

 今のところ、問題のAPの記事にMike Honda議員が反応した形跡を掴むことが出来ないでいますが、とりあえず、APの記事を生で読んでみた感想として、古森さんの記事にはかなり意図的な歪曲なのか、あるいは過ぎた意訳か、とにかくAPの記事にある内容とかなり異なる内容があるということを指摘しておきたいと思います。


-Sadly, we police had to set up sexual comfort stations for the occupation troops," recounts the official history of the Ibaraki Prefectural Police Department, whose jurisdiction is just northeast of Tokyo. "The strategy was, through the special work of experienced women, to create a breakwater to protect regular women and girls."

(東京の北東を管轄圏とする茨城県警の公式な記録が「悲しむべきことに、我々県警は占領軍のための慰安所を設営しなくてはならなかった。 その計画では、経験豊富な婦女子の特殊な作業を通して、一般の婦女子を護るための防波堤を作ることになっていた。」と述べている。)

-The orders from the Ministry of the Interior came on Aug. 18, 1945, one day before a Japanese delegation flew to the Philippines to negotiate the terms of their country's surrender and occupation.


-After its surrender - with tacit approval from the U.S. occupation authorities - Japan set up a similar "comfort women" system for American GIs.


-Though arranged and supervised by the police and civilian government, the system mirrored the comfort stations established by the Japanese military abroad during the war.





-Although there are suspicions, there is not clear evidence non-Japanese comfort women were imported to Japan as part of the program.


-The U.S. occupation leadership provided the Japanese government with penicillin for comfort women servicing occupation troops, established prophylactic stations near the RAA brothels and, initially, condoned the troops' use of them, according to documents discovered by Tanaka.


-Occupation leaders were not blind to the similarities between the comfort women procured by Japan for its own troops and those it recruited for the GIs. A Dec. 6, 1945, memorandum from Lt. Col. Hugh McDonald, a senior officer with the Public Health and Welfare Division of the occupation's General Headquarters, shows U.S. occupation forces were aware the Japanese comfort women were often coerced.


-Amid complaints from military chaplains and concerns that disclosure of the brothels would embarrass the occupation forces back in the U.S., on March 25, 1946, MacArthur placed all brothels, comfort stations and other places of prostitution off limits. The RAA soon collapsed.


-MacArthur's primary concern was not only a moral one. By that time, Tanaka says, more than a quarter of all American GIs in the occupation forces had a sexually transmitted disease. "The nationwide off-limits policy suddenly put more than 150,000 Japanese women out of a job," Tanaka wrote in a 2002 book on sexual slavery. Most continued to serve the troops illegally. Many had VD and were destitute, he wrote.



GIs Frequented Japan's 'Comfort Women'
Apr 25, 9:45 PM EDT

Associated Press Writer

TOKYO (AP) -- Japan's abhorrent practice of enslaving women to provide sex for its troops in World War II has a little-known sequel: After its surrender - with tacit approval from the U.S. occupation authorities - Japan set up a similar "comfort women" system for American GIs.

(軍隊にセックスを提供するために女性を隷属させるという第二次大戦中の日本の忌まわしい慣行にはあまり知られていない続編がある。 日本の降伏の後、占領軍司令部の暗黙の承認に基づいて日本はアメリカ兵ために同様の「従軍慰安婦」システムを設営した。)

An Associated Press review of historical documents and records - some never before translated into English - shows American authorities permitted the official brothel system to operate despite internal reports that women were being coerced into prostitution. The Americans also had full knowledge by then of Japan's atrocious treatment of women in countries across Asia that it conquered during the war.


Tens of thousands of women were employed to provide cheap sex to U.S. troops until the spring of 1946, when Gen. Douglas MacArthur shut the brothels down.


The documents show the brothels were rushed into operation as American forces poured into Japan beginning in August 1945.


"Sadly, we police had to set up sexual comfort stations for the occupation troops," recounts the official history of the Ibaraki Prefectural Police Department, whose jurisdiction is just northeast of Tokyo. "The strategy was, through the special work of experienced women, to create a breakwater to protect regular women and girls."

(東京の北東を管轄圏とする茨城県警の公式な記録が「悲しむべきことに、我々県警は占領軍のための慰安所を設営しなくてはならなかった。 その計画では、経験豊富な婦女子の特殊な作業を通して、一般の婦女子を護るための防波堤を作ることになっていた。」と述べている。)

The orders from the Ministry of the Interior came on Aug. 18, 1945, one day before a Japanese delegation flew to the Philippines to negotiate the terms of their country's surrender and occupation.


The Ibaraki police immediately set to work. The only suitable facility was a dormitory for single police officers, which they quickly converted into a brothel. Bedding from the navy was brought in, along with 20 comfort women. The brothel opened for business Sept. 20.


"As expected, after it opened it was elbow to elbow," the history says. "The comfort women ... had some resistance to selling themselves to men who just yesterday were the enemy, and because of differences in language and race, there were a great deal of apprehensions at first. But they were paid highly, and they gradually came to accept their work peacefully."

(「予想通りに、それが営業を開始した後は門前市をなす賑わいだった。 慰安婦には当初、昨日までの敵に身体を売ることへの少なからぬ抵抗感や、言語や人種の違いによる多くの不安があった。しかし、彼女らは高額を支払われ、徐々に穏やかに彼らの作業を受け入れるようになった。」と茨城県警史は語る。)

Police officials and Tokyo businessmen established a network of brothels under the auspices of the Recreation and Amusement Association, which operated with government funds. On Aug. 28, 1945, an advance wave of occupation troops arrived in Atsugi, just south of Tokyo. By nightfall, the troops found the RAA's first brothel.


"I rushed there with two or three RAA executives, and was surprised to see 500 or 600 soldiers standing in line on the street," Seiichi Kaburagi, the chief of public relations for the RAA, wrote in a 1972 memoir. He said American MPs were barely able to keep the troops under control.


Though arranged and supervised by the police and civilian government, the system mirrored the comfort stations established by the Japanese military abroad during the war.


Kaburagi wrote that occupation GIs paid upfront and were given tickets and condoms. The first RAA brothel, called Komachien - The Babe Garden - had 38 women, but due to high demand that was quickly increased to 100. Each woman serviced from 15 to 60 clients a day.


American historian John Dower, in his book "Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of WWII," says the charge for a short session with a prostitute was 15 yen, or about a dollar, roughly the cost of half a pack of cigarettes.


Kaburagi said the sudden demand forced brothel operators to advertise for women who were not licensed prostitutes.


Natsue Takita, a 19-year-old Komachien worker whose relatives had been killed in the war, responded to an ad seeking an office worker. She was told the only positions available were for comfort women and was persuaded to accept the offer.


According to Kaburagi's memoirs, published in Japanese after the occupation ended in 1952, Takita jumped in front of a train a few days after the brothel started operations. "The worst victims ... were the women who, with no previous experience, answered the ads calling for `Women of the New Japan,'" he wrote.


By the end of 1945, about 350,000 U.S. troops were occupying Japan. At its peak, Kaburagi wrote, the RAA employed 70,000 prostitutes to serve them. Although there are suspicions, there is not clear evidence non-Japanese comfort women were imported to Japan as part of the program.


Toshiyuki Tanaka, a history professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute, cautioned that Kaburagi's number is hard to document. But he added the RAA was also only part of the picture - the number of private brothels outside the official system was likely even higher.

(タナカ トシユキ(広島平和研究所の歴史教授)は、カブラギの数は証拠資料とするには無理があるとしながらも、RAAはほんの一部であり、公設の慰安所の以外の私設売春宿の数はおそらくそれより遙かに多かったと付け加えた。)

The U.S. occupation leadership provided the Japanese government with penicillin for comfort women servicing occupation troops, established prophylactic stations near the RAA brothels and, initially, condoned the troops' use of them, according to documents discovered by Tanaka.


Occupation leaders were not blind to the similarities between the comfort women procured by Japan for its own troops and those it recruited for the GIs. A Dec. 6, 1945, memorandum from Lt. Col. Hugh McDonald, a senior officer with the Public Health and Welfare Division of the occupation's General Headquarters, shows U.S. occupation forces were aware the Japanese comfort women were often coerced.


"The girl is impressed into contracting by the desperate financial straits of her parents and their urging, occasionally supplemented by her willingness to make such a sacrifice to help her family," he wrote. "It is the belief of our informants, however, that in urban districts the practice of enslaving girls, while much less prevalent than in the past, still exists."

(彼は、「女性達は両親の絶望的な困窮と彼らの要請による場合、そして希に、そうした家族の窮状のために犠牲になろうという意志を伴って契約を結んでいるような印象を受ける。 これは我々の情報提供者の意見であるけれども、昔ほどには一般的でないにしろ地方都市では女性を隷属させる習慣がいまだに存在する。」と書いている。)

Amid complaints from military chaplains and concerns that disclosure of the brothels would embarrass the occupation forces back in the U.S., on March 25, 1946, MacArthur placed all brothels, comfort stations and other places of prostitution off limits. The RAA soon collapsed.


MacArthur's primary concern was not only a moral one. By that time, Tanaka says, more than a quarter of all American GIs in the occupation forces had a sexually transmitted disease. "The nationwide off-limits policy suddenly put more than 150,000 Japanese women out of a job," Tanaka wrote in a 2002 book on sexual slavery. Most continued to serve the troops illegally. Many had VD and were destitute, he wrote.


