terms of the specifics regarding the Prime Minister and his status, I think President Bush spoke to that pretty clearly last week. And I don't think anything that's been said since that time either affects our view or affects our opinion of his ability to be able to govern the country.
QUESTION: Mr. Kouchner said that he spoke to Secretary Rice 15 minutes before calling for his resignation. Was he speaking on behalf of the U.S.?
MR. CASEY: Certainly, the President of the United States has been speaking on behalf of the U.S. in terms of our views about the Prime Minister. And I don't think anything that has been said by Foreign Minister Kouchner or anyone else changes the U.S. view of that. And again, I'd just refer you back to the President's remarks.
QUESTION: Did Kouchner tell the Secretary what he was planning to say?
MR. CASEY: I'm not aware that they had any particular discussion about that -- about his comments. In fact, I'm not sure that they did.
QUESTION: I understand that as part of his apology, he said something like, maybe I shouldn't have said it straight away;maybe I should've said that "people have told me that he's going to leave because he is going to." Is --
MR. CASEY: (Laughter.)
QUESTION: -- Maliki going anywhere? Do you know? Where would he have heard that?
MR. CASEY: I don't know. I think the Foreign Minister is both quite capable of speaking for himself and has a very fine spokesman, and I'll let them explain his comments. Again, I think we believe, as the President said, that Prime Minister Maliki's a good man, he's got a tough job to do, but we all are committed to working with him and more importantly with the broader government that he represents to help the Iraqi people achieve their political aims and objectives. And we've seen today some positive signs of a positive step forward in this agreement that's been reached among some of the major political leaders, the presidency council among others. And really, I think where everyone's focus ought to be, and I think where ours is, is trying to help encourage that kind of political development and progress, because ultimately what matters to the Iraqi people and what matters to the success of events in Iraq is going to be a combination of both the ongoing military activities, that the U.S. and other coalition forces are undertaking, as well as making progress on some of these very important political issues that are there and that are required really for Iraq to be able to fully move forward and manage its own affairs in the way that the people would want them to. Michel.
QUESTION: Tom, how do you view the reconciliation deal signed yesterday by Sunni, Shia and Kurds?
MR. CASEY: Yeah, that's part of what I was referring to. Certainly, this is a welcome development, and I think we view it as a good step forward. The thing, of course, as we all know, is that these agreements now need to be implemented and turned into facts on the ground. So I don't want to try and overstate the importance of this, but obviously the fact that these major political factions have been able to come together and reach an agreement on this fairly sensitive issue is something that's welcome and positive. And now what we want to do is encourage them to be able to move forward and take that agreement and implement it, and, again, to do so in a way that it will be -- seem to have meaningful effect and impact on the street in Iraq. Yeah, Nina.
QUESTION: (Inaudible).Maliki was forced to sort of basically come out and use some very strong language and named Clinton and Levin by name. Do you think the comments by the Democrats are very very unhelpful? Do you think they're circumventing U.S. policy on this issue?
MR. CASEY: Look, there's going to be an ongoing debate in the United States about our policies in Iraq and about the best way forward. I know the Prime Minister spoke very clearly about his own views on this, but I think from our perspective, we understand that there are going to be individuals in this country and in our political systems that are going to have and going to speak very forcefully about their views. From our perspective, what we intend to do is work with the Prime Minister, work with his government, help -- as Ryan Crocker has been doing in Baghdad, as General Petraeus has been doing, help Iraq's security forces, help Iraq's political leaders to make the kinds of progress and the kinds of changes in their own internal system that they need to have to really be able to carry out the mandate that the people gave them when they elected them last year. So again, I think this is all part of the political debate. I'll leave it to others to determine whether it helps or hurts anyone particularly in Baghdad. From our perspective, though, the important thing is that there is some progress being made, ncluding on the political scene, as we've seen with this agreement. And that's something that we want to encourage and we want to be able to continue to work with. Yeah.
QUESTION: Aside from the -- going back to the deal between the Sunnis and Shiites and Kurds, what more do you expect them to do in terms of bringing about greater reconciliation? We have already seen them basically offering the hands of friendship to the -- Saddam's party members.
MR. CASEY: Well, as I said, I think this is a welcome agreement, but what needs to happen now, of course, is that that political agreement does need to be implemented. Because again, you can have that basic framework, but if it isn't implemented, if it's not felt on the ground by the people, if it doesn't make an actual change in the situation there, then it won't be complete. So our efforts with the Iraqis will be to focus on helping them to implement these agreements and to develop further ones that may be required to deal with some of the other questions of national reconciliation that are out there.
QUESTION: Are you referring to the oil law?
MR. CASEY: Well, the oil law is something that's out there that still needs to be completed. There's parliamentary action that's required on a number of these issues. And again, having the laws passed by parliament is, again, just another phase in this. Those laws then have to be implemented throughout Iraq and through the Iraqi system. Arshad.