Under intense pressure, Japan's government apologized in 1993 for its role in running brothels around Asia and coercing women into serving its troops. The issue remains controversial today.


In January, California Rep. Mike Honda offered a resolution in the House condemning Japan's use of sex slaves, in part to renew pressure on Japan ahead of the closure of the Asian Women's Fund, a private foundation created two years after the apology to compensate comfort women.


The fund compensated only 285 women in the Philippines, South Korea and Taiwan, out of an estimated 50,000-200,000 comfort women enslaved by Japan's military in those countries during the war. Each received 2 million yen, about $17,800. A handful of Dutch and Indonesian women were also given assistance. The fund closed, as scheduled, on March 31.


Haruki Wada, the fund's executive director, said its creation marked an important change in attitude among Japan's leadership and represented the will of Japan's "silent majority" to see that justice is done. He also noted that although it was a private organization, the government was its main sponsor, kicking in 4.625 billion yen, about $40 million. Even so, he admitted it fell short of expectations.


"The vast majority of the women did not come forward," he said. As a step toward acknowledging and resolving the exploitation of Japanese women, however, it was a complete failure. Though they were free to do so, no Japanese women sought compensation. "Not one Japanese woman has come forward to seek compensation or an apology," Wada said. "Unless they feel they can say they were completely forced against their will, they feel they cannot come forward."

(「大多数の女性は申し出なかった。」と、彼は言った。日本女性に対する搾取を認め、それを還元する為の方法としては完全に失敗だった。彼女たちがそうするのは自由だけれど、日本の女性は補償を求めなかった。「ただ一人の日本の女性も補償または謝罪を求めるために申し出なかった。 彼女たちが完全に意志に反して強制されたと言うことが出来ると思わない限り、彼女たちは申し出られると思うことは出来ない。」と、ワダは語った。)


 産経新聞の古森さんが今日の未明に書かれた「米軍も「慰安婦調達」 それを知ったホンダ議員「旧日本軍は強制」と強調」という記事を巡って凄いことになってる。









North Korea nuclear talks may resume soon:Report
-Six-party talks on ending North Korea's nuclear programme could resume as early as next week as the United States expected a resolution of a row involving North Korean funds, Japan's foreign minister was quoted as saying.

-"The United States is confident that (the settlement of the issue) is near.
I would not be surprised at all (if the six-party talks) resumed next week," Taro Aso told reporters in Sharm EL-Sheikh, Egypt, late on Friday, according to Japan's Kyodo news agency.

-"The North Koreans have repeatedly signaled to us...that they are prepared to implement the February 13 agreement," Hill told a symposium in Washington on Friday, according to Kyodo.
"We need to show more patience," Hill was quoted as saying.


サウジ「破格の厚遇」 脱石油依存へ対日関係重視にあるようなはしゃぎ方、というか、はやし方は国際感覚欠如してると思うんだよね。


The Prime Minister Abe seems to be also an amateur.


AA 07 33 27 April 2007
Australia Provides Humanitarian Assistance to North Korea
Australia will provide nearly $4 million in assistance to North Koreans to help meet some of their pressing humanitarian needs.
The assistance will be delivered through UN agencies and the International Red Cross.
There are major ongoing humanitarian needs in North Korea, particularly in health, hygiene and nutrition.
Thirty-seven percent of North Koreans suffer from chronic malnutrition, and two-thirds of North Korean children do not receive enough food because of a one million tonne food shortfall.
Many North Koreans also lack access to clean water and sanitation.
Australian assistance will respond to these humanitarian needs.
The Australian Government will provide $1.5 million through the World Food Programme (WFP) to provide food for 1.9 million people.
We will continue to support UNICEF's excellent water and sanitation program with a further contribution of $1.5 million.
We will also provide $467,000 for emergency health and essential medicines to be delivered by the World Health Organization;
and $500,000 for disaster management and water supply and sanitation to be delivered by the Red Cross.

The recent Australian senior officials' delegation to North Korea in mid March confirmed the pressing needs for humanitarian aid.
It reported that Australia's previous humanitarian assistance been very effective, well-targeted and well-delivered.




 ちなみに「Japan-Australia Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation」にはこう書いてある。

Recalling their on-going beneficial cooperation on regional and global security challenges, including terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, and human security concerns such as disaster relief and pandemics, as well as their contributions to regional peace and stability;

Japan and Australia will strengthen their cooperation and consultation on issues of common strategic interest in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
This includes cooperation for a peaceful resolution of issues related to North Korea, including its nuclear development, ballistic missile activities, and humanitarian issues including the abduction issue.
Japan and Australia also recognise the threat to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond posed by terrorism and will further strengthen cooperation to address this threat.

 わざわざThis includes cooperation for a peaceful resolution of issues related to North Korea, including its nuclear development, ballistic missile activities, and humanitarian issues including the abduction issue.とまで書いてあるんだけど、これは反故ですかい?



 昨日は続:国務省年次報告に見るアメリカの裏切り でアメリカ国務省の年次報告の中の国際テロリズムとテロ支援国家の報告内容の変化について

North Korea
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was not known to have sponsored any terrorist acts since the bombing of a Korean Airlines flight in 1987. The DPRK continued to harbor four Japanese Red Army members who participated in a jet hijacking in 1970. The Japanese government continued to seek a full accounting of the fate of the 12 Japanese nationals believed to have been abducted by DPRK state entities;five such abductees have been repatriated to Japan since 2002. In the February 13, 2007 Initial Actions Agreement, the United States agreed to "begin the process of removing the designation of the DPRK as a state-sponsor of terrorism."









BDAそしてDaedong Credit Bank




Japan’s rhetoric masks energy policy failure
By David Pilling
Published: May 1 2007 01:32 Last updated: May 1 2007 01:32
When Shinzo Abe was in Washington last week he spent much time talking George W. Bush through the merits of bio-ethanol, “emissions free nuclear power” and energy-saving technology. But lest anyone imagine Japan can somehow swap its dependence on Middle Eastern oil for an alternative energy policy, Japan’s prime minister set the record straight by flying immediately to Saudi Arabia for a whirlwind tour of the Gulf.
Well he might. In spite of years of trying to wean itself off Middle Eastern oil, Japan remains as dependent as ever. The Gulf states provide 76 per cent of Japan’s hefty oil requirements. Of its main suppliers Mr Abe neglected to visit only Iran, from which it imports 11 per cent of its oil.
Speaking in Saudi Arabia, which alone accounts for 30 per cent of Tokyo’s oil imports, Mr Abe said: “We do not need any words to say how important the Middle East is for Japan.” Launching his so-called “look east policy”, he called for a “new era of Japan’s relations”.
Behind the rhetoric lies the failure of Japan’s recent energy strategy. Projects intended to wean Japan off traditional Gulf suppliers have come un-stuck. Last October its 75 per cent stake in Iran’s Azadegan oilfield, a project on which it had devoted years of painstaking diplomatic effort, was slashed to 10 per cent.
Something similar happened in Sakhalin, in far eastern Russia, where Mitsui and Mitsubishi have been forced by the Kremlin to dilute their stakes in a massive liquefied natural gas project. A pipeline Japanese bureaucrats had hoped would bring oil from Siberia to within short shipping distance of Japan appears more likely to go to China, now a formidable global competitor for energy resources.
Even in the Middle East Tokyo has suffered. In 2000 Japan’s Arabian Oil lost its concession to the Khafji oilfield, a huge blow followed in 2003 by termination of a 40-year concession in Kuwait.
Such setbacks have caused disquiet at home, where energy dependence has been a hypersensitive issue since before the second world war. In a recent biting editorial the conservative Yomiuri newspaper blamed lack of a comprehensive energy policy” and endorsed a government plan to raise the amount of oil in which Japan has a direct concession from 15 per cent of im-ports to 40 per cent by 2030.
Mr Abe’s engagement of the Middle East appears to have at least three prongs. The first is to get the Japanese government more directly involved in oil-related projects. Tokyo on Saturday signed a deal to store Saudi oil on the island of Okinawa. In return, Japan would get preferential access in times of emergency.
The following day, in Abu Dhabi, the Japan Bank for International Co-operation said it would lend an initial $1bn to the emirate in return for longer-term oil contracts. Tokyo is also hoping Abu Dhabi will look favourably on renewing Japanese concessions. The emirate accounts for no less than half of Japan’s independent oil development worldwide.
The second prong is to diversify Japan’s regional investment. In a policy described by one foreign ministry official as “enlightened self-interest”, Tokyo hopes that greater investments by Japanese industrials will foster political stability by helping the Middle East in its efforts to graduate from oil-only economies.
Mr Abe told a business forum in Riyadh: “We need multi-layer economic relations beyond those based simply on oil.” He came with nearly 180 top businessmen.
Since 2001 Japanese businesses have indeed invested billions in transport, gas pipeline and petrochemicals projects. The Keidanren, the powerful business lobby, is urging Tokyo to conclude a bilateral trade agreement with the six-country Gulf Co-operation Council, which it says would lead to further investment.
The third prong is political. Japan has always liked to stress its supposedly subtle understanding of the region and has put itself forward as a potential mediator in peace efforts. Until it lost control of the Azadegan oil concession, Tokyo also took a more moderate position on Iran.
Mr Abe has been at pains to emphasise that Japan’s involvement in Iraq, where it deployed ground forces, was motivated by purely humanitarian aims. But, whether or not it is made explicit, lurking below the surface will be the age-old subject of oil.

 記者B 日米会談での首相の慰安婦発言が、報道ではまるで首相が米国に謝罪したかのようになっている。元慰安婦に謝罪するのならまだ分かるが、米国に謝罪となると意味が分からない。ご所感は。また言いたいことはあるか

 安倍首相 米国に謝罪したということではまず、全くない。当たり前の話だ。私の慰安婦の方々に対する気持ちが間違って伝わっていたので、私の率直な気持ちを伝えたということだ



日本語の速記録も会見録出てないんでそこは微妙なんだけども、安倍総理は「AWell, in my meeting with the congressional representatives yesterday, I explained my thoughts, and that is I do have deep-hearted sympathies that my people had to serve as comfort women, were placed in extreme hardships, and had to suffer that sacrifice;and that I, as Prime Minister of Japan, expressed my apologizes, and also expressed my apologizes for the fact that they were placed in that sort of circumstance. The 20th century was a century that human rights were violated in many parts of the world. So we have to make the 21st century a century -- a wonderful century in which no human rights are violated. And I, myself, and Japan wish to make significant contributions to that end. And so I explained these thoughts to the President.」とは言ったわけでしょ。


 エセ保守はNew york timesの大西哲光や朝日新聞がすり替えやればがたがた騒ぐくせに、同じすり替えを産経やその関係者がやっても騒がないってのは分かり易すぎで馬鹿馬鹿しい。


Chapter 6 -- State Sponsors of Terror Overview
Libya and Sudan continued to take significant steps to cooperate in the global war on terror. Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria, however, continued to maintain their ties to terrorist groups. Iran and Syria routinely provide unique safe haven, substantial resources and guidance to terrorist organizations. State sponsors of terrorism provide critical support to non-state terrorist groups. Without state sponsors, terrorist groups would have much more difficulty obtaining the funds, weapons, materials, and secure areas they require to plan and conduct operations. Most worrisome is that some of these countries also have the capability to manufacture WMD and other destabilizing technologies that can get into the hands of terrorists. The United States will continue to insist that these countries end the support they give to terrorist groups.

Chapter 3 -- State Sponsors of Terrorism Overview
State sponsors of terrorism provide critical support to non-state terrorist groups. Without state sponsors, terrorist groups would have much more difficulty obtaining the funds, weapons, materials, and secure areas they require to plan and conduct operations. Most worrisome is that some of these countries also have the capability to manufacture weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and other destabilizing technologies that could get into the hands of terrorists. The United States will continue to insist that these countries end the support they give to terrorist groups. As a result of the historic decisions taken by Libya's leadership in 2003 to renounce terrorism and to abandon its WMD programs, the United States rescinded Libya's designation as a state sponsors of terrorism on June 30. Since pledging to renounce terrorism in 2003, Libya has cooperated closely with the United States and the international community on counterterrorism efforts. Sudan continued to take significant steps to cooperate in the War on Terror. Cuba, Iran, and Syria, however, have not renounced terrorism or made efforts to act against Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Iran and Syria routinely provided safe haven, substantial resources, and guidance to terrorist organizations. Venezuela was certified by the Secretary of State as "not fully cooperating" with U.S. counterterrorism efforts. The designation, included in Section 40A of the Arms Export Control Act, was based on a review of Venezuela's overall efforts to fight terrorism. Effective October 1, the decision imposed sanctions on all commercial arms sales and transfers. It remains in effect until September 30, 2007, when it may be renewed by a determination by the Secretary.
(Venezuela is the only nation certified as "not fully cooperating" that is not a state sponsor of terrorism.)

 2005年版には"Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria, however, continued to maintain their ties to terrorist groups."、日本語訳すれば"しかしながら(前節でリビアとスーダンが国際テロ組織との関わりを断ちつつあると書いたことに対して)キューバ、イラン、北朝鮮、シリアはテログループとの関係を継続し続けた。"と書かれているのが、2006年版では引き続きWMD(大量破壊兵器)拡散の懸念には言及しながらも、何故か北朝鮮に関する記述はまったくなくなっており、そして代わりに庭先の急進的反米国家ベネズェラが登場してきている。

North Korea
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is not known to have sponsored any terrorist acts since the bombing of a Korean Airlines flight in 1987. Pyongyang in 2003 allowed the return to Japan of five surviving abductees, and in 2004 of eight family members, mostly children, of those abductees. Questions about the fate of other abductees remain the subject of ongoing negotiations between Japan and the DPRK. In November, the DPRK returned to Japan what it identified as the remains of two Japanese abductees, whom the North had reported as having died in North Korea. The issue remained contentious at year's end. There are also credible reports that other nationals were abducted from locations abroad. The ROK government estimates that approximately 485 civilians were abducted or detained since the 1950-53 Korean War. Four Japanese Red Army members remain in the DPRK following their involvement in a jet hijacking in 1970; five of their family members returned to Japan in 2004.



North Korea
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was not known to have sponsored any terrorist acts since the bombing of a Korean Airlines flight in 1987. The DPRK continued to harbor four Japanese Red Army members who participated in a jet hijacking in 1970. The Japanese government continued to seek a full accounting of the fate of the 12 Japanese nationals believed to have been abducted by DPRK state entities;five such abductees have been repatriated to Japan since 2002. In the February 13, 2007 Initial Actions Agreement, the United States agreed to "begin the process of removing the designation of the DPRK as a state-sponsor of terrorism."



In the February 13, 2007 Initial Actions Agreement, the United States agreed to "begin the process of removing the designation of the DPRK as a state-sponsor of terrorism."


 そうした非公式合意が米朝間にあることは既に知られていることではありますが、いわゆる6カ国協議の「60-Day Assessment」として公式に発表されている合意内容にはこれはない。

North Korea's 60-Day Assessment
On February 13, the United States, China, Japan, Russia, the ROK, and the DPRK agreed on a set of Initial Actions to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and fully realize the September 2005 Joint Statement.
As agreed in the Feb. 13 statement, the parties convened five working groups to address denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, economic and energy cooperation, Northeast Asia peace and security, U.S.-DPRK relations, and Japan-DPRK relations.
The DPRK invited in IAEA Director-General ElBaradei for initial discussions relating to the monitoring and verification of the shutdown and sealing of the nuclear facilities at its Yongbyon complex.
In addition, the U.S. carried out its promise to finalize its action with respect to Banco Delta Asia.
While a variety of technical issues delayed the unblocking of BDA funds to account holders, as of April 10, all North Korea-related accounts that had been blocked at Banco Delta Asia (BDA) were un-blocked, thus conclusively resolving the issue.
It remains for the DPRK to realize fully its commitments under the February 13 agreement by inviting back the IAEA immediately to begin shutting and sealing the Yongbyon nuclear facility.
This would enable the other parties to follow through with the provision of emergency energy assistance equivalent to 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil (HFO) and move the Six-Party process forward to the next phase of implementing the September 2005 Joint Statement.
We, along with all our other Six-Party partners, remain firmly committed to prompt completion of the initial action plan and to achieving the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula through the implementation of the Joint Statement.
We will continue to consult closely with all parties to consider next steps.
We have taken note of the DPRK's April 13 statement reaffirming that the DPRK "remains unchanged in its will to implement the February 13 agreement" and will "move" when the BDA resolution "is proved to be a reality." It is time now for the DPRK to make its move so that all of us can move forward.

BDAそしてDaedong Credit Bank

(07/05/01 23:00 加筆再掲)


 6カ国協議でBDA問題がキリモミに入ったあたりのアメリカ政府内の議論として、ある段階で北朝鮮宥和派が主導権を握った話は英語系メディアでは先月の終わり頃に流れており、国務省と財務相はいまや一枚岩であると、そして北朝鮮の合意履行に関してかなり楽観的であり、悲観的なのはボルトンに代表されるような既に政権から外れたネオコン系の人物ばかりだと、こんなことのようで、ブッシュが日米首脳会談で述べたwise diplomacyというのはそういうことです。




頑張るニューヨークタイムズの大西哲光(NORIMITSU ONISHI) 

米国務省、テロ支援国指定見直し明記 北朝鮮拉致の記述大幅削減







テロ支援国指定見直し明記 米政府の年次報告書
2007年05月01日 9:10 【共同通信】











 さて、以下にホワイトハウスのWEBに掲示されている「President Bush and Prime Minister Abe of Japan Participate in a Joint Press Availability」の中から売春婦問題に関する安倍発言の部分を引用します。

Well, in my meeting with the congressional representatives yesterday, I explained my thoughts, and that is I do have deep-hearted sympathies that my people had to serve as comfort women, were placed in extreme hardships, and had to suffer that sacrifice; and that I, as Prime Minister of Japan, expressed my apologizes, and also expressed my apologizes for the fact that they were placed in that sort of circumstance.


 ここで敢えて書かずもがなの「あなた総理番記者でしょ」ということを書いたのは何故かというと、阿比留さんの話の中には4月3日の安倍総理とブッシュとの売春婦問題沈静化に関わる電話協議の話が一切出てこないからなんですが、何故ですか? 「オフレコ書くな」と言われているんでしょうか? あるいは知らされてもいないとか?


The 20th century was a century that human rights were violated in many parts of the world. So we have to make the 21st century a century -- a wonderful century in which no human rights are violated. And I, myself, and Japan wish to make significant contributions to that end. And so I explained these thoughts to the President.