2007/08/28 19:21加筆再掲

 対中脅威の中心は、人民解放軍関連のIPからの首相府内PCを初めとする政府関連サーバやPCに対するアタックで、これを詳述しているのがSPIEGELの「Chinesische Trojaner auf PCs im Kanzleramt」(首相府PCに中国のトロイの木馬)です。


In Peking kommt sie dann am Montag mit der chinesischen Staatsführung zusammen. Auf der Tagesordnung: das Weltklima, Schutz vor Produktpiraterie, Sorgen deutscher Verbraucher wegen gesundheitsgefährdender Produkte. Auch die Menschenrechte will die Kanzlerin ein Jahr vor Beginn der Olympischen Spiele in Peking ansprechen.

■2007/08/26 (日) ドイツ・メルケル首相、訪日
■2007/08/26 (日) めるける首相、訪日

いま気づいたら書き換わってるぞ!!(最終更新日:2007/08/27 00:11:33
■2007/08/27 (月) 独メルケル首相訪中+日 、独、中国にカンカン


Jemand hatte ihn gefragt nach Angriffen von Computer-Hackern. Er stimme zu, dass so etwas nicht gehe, sagte Wen. „Entschlossene Maßnahmen“ kündigte er an.

 さて、追記を書いたついでですんで恒例の都々逸、「■2007/08/27 (月) 独メルケル首相訪中+日 、独、中国にカンカン」がいつの間にか書き換わってます。(爆
ちなみにタイムスタンプは最終更新日:2007/08/27 00:11:33だから上書きだね。

ちゅうんだけどさ、確かに中小企業がやられているとは書いてある、しかし弱みにつけ込んでなんて書いてないし、仮に婆さんの意訳だとしても、中国に対するドイツの弱みってのはなにを指すんだ? 青島租借か?


Chinesische Trojaner auf PCs im Kanzleramt
Merkel will sich in China über Computer-Spähattacke beschweren
Spionage-Angriff auf das Kanzleramt
Kennt dieser Chinese jetzt alle unsere Regierungsgeheimnisse?

Beijing pledges crackdown on hackers
Carmakers Threaten to Sue over Chinese 'Copies'
Kanzlerin Merkel in China „Ein tiefes Gespräch mit Gefühlen“
CHINESISCHE AUTO-KOPIEN Piraten, Plagiate, PS-Boliden
Merkel setzt Signal für Menschenrechte
Kanzlerin in China Merkel mahnt Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit an

Greek authorities on Sunday offered up to a million euros for help catching arsonists blamed for starting some of the fires that have been devastating the country, threatening historic sites and killing dozens. The public order ministry announced rewards of between 100,000 and a million euros (136,000 and 1.36 million dollars) for any information leading to the arrest of those behind the forest fires started "from July 1 to date."
Since Friday, police have arrested 10 people suspected either of starting fires deliberately or simply through negligence, including a 65-year-old man and an elderly woman.



Greece offers 1-mln-euro reward for arsonists as fires toll rises


Notstand in Griechenland
Olympia brennt

Die verheerenden Feuer auf der griechischen Halbinsel Peloponnes haben am Sonntagnachmittag die ersten Häuser der antiken Stätte erreicht. „Olympia brennt! Helft uns! Die Front kommt auf die antike Stätte zu. Wir müssen weg“, schrie der Direktor der Museumsanlage, Christos Giannaras, ins Telefon. Auch das Gebäude des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees werde von den Flammen bedroht, sagte ein Augenzeuge.

Ministerpräsident Kostas Karamanlis machte Brandstifter für die Feuer verantwortlich. In einer Fernsehansprache sagte er: „Es kann kein Zufall sein, dass wir so viele Waldbrände innerhalb kürzester Zeit haben.“ Seine Regierung werde alles tun, um die Schuldigen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Die Polizei verhörte am Samstag sieben mutmaßliche Brandstifter.


Fire Reaches Hillside Next to Olympia
Greek forest fires kill 51 as blaze nears Athens
Greek fires reach ancient Olympics site
Antikes Olympia vor Feuerwalze gerettet
Feuer kurz vor antikem Olympia gestoppt
Greek fires toll rises but Ancient Olympia is spared





 Bildの「Waldbrände in Griechenland außer Kontrolle Dutzende Menschen sterben in Feuer-Hölle」って記事には14枚ほど写真があるのでリンクを貼っておくが、そのトップにある写真がこれだ。


Greek fires claim 41 lives
Forest fires kill 37 in southern Greece
Feuerhölle verwüstet den Peloponnes
Vast Fires Scorch Greece
Flammenhölle in Griechenland „Apokalyptische Bilder“



New photos expose Sudan arms violations
New photo evidence shows that the Sudanese government is continuing to deploy offensive military equipment in Darfur, despite the UN arms embargo and peace agreements.
Amnesty International (AI) today released new photographs that show Sudan's breathtaking defiance of the arms embargo and the Darfur peace deals.
"Once again Amnesty International calls on the UN Security Council to act decisively to ensure the embargo is effectively enforced, including by the placement of UN observers at all ports of entry in Sudan and Darfur," said Brian Wood, Amnesty International's Arms Control Research Manager.
The photographs, sent to AI and the International Peace Information Service by eyewitnesses in Darfur, reinforce evidence provided in AI's May 2007 report: "Sudan: Arms continuing to fuel serious human rights violations in Darfur".
The photos were taken in July at El Geneina airport in Darfur.

c AI/International Peace Information Service
This photo shows containers being offloaded by Sudanese army soldiers from an Antonov aircraft onto military trucks at the military apron of El Geneina airport.
The Russian-supplied Antonov 12 freighter aircraft with registration number ST-ASA is listed as operated by Azza Transport, itself under investigation by the UN Panel of Experts on the Sudan arms embargo for arms transfers into Darfur.