頑張るニューヨークタイムズの大西哲光(NORIMITSU ONISHI) 

北、資金移動を提案 BDA問題で露・伊銀行に 


これもまたガセであることを祈念しながら寝ることとしますが、それにしてもColin McaskillとDaedong Credit Bankの名前がとんと出なくなりました。

 3月27日ですからもうかれこれ一ヶ月になりますが、U.S. official meets North Koreans over funds(ロイター)で名前が出たのが最後ですね。

その先端にいたのが北朝鮮の財テク担当のColin McAskillであり、その名前が出なくなったということはこのイタリアでユーロ、ロシアでドルならアメリカの制裁は及びにくく、アメリカが異議を唱えなければそういう環境を環境を得る、実質的な制裁外しが出来るってことですか。





首相 自衛隊の人道復興支援、政府開発援助(ODA)、債務救済などに取り組んでいる。
国王 安定化のためには国民融和が不可欠だ。



A Saudi Prince Tied to Bush Is Sounding Off-Key
Saudi King Declines to Receive Iraqi Leader

Excerpt: Condi's Rescue Mission
U.S. losing faith in Saudi Arabia as Mideast go-between

 お読みになれば解りますが、日本側から持ち出して声明に盛られているのは「Working Together to Promote Economic Growth-Oriented Approaches to Energy Security, Clean Development, and Climate Change」だけで、知的所有権問題は別としても、残余のテーマはすべてアメリカの押しつけですな。


Fact Sheet: U.S.-Japan Cooperation to Tackle Global Trade, Energy, and Environmental Challenges 
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
April 27, 2007

Today, President Bush hosted Prime Minister Abe of Japan at Camp David.
This is the first visit of Prime Minister Abe to the United States to meet with the President since the Prime Minister took office last fall.
In today's meetings, the two leaders continued to build on the strong alliance between the United States and Japan, agreeing to work closely together to tackle critical global trade, energy, and environmental challenges.
The United States And Japan Are Working Together To Expand Trade Opportunities Worldwide
・ Bilateral and Global Cooperation on Key Economic Issues: President Bush and Prime Minister Abe endorsed enhanced bilateral efforts to promote and protect intellectual property rights, strengthen energy security, make trade flows more secure and more efficient, and increase the transparency of government regulatory processes.
WTO Doha Development Agenda Negotiations: President Bush and Prime Minister Abe reiterated their strong commitment to the Doha Round and agreed to demonstrate leadership to secure a successful outcome that will stimulate growth and development by creating new trade.
・ Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation: The President and Prime Minister confirmed APEC's role as a leading forum for shaping the future of the Asia-Pacific region and pledged their robust support for APEC’s efforts to accelerate trans-Pacific economic integration, including a possible Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific as a long-term prospect.
・ Information Exchange on Free Trade Agreements with Third Countries: President Bush and Prime Minister Abe welcomed the progress being made by U.S. and Japanese officials in sharing information on each nation's Free Trade Agreements and Economic Partnership Agreements with third countries.
・ Strategic Development Alliance: President Bush and Prime Minister Abe pledged to work together in fostering democratic development worldwide.

The United States And Japan Are Working Together to Promote Economic Growth-Oriented Approaches to Energy Security, Clean Development, and Climate Change
・ Climate Change: President Bush and Prime Minister Abe decided to cooperate closely on an integrated approach to economic growth, energy security, and climate change. 
Joint Nuclear Energy Action Plan: President Bush and Prime Minister Abe welcomed the signing of a new action plan on nuclear energy cooperation that supports the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership and promotes the construction of new nuclear power plants at home and the peaceful use of civilian nuclear power in third countries, while strengthening nuclear non-proliferation, safety, and security.

They agreed that improving energy efficiency and advancing energy technologies are key solutions for confronting global climate change while ensuring continued economic growth.
They also promised to continue to work together through the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate and the U.S.-Japan High-Level Consultations on Climate Change.
In a Joint Statement, the two countries outlined the priorities for cooperation.


 昨日の「なんでブッシュが「受け容れる」!?」では産経新聞の阿比留記者の感性を疑うとともに、アメリカの傲慢に腹を立てたわけですが、Washington Postの記事と27日の共同記者会見の質疑応答を読んでみてカラクリが解りました。




 拉致に関しては、「共同記者会見における対北スタンスの微妙な差」 にも書いたように、国内メディアが報じるような確固とした同調を表す言葉なんかなく、単に抽象的に協同とか協力って言葉が鏤められているだけだし、なによりブッシュの「wise diplomacy」発言はどうとでも転がるぞと言う宣言に等しいと思います。




 さて以下が27日のWasington Postの記事です。
Japanese Leader Aims To Build Ties With Bush
Prime Minister Arrives at the White House for Talks
By Michael Abramowitz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 27, 2007
The first time they met late last year in Hanoi, the new Japanese premier, Shinzo Abe, presented President Bush with a photograph of their respective grandfathers playing golf with President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950s.
It was a gesture intended to remind the American president of the conservative political lineage from which both leaders sprang -- Abe's grandfather was Nobusuke Kishi, also a Japanese prime minister, and Bush's was former Connecticut senator Prescott S. Bush.
It was also Abe's stab at starting to try to build the kind of relationship his more flamboyant predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi, famously enjoyed with the president.
Bush and Koizumi, a huge Elvis Presley fan, marked the end of their professional relationship with a joint tour of Graceland, Presley's home, last summer.
Building that kind of bonhomie will be a tall order, but as Abe arrived at the White House last night for the first of two days of talks with Bush, creating personal chemistry seemed as high on the agenda for the summit as tackling North Korea's nuclear program or solving the beef dispute between the two countries.
There was no fancy state dinner, only a small gathering in the White House that included golfing great Ben Crenshaw, a close Bush friend.
Today, Bush will welcome Abe to Camp David, a setting generally reserved for his most important visits with foreign leaders.
Dennis Wilder, the top Asia expert on the National Security Council, said the meetings are designed in part to allow the two leaders "to develop their personal relationship further."
While often overshadowed by U.S. relations with Britain, China and Russia, the relationship with Japan has been carefully tended by the Bush administration, which is well aware that it has had few stronger allies on the international stage in recent years.
Koizumi was a staunch supporter of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, although Japan ended its deployment of troops last year.
Abe has proposed extending an air mission bringing supplies to Iraq.
But recent months have brought frictions, largely over the recent six-party agreement to shut down North Korea's nuclear program.
Japan has sought a harder line on North Korea than the Bush administration and is anxious that Washington not take Pyongyang off its list of state sponsors of terror until it resolves the emotional issues of Japanese abductees in North Korea.
Michael J. Green, a former senior White House aide and expert on Japan, said Japanese of all ideologies "are resentful of the shift in U.S. policy towards North Korea.
Their basic complaint is that we have gone soft and we are making it too easy for the North Koreans to keep their nuclear weapons." Abe, he added, wants to come out of the summit showing "we are still very much on the same page on North Korea."
Possibly even more sensitive is the issue of sex slaves during World War II, known euphemistically as "comfort women." Abe alarmed many in the international community in March with comments that denied a direct role by the Japanese military in forcing women to work in brothels throughout Asia.
The comment roiled Japan's neighbors, who saw it as an example of Japan failing to come to grips with its wartime past.
It also complicated Japan's efforts to portray itself as a victim in the long-running controversy over North Korea's seizure of Japanese citizens.
Japanese officials have said Abe believes his comments have been misunderstood and that he stands by a 1993 Japanese government apology that acknowledged the government's role in the brothels.
They said that Abe brought up the issue in an April 3 phone conversation with Bush and emphasized that he sympathized with the victims.

They said Bush thanked the prime minister for his candor and quoted him as saying: "I believe in you, Mr. Prime Minister -- and I believe in the Japanese people in their sympathy to the comfort women."
Meeting with congressional leaders yesterday before his dinner with Bush, Abe "expressed regret that his comments were not as he intended for them to be and expressed great sympathy with people who had been placed in that kind of situation," House Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) told reporters.
Although Amnesty International this week called on Bush to raise the issue with Abe, those kinds of statements may have settled the issue as far as the White House is concerned.
"The president believes that Prime Minister Abe has done a lot to clear up the misunderstandings in the last couple of weeks on this issue," Wilder said Wednesday.
"I don't think this is going to be a major issue of the visit because the two have discussed these issues in depth."


President Bush and Prime Minister Abe of Japan Participate in a Joint Press Availability
Camp David
11:09 A.M. EDT
Welcome. Mr. Prime Minister, Shinzo, welcome to Camp David.
I thank you very much for making the long journey.
I also thank you for bringing your gracious wife to dinner last night.
The Abes and Laura and I had a really good dinner; it was very relaxed.
The Prime Minister married very well.
I was so impressed by Akie's compassion, her intelligence and I will tell you, Shinzo, that Laura feels like she has a new friend now, and so do I. So we're really glad you're here.
We had the kind of discussion you'd expect allies to have.
I would describe the talks as -- first of all, Shinzo and I met alone for a good period of time.
Our talks were very relaxed, but they were strategic.
We think about the interest of our country and we think about the interest of maintaining peace in the world.
The alliance between Japan and the United States has never been stronger.
And the Prime Minister and I will work hard to keep it that way.
It's in the interest of our peoples that we work closely.
I told Shinzo one way to do so, of course, is to visit.
I hope he comes to my ranch soon.
I looked forward to welcoming here to Camp David, but I also look forward to taking him down there -- one might call it a little slice of heaven.
We talked about the fact that our alliance -- and it is a global alliance -- is rooted in common values, especially our commitment to freedom and democracy.
We discussed ways we can continue to partner together.
There's no more important partnership than that through the six-party talks.
We spent a lot of time talking about North Korea and our mutual desire for North Korea to meet its obligations.
Our partners in the six-party talks are patient, but our patience is not unlimited.
We expect North Korea to meet all its commitments under the February 13th agreement, and we will continue working closely with our partners.
In Iran, we speak with one voice to the regime in Iran.
Our nations have fully implemented the sanctions imposed by the U.N. Security Council in response to Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons.
Further defiance by Iran will only lead to additional sanctions and to further isolation from the international community.
Japan is the second largest donor to the people of Iraq and the third largest donor nation to the people of Afghanistan, and I thank you, Shinzo and I thank the people of Japan for helping these young democracies survive in a troubled world.
I firmly believe that we're helping lay a foundation for peace for generations to come.
Over lunch the Prime Minister and I will discuss his upcoming trip to the Middle East.
I will remind him he'll be traveling into an important region, where extremists and radicals are trying to prevent the hopes of moderate people, trying to stop peaceful societies from emerging.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip before you leave, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you after you've been there.
Shinzo and I talked about trade and the Doha round.
We have a lot of bilateral trade between our two nations.
Last year it totaled more than $270 billion, and that's positive for the American people and the people of Japan.
Any time you have a lot of trade, there's always complicated trade issues.
One such issue, of course, I brought up to the Prime Minister is I'm absolutely convinced the Japanese people will be better off when they eat American beef.
It's good beef, it's healthy beef;
as a matter of fact, I'm going to feed the Prime Minister and his delegation a good hamburger today for lunch.
But we also talked about the World Trade Organization and the Doha round, and how Japan wants to be constructive in getting this round completed, not only to enhance the prosperity in our own countries, but to help the developing world -- help lift millions of people out of poverty.
We talked about the environment and energy.
I appreciated very much Shinzo's vision of using technologies to help our energy security, our economic security, and at the same time be responsible stewards of the environment.
There's a lot of work that Japan and the United States can do together, particularly in fields like emission-free nuclear energy, nuclear power.
The truth of the matter is, if people really want to solve the issue of greenhouse gases, civilian nuclear power, powering our energy grids by nuclear power is the best alternative available.
We can work on new technologies through our joint nuclear energy action plan and through the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership to bring technologies on the market as quickly as possible to assure people that we can deal with the waste, for example, in a responsible way.
Over lunch I'm going to also remind Shinzo about my deep desire to have our folks driving automobiles powered by ethanol and biodiesel.
I'm going to share with him our strategy about reducing gasoline consumption in the United States by 20 percent over the next 10 years as a result of ethanol, as well as our cellulosic ethanol technologies that are hopefully coming to market quickly.
All in all, we've had a very constructive, strong dialogue, and I am really pleased you came.
Mr. Prime Minister.
PRIME MINISTER ABE: (As translated.) Last night we were invited by George and Laura, and myself and my wife were able to enjoy a very wonderful time together.
And today we had one on one meeting, and also had a larger meeting.
And we had very substantive discussions.
The biggest objective of this visit this time was to reaffirm the irreplaceable Japan-U.S. alliance, and to grow this stronger as an unshakable alliance.
I would like to thank the President and the American people for their very warm welcome yesterday.
I visited Bethesda Navy Hospital and the Arlington Cemetery, and prayed for the repose of the souls of those who died for the cause of stabilization and reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, and prayed for early recovery of those injured.
And I would like to pay respect and express gratitude for the noble sacrifice the United States is making.
And in our meeting the President expressed his strong determination to carry through the task of Iraq's reconstruction.
And I told the President that Japan understands and supports U.S. efforts of further stabilization and reconstruction of Iraq, and Japan will carry on its own efforts to the same end.
I also told him that Japan will be with the United States at all times and that we feel proud as an ally of the United States.
Through this meeting, I've renewed my determination to work with the United States on various challenges facing the international community on the basis of our common values.
We were able to speak our minds with regard to our respective political convictions in the midst of this very open and free atmosphere at Camp David and deepen our mutual trust.
I explained to the President that as the mission that my administration I will strive to move Japan beyond the post-war regime.
As part of this endeavor, I explained to the President that I launched on the eve of this trip a blue-ribbon panel for the purpose of reshaping the legal foundation for national security in a way that will benefit -- that will befit the times, now that the security environment surrounding Japan is undergoing major change.
With regard to the economy, I told the President that I'm determined to carry it through, structural reforms in Japan, because Japan's growth is important for the growth of the United States as well as the entire world.
And I received strong words of support from the President for this direction that Japan is seeking.
We agree that we need to build on response to -- we agreed that we need to build our response to the North Korean nuclear issue and the numerous challenges in East Asia on the Japan-U.S. alliance.
And we agreed to step up cooperation in security, economic and cultural exchanges, and many other areas to further strengthen this irreplaceable alliance between Japan and the United States.
And I welcomed the conclusion of documents that provide for the strengthening of concrete cooperation in such areas as the economy, cultural exchange and nuclear energy.
We did take a lot of time to discuss North Korean nuclear issues.
We agreed to work together to realize a more peaceful and stable Korean Peninsula by making North Korea completely give up its nuclear weapons and programs through the six-party talks.
With regard to the abduction issue, President Bush once again expresses unvarying commitment to support the government of Japan saying that to this day the strong impressions he got when he met Mrs. Yokota, around this time last year, still remains.
I told the President that before my departure this time, Mrs. Yokota had told me ever since she last heard from her daughter, Megumi, that the most moving moment was her meeting with the President.
So the President expressed his, as I said, unvarying commitment to support of the government of Japan on this abduction issue.
We agree that the current state of the six-party talks, as well as North Korea's attitude towards the abduction issue are regrettable.
And we'll work for closer coordination between our two countries to achieve progress.
Let me also point out, as the President mentioned earlier, that an important progress has been made on the climate change issue.
And I finalized with the President a joint statement on the subject matter.
It is gratifying that we agreed, Japan and the United States agreed at the leaders' level to study jointly an intensified dialogue on ways and means to make progress towards the ultimate objective of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, to resolve the environmental issues and to resolve the greenhouse gas issue.
I believe this represents an important progress.
It is essential that the world community act on the climate change issue in concert, and Japan and the United States agreed to work together on this front.
Thank you.
PRESIDENT BUSH: Two questions a side.
Deb, would you start off, please?
Q Thank you, Mr. President.
Some people are concerned that you're going soft on North Korea.
You said you had --
PRESIDENT BUSH: Said -- what did you just say?
There's an echo in here.
Q Some people say you're going soft on North Korea.
You said you had unlimited patience with the regime.
They've missed their deadline on shutting down their nuclear reactor --
PRESIDENT BUSH: No, I said our patience is not unlimited.
Q Not unlimited.
My question, sir, is how long are you willing to wait to have them shut this down?
Are we talking days, weeks, months?
And --
PRESIDENT BUSH: No, I appreciate that very much.
Do you want to ask the Prime Minister something, too?
It's an old U.S. trick here.
Keep plowing through it.
Q Are you worried that America is softening its stance on Kim Jong-il?
PRESIDENT BUSH: I have always believed that the best way to solve these difficult problems is through diplomacy.
That's the first choice of the United States, to solve difficult problems diplomatically.
I also believe that the best way -- and the difficult problem, of course, was to convincing the leader of North Korea to give up his nuclear weapons program.
I also felt the best way forward was not for the United States to carry this diplomatic mission alone, and therefore worked very hard and closely with our Japanese allies to convince others to come to the table beside the United States.
And now we have what we call the six-party talks, which is the United States, Japan, and China, and South Korea and Russia, all saying the same message to North Korea, that we expect you to honor agreements you made, which include not only stopping -- locking down their plant, but also dismantling their programs, and all programs -- giving up weapons programs and weapons.
That's what they've said they would do.
We recently had a bump in the road to getting them to honor their agreement, and that is, there is a financial arrangement that we're now trying to clarify for the North Koreans, so that that will enable them to have no excuse for moving forward.
And that's where we are right now.
The interesting thing about our position is that if it looks like the North Korean leader is not going to honor his agreement, if it looks like that there are reasons other than the financial arrangements that will cause him to say, well, I really don't mean what I said, we now have a structure in place to continue to provide a strong message to the North Korean.
We have the capability of more sanctions.
We have the capability of convincing other nations to send a clear message.
So I like our position in terms of achieving this mission in a diplomatic way.
And I want to thank the Prime Minister for being a strong advocate of sending a clear message to the North Korean leader that there's a better way forward than to defy the world.
On all issues, there is a --- whether it's this issue or any other issue, is that we will work with our partners to determine how long.
But as I said, our patience is not unlimited.
And that's the operative word for the leader in North Korea to understand.
We hope he moves forward soon, obviously.
Just like in -- somebody asked me the other day, how long in Darfur?
Well, the leaders will find out the definition of how long when we make it clear we're moving in a different direction.
There's still time for the North Korean leader to make the right choice.
PRIME MINISTER ABE: Today this issue had very candid exchange of views.
Our understanding of the issue and the direction we are pursuing, we completely see eye to eye on this matter, and we've had completely the same attitude.
We'll continue to deal with the North Korean issue.
We have to make the North Koreans understand that unless they keep up their promise, the difficult conditions they find themselves under -- the food situation and economic situation -- they'll not be able to resolve those difficulties.
And in fact, the situation would only worsen.
So they need to respond appropriately on these issues, otherwise we will have to take a tougher response on our side.
In agreement with the procedures set down by the six-party talks, we'll have to continue to watch whether the North Koreans will actually act.
In our negotiations with North Koreans, we now have learned full well their negotiating ploys.
And between Japan and the United States, we'll maintain close coordination for the resolution of this issue.
Q Once again, allow me to ask questions related to North Korea.
In Japan, the interpretation is that the United States have become softer on the BDA, Banco Delta Asia issue, and some people are concerned.
Now Mr. Abe, in your meeting today, did you ask President Bush to step up the American pressures on North Korea?
And a question for Mr. President.
I understand the United States has agreed with North Korea to start negotiations on lifting the terrorist state designation.
Is it right to consider that a precondition for lifting would be the abduction issue resolution?
PRIME MINISTER ABE: To resolve the North Korean issue, of course, dialogue is needed.
But in resolving those issues, and in negotiating with North Koreans, there is a need for pressure.
And on that score, George and I fully agree.
We reaffirmed that point today.
Should the North Koreans fail to keep their promise, we will step up our pressures on North Korea.
And on that point, again, I believe we see eye to eye.
As for the importance of the abduction issue, George and our American friends, I'm sure, are fully aware, and they understand our thinking and they support our position.
In resolving that abduction issue, as well, Japan and the United States will cooperate with each other, when we need to cooperate with each other.
And the President thinks the same way.
PRESIDENT BUSH: We have shown the North Korean leader that obstinance on this issue, that there's a price to pay.
We have come together as a group of nations, all aiming to achieve the same objective, and that is for the leader to North Korea to verifiably give up the weapons program that he has, just like he said he would do. And we have proven that we can work in collaboration to deny certain benefits to the North Korean government and people.
That's what we've shown so far.
I think it's wise to show the North Korean leader, as well, that there is a better way forward.
I wouldn't call that "soft," I'd call that wise diplomacy.
It's his choice to make, ultimately, not our choice, as to whether he honors the agreement he agreed to.
Our objective is to hold him to account.
But he's got different ways forward and we have made that avenue available for his choice.
So the meeting today, of course, is to hope for the best and plan for the worst.
We're hoping that the North Korea leader continues to make the right choice for his country.
But if he should choose not to, we've got a strategy to make sure that the pressure we've initially applied is even greater.
That's our plan.
And so it is -- he ought to know that if he makes right choices, there is a way for him to be able to deal with a listing that our government has placed on him; in other words, there's a way forward.
And this is -- what you're referring to is the beginning of a process, it's the beginning of an opportunity for him to be in a different position, vis- -vis the United States government on a variety of fronts.
Any discussion about ways forward, however, shouldn't -- should not obscure my strong sentiment about the abductee issue.
The Prime Minister mentioned how Mrs. Yokota was affected by her visit to the Oval Office -- well, I was affected by her visit to the Oval Office.
It broke my heart to be in the presence of a Japanese mother whose love for her daughter has not diminished over time and her grief is sincere and real.
I remember her bringing the picture of the child as she remembers her, right there where I go to work every day, and sitting it on the couch next to her.
So I'm deeply affected by her.
She needs to understand that her visit added a human dimension to an issue which is obviously very important to the Japanese people.
And I will never forget her visit and I will work with my friend and the Japanese government to get this issue resolved in a way that touches the human heart, in a way that -- it's got more than just a, kind of a diplomatic ring to it, as far as I'm concerned.
It's a human issue now to me; it's a tangible, emotional issue.
And thank you for bringing the question up.
Q Mr. President, the Democrats have voted for a withdrawal timetable from Iraq, which you have said that you will veto.
What ideas do you have for breaking this logjam going forward?
And would you be willing to veto a second bill?
PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, first of all, I haven't vetoed the first bill yet.
But I'm going to.
And the reason why I'm going to is because members of Congress have made military decisions on behalf of the military.
They're telling our generals what to do. They're withdrawing before we've even finished reinforcing our troops in Baghdad.
They're sending, in my judgment, a bad message to the Iraqis and to the enemy and, most importantly, to our military folks.
So I made it clear I'd veto.
And, by the way, they're adding spending that shouldn't belong in the bill in the first place.
Maybe they're important issues, but they ought to be -- these spending bills ought to be -- or spending issues ought to be debated in the normal course of business.
So I've said this all along, my position has been consistent.
I'm sorry it's come to this.
In other words, I'm sorry that we've had this, you know, the issue evolve the way it has.
But, nevertheless, it is what it is and it will be vetoed and my veto will be sustained.
And then the question is the way forward.
And my suggestion is that -- and I invite the leaders of the House and the Senate, both parties to come down soon after my veto, so we can discuss a way forward.
If the Congress wants to test my will as to whether or not I'll accept a timetable for withdrawal, I won't accept one.
I just don't think it's in the interest of our troops.
I think it -- I'm just envisioning what it would be like to be a young soldier in the middle of Iraq and realizing that politicians have all of the sudden made military determinations.
And in my judgment, that would put a kid in harm's way, more so than he or she already is.
I really think it's a mistake for Congress to try to tell generals, our military experts, how to conduct a war.
Furthermore, the idea of putting all kinds of extraneous spending on a bill, the purpose of which is to fund our troops, I just don't accept that.
So if they want to try again, that which I have said was unacceptable, then of course I'll veto it, but I hope it doesn't come to that.
I believe we can work a way forward.
I think we can come to our senses and make sure that we get the money to the troops in a timely fashion.
It's important to have a political debate, but as I've consistently said, we don't want our troops in between the debate.
And Congress needs to get this money to the Pentagon so the Pentagon can get the money to the troops, so our readiness will be up to par, training missions will go forward.
I know Congress, no matter what their position is on the war, doesn't want to affect readiness, and they don't want to affect the military families, I understand that, but they're going to if they keep trying to pass legislation that is -- that just doesn't -- that withdraws troops or micro-manages the war.
So I'm optimistic we can get a bill, a good bill, and a bill that satisfies all our objectives, and that's to get the money to the troops as quickly as possible.
Q A question on the wartime comfort women issue.
Mr. Prime Minister, on this issue, did you explain your thoughts to President Bush, and on this matter, did you talk about further factual investigations on the matter, and any intent to apologize on the issue?
Also, a question for Mr. President on the comfort women issue.
From the perspective of human rights and Asian history perceptions, I wonder if you could express your thoughts or views.
PRIME MINISTER ABE: Well, in my meeting with the congressional representatives yesterday, I explained my thoughts, and that is I do have deep-hearted sympathies that my people had to serve as comfort women, were placed in extreme hardships, and had to suffer that sacrifice;
and that I, as Prime Minister of Japan, expressed my apologizes, and also expressed my apologizes for the fact that they were placed in that sort of circumstance.
The 20th century was a century that human rights were violated in many parts of the world.
So we have to make the 21st century a century -- a wonderful century in which no human rights are violated.
And I, myself, and Japan wish to make significant contributions to that end.
And so I explained these thoughts to the President.