AI has received reports of helicopters delivering arms to militias allied to the government, and of the continued deployment of attack helicopters.
Russia signed a deal to supply at least 15 general military helicopters (Mi-17s) during 2005 and 2006 and also supplied 12 attack helicopters (Mi-24s) in 2005.
The Sudanese government continues to launch aerial attacks on civilians in Darfur.
China supplied Fantan jets, carrying air-to-ground missiles, to Sudan until 2006.

c AI/International Peace Information Service   c AI/International Peace Information Service
Left: A Russian-supplied Mi-17 military helicopter (registration number 534) belonging to the Sudanese Air Force at El Geneina. Russia signed a deal to supply at least 15 such helicopters for delivery in 2005 and 2006.
Right: A Russian-supplied Mi-24 attack helicopter (registration number 928) redeployed to El Geneina airport from Nyala, Darfur. Russia supplied 12 such attack helicopters to Sudan in 2005.

In South Darfur, a Sudanese government Antonov aircraft carried out bombing raids in August after an attack by one armed opposition movement on the town of Adila.
They targeted villages and water points.
There have been a number of Antonov raids on Ta'alba, while the villages of Habib Suleiman and Fataha were also bombed.
An Antonov capable of such raids was reportedly transferred from Russia to Sudan in September 2006.
Thousands of displaced villagers have fled the Jebel Moon/Sirba area in West Darfur after attacks byJanjawid-supported government forces on areas under control of armed opposition groups.
Local people said the forces were supplied by helicopters.
There is further concern at reports that armed Sudanese border intelligence guards at El Geneina are using militarized vehicles in civilian settlements.
Many in the border intelligence have come from the Janjawid militia, with little done to exclude those responsible for serious human rights violations.
The proliferation of small arms and militarized vehicles in Darfur has led to an increase in armed attacks on aid convoys and other devastating attacks against civilians.
The government has consistently failed to stop such attacks by ethnic groups using government arms and vehicles.
On 31 July, the northern Rizeigat group -- armed with rocket propelled grenades and machine guns and using scores of militarized vehicles -- mounted an attack on the Tarjem group which left at least 68 people dead.
Both groups identify themselves as Arabs and have been members of the Janjawid and various Sudanese government-backed paramilitary forces such as the Popular Defence Force (PDF).
On the same day, the UN Security Council agreed to send a newly strengthened African Union-United Nations hybrid force to Darfur, but further action is needed.
"If weapons continue to flow into Darfur and peacekeepers are not given the power to disarm and demobilize all armed opposition groups and Janjawid militia, the ability of the new peacekeeping force to protect civilians will be severely impeded," said Erwin van der Borght, Director of Amnesty International's Africa Program
"The UN Security Council must ensure that the arms embargo on Darfur is fully and effectively enforced and that peacekeepers are mandated to disarm or demobilize such groups."
Georgia fires at 'Russian plane'
Georgian forces have fired at an aircraft they believed to be Russian after it violated Georgian airspace, a senior government official said. Tbilisi could not confirm whether the plane was shot down, but said that a nearby section of forest, in Abkhazia's Kodori Gorge, was on fire. Russia dismissed the claim, and an air force spokesman called it "the latest provocation aimed against us".


 ロイターにはGeorgia says it fired at Russian plane this weekという記事があり、そこには
He(グルジア内務省のShota Utiashvili) said that it had headed towards a deserted mountain part of the rebel Georgian region of Abkhazia that was held by separatists. Upper Abkhazia, where Georgia says the shooting incident took place, is a small mountainous part of the breakaway Abkhazia province still controlled by Tbilisi.


Earlier this year, Britain's Defense Secretary Des Browne said that since 1990 12 British personnel had died in friendly fire incidents involving U.S. forces in Iraq, but that there had been no such deaths in Afghanistan.


3 British Soldiers Killed by U.S. Bomb
From London, apology on slavery Mayor says city shares in blame
"You can look across there to see the institutions that still have the benefit of the wealth they created out of slavery," Livingstone said, pointing through a huge window at the skyscrapers of the financial district. "As mayor, I offer an apology on behalf of London and its institutions for their role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade."





Nicolas Sarkozy before [left] and as published in Paris Match

The trim 54-year-old is a hit with the ladies. "What a hunk!" wrote one female SPIEGEL ONLINE reader from the US. "I've only seen Putin as a meek little Russian leader. ... Well, this most certainly shows (him in) a different light. He's a real man's man!"





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