 またですか?  ガセネタ専門の連合通信とAFPのセットなんでこんな話を信じるわけにはいかないんだけども

北朝鮮への資金返還のため、国営会社によるBDA買収を検討 - 韓
2007年 04月 28日 15:41:12 【ソウル 28日 AFP】韓国政府は、国営の韓国資産管理公社(Korea Asset Management Corporation、KAMCO)によるマカオの銀行バンコ・デルタ・アジア(BDA)の買収により、同行に凍結されていた資金を北朝鮮に返還する方策を模索している。  韓国の通信社聯合ニュース(Yonhap news agency)が27日、中国を訪問中の外交官の話として報じた。また、6か国協議の参加国もBDA問題の解決策として、この方策を検討中としているという。  BDAの北朝鮮口座の資金凍結解除後も他行への送金が難航。6か国合意である北朝鮮による核施設停止という、非核化へ初期段階措置の履行できないままとなっている。  北朝鮮は、「関連口座に凍結されていた資金2500万ドル(約29億円)が返還され次第、寧辺(ニョンビョン、Yongbyon)の核施設の稼働を停止する」としている。

さて、僕が何故この記事の信憑性を疑うかというと、先月の末あたりには既にBDAの旧オーナーStanley Auはオーナーの座を滑り落ちたというような報道があり、その後釜が誰かという報道が不思議になかった。
しかし色々の経緯を総合すると、後釜に座りうるのはColin McAskillかその代理人しかいないだろうと思いながら今日まで来ているんですが、いっこうに彼の名前が表に出てこない。

 アメリカのBDA口座凍結→中国銀行への移転、人道目的にのみ限って北朝鮮の引出を認めるという初期の合意が崩れた最大の原因はColin McAskillがBDAにある大同信用銀行(Daedong Credit Bank)の700万ドルは民間の企業の金であることを盾に口座を移すことに同意をしなかったことですから、今回連合通信の報じている解決策はこれまで通りに解決策にはならないと思うし、彼のファンドの金を誰が担保するのかって話も全然ないもんね。

以下Stanley AuとColin McAskill関連記事
Macau bank struggles to shake off North Korea links
Thu Dec 21, 2006 12:53PM GMT
By David Lawder
MACAU (Reuters) - For most Macanese, tiny Banco Delta Asia is just another retail bank with marble-clad teller lobbies and colorful brochures in this south China gambling mecca. But at six-country talks in Beijing this week, the bank has been vilified as a dangerous conduit for money earned illegally through counterfeiting and smuggling by one of America's most intransigent foes, North Korea. Banco Delta Asia (BDA), one of the former Portuguese colony's smallest banks, has been struggling for more than a year since the U.S. Treasury designated it a "primary money-laundering concern" because of its decades-long ties to North Korea. The action sparked a run on deposits and prompted the Macau government to take control of the bank and freeze North Korean accounts, which contain some $24 million. And international banks have shunned it, largely shutting it out of U.S. dollar business. The crackdown also appears to have cut off a lifeline for impoverished North Korea into the international banking system. After the designation, the North boycotted six-party talks on scrapping its nuclear program and only returned this week after Washington agreed to put the financial curbs on the agenda. Although there appeared to be some progress in talks over North Korea's nuclear ambitions on Wednesday, the separate financial talks ended with no agreement -- a result that will likely keep Banco Delta Asia's status in limbo. "At the end of the day, the bank is a pawn on the chessboard of these talks," said a Hong Kong source familiar with Banco Delta Asia's predicament. The Treasury, however, has accused the bank of being a "willing pawn for the North Korean government to engage in corrupt financial activities." These included distributing counterfeit U.S. currency, smuggling counterfeit tobacco products and servicing accounts on behalf of front companies involved in drug trafficking. The bank "actively helped North Korean agents conduct surreptitious, multi-million dollar cash deposits and withdrawals without questioning the basis of these transactions," Stuart Levey, the Treasury undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said in a speech in September. He added that BDA officials had taken fees to forego scrutiny of such transactions. The designation reverberated so strongly, not because of the frozen $24 million -- a small sum for any country -- but because North Korea has not found a replacement international banker. "What they (North Korea) really want is to re-establish banking relationships, but they can't do that until they persuade the world that they are a legitimate partner to have in the banking system," Levey told Reuters in an interview this week. "JUST A NORMAL BANK" BDA's eight branches, which include one at the Lisboa Casino, are geared more toward small retail deposits and consumer loans in Macau's pataca currency than they are to handling massive U.S. dollar cash deposits. On a recent weekday afternoon, there was no outward sign of the international intrigue surrounding the institution as a steady stream of customers marched into its main branch to make deposits and withdrawals. Continued... "It's just a normal bank. I use it mainly to pay my household bills by autopay," said May Lee, an administrative assistant who works in Macau's central commercial district. Her main complaint was the bank's lack of automated teller machines, not its role at the center of the North Korean crisis. Macau's retail banking market has improved in recent years as a massive casino building boom has allowed the territory to rival Las Vegas as the world's gambling capital, just seven years after reverting to Chinese rule, with gaming revenues projected at $6.25 billion this year. The Hong Kong source said the family-owned bank has repaid a government loan of about 500 million patacas ($62.5 million) to help replace lost deposits, and is "standing on its own feet." BDA spokesman Charles Ngai said in a statement last week the bank was "operating normally" under government control. However, it has not filed a financial statement since 2004, when its parent company reported total assets of HK$4.2 billion ($538 million). The bank was founded in 1935 in the then-sleepy Portuguese trading port as Banco Hang Sang by Au Wing Ngok, father of Delta Asia's current chairman, Stanley Au. The younger Au, who also serves as a Macau legislator, set up banking and broking operations in Hong Kong and was instrumental in launching that territory's gold bullion market. Banco Delta Asia's attorneys, Heller Ehrman LLP, said in an October 18 filing to the Treasury's financial crimes unit that the bank purchased a large share of gold bullion produced by North Korea in the years before the Treasury designation, but has halted the trade since the North Korea accounts were frozen. They said any money-laundering activity that might have occurred was the result of inadequate internal controls and procedures and outdated computer technology that could not generate "exception reports" to flag unusual transactions. The bank also lacked sophisticated equipment to detect counterfeit bills, the filing said, but these issues were being addressed.

U.S. squeeze on N.Korea funds hurts reform - investor
Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:44AM GMT
By Jonathan Thatcher
SEOUL (Reuters) - The U.S. financial clampdown on North Korea is only making it harder for the country to open up its economy, one of the few foreign investors in the hermit-like communist state said. Colin McAskill, chairman of Koryo Asia which is about to take full control of the North Korea-based Daedong Credit Bank, said the U.S. squeeze on the North's offshore accounts since 2005 had made most international banks unwilling to deal with the country. "The objective of the United States is to cripple them (North Korea) financially and deny them access to international financial markets," he told Reuters in Seoul late last week. Much of the U.S. focus has been on Macau's Banco Delta Asia, which Washington says helped launder illicit North Korean financial activities. The Macau authorities have frozen the accounts which total some $24 million, including those of Daedong bank. An angry North Korea has been pressing the United States to end the clampdown as part of a deal to end its nuclear weapons programme. Washington argues Pyongyang obtains hard currency through illicit activities such as drug running. But in the latest round of international talks this week in Beijing, the finance issue has taken a back seat to haggling over North Korea's demands for huge energy aid in return for giving up nuclear arms. McAskill said he had proof -- which he has made available to U.S., Macau and South Korean authorities -- showing that nearly all the blocked funds in the Macau bank were legal. "A very small portion may well be illegal," he said "In any such market, an illegal element in inevitable. To say it is state sponsored is ridiculous," he said.

China 'regrets' US ruling on bank
Last Updated: Thursday, 15 March 2007, 08:23 GMT
China has expressed its "deep regret" at a US ruling on a Macau-based bank linked to allegations of North Korean money-laundering and counterfeiting. The US Treasury said on Wednesday that US banks and companies must sever all ties with Banco Delta Asia (BDA), the subject of an 18-month investigation. US envoy Christopher Hill said he did not think the move would block progress on a recently agreed nuclear deal. But it was not clear if Washington's ruling would satisfy Pyongyang. North Korea had demanded that a freeze on its assets held by BDA be lifted. 'Blind eye' "We deeply regret the ruling by the United States," China's foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said. Mr Qin said the US handling of the BDA case should be "conducive to the handling of the six-party talks" and benefit the stability of the Chinese territory of Macau. "Our position is strong. Our measures are effective. We follow closely the international obligations," he said. US Treasury Under-Secretary Stuart Levey said on Wednesday that the 18-month probe had confirmed BDA's "willingness to turn a blind eye to illicit activity, notably by its North Korean-related clients". But while the ruling bars the BDA from accessing the US banking system, it could also allow Macau's authorities to remove the bank from receivership and return some of North Korea's money. The US accused the BDA in September 2005 of acting as a conduit for money earned by Pyongyang from counterfeit currency and drug smuggling. Soon afterwards the Macau authorities took control of the bank and froze accounts linked to North Korean clients - said to be worth $25m (£13m). The US decision led North Korea to boycott talks on ending its nuclear programme for more than a year - only returning to the negotiating table in December after testing missiles and a nuclear weapon. Pyongyang agreed in February, at a further round of six-party talks in Beijing, to "shut down and seal" its Yongbyon nuclear reactor in exchange for energy aid. Upbeat The six parties - the two Koreas, China, the US, Japan and Russia - are due to resume talks on Monday on the progress of the nuclear deal. Christopher Hill said he was "confident" the talks would go ahead and that the ruling on the BDA would not "pose a stumbling block". The Macau Monetary Authority said in a statement on Thursday that it expressed "its deep regret" over the US findings, adding that the Macau government "will soon make an official response." Meanwhile, the BDA's chairman Stanley Au appeared upbeat when asked for his reaction, shrugging off the US ruling. "Do you think I look worried? I'll take it as it comes," he told a television broadcaster in Beijing, where he is attending a meeting.

U.S. seeks to bury rift before North Korea talks
Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:20PM GMT
By Chris Buckley
BEIJING (Reuters) - Nuclear negotiators gathering in Beijing will turn their focus to implementing a disarmament agreement with North Korea, the chief U.S. envoy said on Friday, seeking to bury a rift with China over a small Macau bank. China has criticised Washington's decision to ban U.S. banks from dealing with Banco Delta Asia, or BDA, which the U.S. Treasury has accused of sheltering illegal North Korean earnings. The bank's parent company on Friday denied the bank had knowingly laundered illicit North Korean money, holding out hopes the ban would be lifted. The United States made the move as it seeks to fulfil its side of a February 13 agreement offering North Korea improved aid and security in return for shutting down the reactor at the heart of its nuclear weapons programme by mid-April. Macau, a tiny gambling enclave under indirect Chinese control along the coast from Hong Kong, may now free up frozen North Korean accounts found to be above board. North Korea has yet to comment on the U.S. announcement. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said on Thursday that he "deeply" regretted the U.S. decision, which he suggested could destabilise Macau's financial system and harm six-party nuclear talks that restart on Monday. But the chief U.S. negotiator, Christopher Hill, maintained on Friday that the bank decision would not upset the talks, which bring together both Koreas, China, the United States, Japan and Russia. Frankly, I think it has been resolved," Hill told reporters of the bank issue. "I'm sure that this will not pose any obstacle to our six-party process." The rift over BDA came amid intensifying diplomacy to implement the disarmament deal. Hill said that in the coming days negotiators would be "shifting very much towards the six-party process" as they seek to implement the February deal before a 60-day deadline. "I would say we are in pretty good shape after 30 days." Nonetheless, a U.S. Treasury Department official will head to Macau this weekend to explain the bank decision, which also brought a protest from Macau. Hill said Treasury official Daniel Glaser was also likely to visit Beijing. Stanley Au, chairman of BDA's parent company, Delta Asia Financial, said he hoped Glaser's talks would help lift the U.S. ban. Au said the bank had done nothing wrong. The February disarmament deal was sealed after Washington and Pyongyang held breakthrough bilateral talks in the wake of North Korea's first ever nuclear test in October, drawing international condemnation and U.N. sanctions. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, left Beijing on Friday after briefing envoys about his trip to North Korea, where he was negotiating the return of IAEA inspectors. The U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Thomas Schieffer, said on Friday that the goal of the disarmament talks remained a long way off. "The February agreement is not an end in itself," he told reporters in Tokyo. "The end of the process comes when there are no nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula and there's nobody trying to build nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula."

U.S. official meets North Koreans over funds
Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:21AM BST
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury officials and North Korean diplomats met to work out the transfer of funds frozen in a Macau bank and smooth the way for the resumption of disarmament talks, the U.S. embassy said on Tuesday. The U.S. delegation, led by Daniel Glaser, met the officials late on Monday in Beijing to discuss implementation of a deal in which $25 million (12 million pounds) was to be released into a North Korean account at the Bank of China. The funds were frozen after the United States declared Macau's Banco Delta Asia a "willing pawn" in North Korea's illegal financial activities, a charge the owner of the bank denies. In a move to advance six-party nuclear disarmament talks, the U.S. Treasury said it would release the funds, but the transfer -- technically up to the Macau Monetary Authority, which froze the money in the first place -- has not been executed. The delay caused North Korea to walk away from negotiations last week. Complicating matters, a British firm linked to a North Korean bank with money frozen in Macau opposes the transfer of the funds to Pyongyang as part of the nuclear deal, and has said it will take whatever steps are needed to protect its clients' money. Colin McAskill, chairman of the investment advisory Koryo Asia, which is in a deal to buy a controlling stake in the North Korea-based Daedong Credit Bank, said he had written to the Macau Monetary Authority requesting a meeting and making it clear he opposed "taking Daedong's money without its consent". About $7 million of the $25 million frozen in Macau belonged to Daedong and its clients, McAskill said, without elaborating. The legal basis for transferring all the money to a North Korean government-linked bank account at Bank of China was unclear. McAskill said on Tuesday he would take "whatever steps were deemed necessary" to protect the funds, adding he had not ruled out legal action. "I just don't want Daedong's and its customers' money to be included in that," he said. In Washington, the chief U.S. envoy to the talks that also group the two Koreas, host China, Japan and Russia, said the dispute over funds should be resolved "in the next couple of days", Japan's Kyodo news agency reported. Christopher Hill made the comments in a speech at Georgetown University, adding that North Korea's refusal to negotiate until the funds were transferred was a "wrong-headed decision".

UPDATE 2-U.S. official meets North Koreans over funds
Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:02AM BST
BEIJING, March 27 (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury officials and North Korean diplomats met to work out the transfer of funds frozen in a Macau bank and smooth the way for the resumption of disarmament talks, the U.S. embassy said on Tuesday. The U.S. delegation, led by Daniel Glaser, met the officials late on Monday in Beijing to discuss implementation of a deal in which $25 million was to be released into a North Korean account at the Bank of China. The funds were frozen after the United States declared Macau's Banco Delta Asia a "willing pawn" in North Korea's illegal financial activities, a charge the owner of the bank denies. In a move to advance six-party nuclear disarmament talks, the U.S. Treasury said it would release the funds, but the transfer -- technically up to the Macau Monetary Authority, which froze the money in the first place -- has not been executed. The delay caused North Korea to walk away from negotiations last week. Complicating matters, a British firm linked to a North Korean bank with money frozen in Macau opposes the transfer of the funds to Pyongyang, and has said it will take whatever steps are needed to protect its clients' money. Colin McAskill, chairman of the investment advisory Koryo Asia, which is in a deal to buy a controlling stake in the North Korea-based Daedong Credit Bank, said he had written to the Macau Monetary Authority requesting a meeting and making it clear he opposed "taking Daedong's money without its consent". About $7 million of the $25 million frozen in Macau belonged to Daedong and its clients, McAskill said, without elaborating. The legal basis for transferring all the money to a North Korean government-linked bank account at Bank of China was unclear. McAskill said on Tuesday he would take "whatever steps were deemed necessary" to protect the funds, adding he had not ruled out legal action. "I just don't want Daedong's and its customers' money to be included in that," he said. China's Foreign Ministry had no information on the progress of Glaser's visit and gave no indication of when or how the dispute over the funds might be resolved. "The relevant parties, including China, are having discussions on the proper solution of the question," spokesman Qin Gang told a news conference. In Washington, the chief U.S. envoy to the talks that also group the two Koreas, host China, Japan and Russia, said the dispute over funds should be resolved "in the next couple of days", Japan's Kyodo news agency reported. Christopher Hill made the comments in a speech at Georgetown University, adding that North Korea's refusal to negotiate until the funds were transferred was a "wrong-headed decision".


「マカオBDA、当局が買い取り模索」 中国外務次官

(2007年4月28日14時11分 読売新聞)


 産経新聞阿比留記者は連投で米「かけがえのない同盟」 対北追加制裁もも書いているんですが、その中に6カ国協議の先行きに関する記述があるので以下に引用します。

 ブッシュ大統領は会見で「北朝鮮が約束を守らないなら、制裁措置を行う能力がある。忍耐力は無限ではない」と指摘。安倍首相も「厳しい対応を取る」と述べ、北朝鮮が核施設の稼働停止など「初期段階の措置」を速やかに実施するよう強く求めた。  両首脳は北朝鮮の核開発など東アジアの諸課題に取り組むため、安全保障、経済、文化交流などの各分野で、日米がいっそう対話と協力を進めることで合意。安倍首相は「ブッシュ大統領から拉致問題の解決への日本政府に対する変わらぬ支持を確約してもらった」と語った。その上で、米国による北朝鮮のテロ支援国家指定の解除問題について「ブッシュ大統領はわれわれの考え方を理解し、支持している」と述べ、拉致問題が解決しなければ解除はないということで理解を得られた、との認識を示した。

 さて僕はどうも国内報道が信用できないのであちこちあたってみたんですがWashington Postにありました。
 タイトルはBush, Japan's Prime Minister Call for N. Korea to Honor Agreementですからザックリ「ブッシュと日本の総理大臣は北朝鮮に合意の遵守を呼びかける(あるいは要求する)」と訳せると思います。


※1 President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe today demanded that North Korea honor an agreement to give up its nuclear weapons program and warned that tougher sanctions loom if it fails to do so. In a joint press conference with the visiting Japanese leader at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland, Bush said the patience of the United States and its allies "is not unlimited," and he denied that he has softened his approach toward the reclusive communist regime in Pyongyang.  

※2には、いま解説した事項に関するブッシュの発言が例示引用されていますが、面倒くさいのでブッシュ発言の大意のみ訳しますが、6カ国協議の我々のパートナーは忍耐強い、しかし我々の忍耐には限界がある。 我々は北朝鮮が2・13合意におけるすべての責任を果たすことを期待する。 我々は最近彼らに合意を守らせるための障碍(BDA問題)に出くわしたが、それは解決したので北朝鮮が前進しないための言い訳は存在しないはずであり、北朝鮮が合意を遵守せず反古にするためにBDA問題以外の理由を持ち出すのであれば、我々には更なる制裁を実施する能力があり、核問題における北朝鮮の頑迷な態度はそうした報いを受けるべき相当性がある。

 さてここからが日本からの同行記者の質問に答えた部分ですが、ブッシュは、私は北朝鮮に対して前途によりよい途があるということを示すことが思慮深い方法だと思っており、それを軟化だとは考えない。 私はそれは思慮深い外交だと考える。 まあ禅問答のような話なんですが、これに対する安倍総理大臣の発言が※3です。

※2 "Our partners in the six-party talks are patient, but our patience is not unlimited," Bush said. "We expect North Korea to meet all its commitments under the February 13th agreement." Referring to the funds dispute, Bush said, "We recently had a bump in the road to getting them to honor their agreement. And that is, there's a financial arrangement that we're now trying to clarify for the North Koreans, so that that will enable them to have no excuse for moving forward." If it appears that North Korean leader Kim Jong Il "is not going to honor his agreement" and that "there are reasons other than the financial arrangements" for reneging, Bush said, "we have the capability of more sanctions." He said that "there's a price to pay" for North Korean "obstinance" on the nuclear issue. Asked by a Japanese reporter about an impression in Tokyo that the Bush administration has "become softer" on North Korea, Bush said, "I think it's wise to show the North Korean leader as well that there's a better way forward. I wouldn't call that soft. I'd call that wise diplomacy."

※3 Abe said he and Bush completely agreed on a need to maintain pressure on North Korea. ----- He said, "Should the North Koreans fail to keep their promise, we will step up our pressures on North Korea. And on that point again I believe we see eye to eye."

 安倍総理は、彼とブッシュは北朝鮮に圧力をかけ続けることの必要性において完全に意見の一致をみている、中略 彼は、北朝鮮が約束を守らないのであれば制裁を強化することになろうし、この点に関しても我々は意見の一致を見ていると確信する、と語った。

 こんな内容かと思いますが、少なくともこのWashington Postの記事にはテロ支援国家指定の解除に触れる記述がないので、そこは現場にいた阿比留さんの記事を信じるほかないでしょう。

 ちょうどここまで書いたところでBBCニュースにJapan-US talks pressure N Korea というタイトルのニュースがあがりましたが、Washington Posの記事ほど詳細ではなく、これは欧州と我が国、アメリカの関心の差なのでしょう。

「首相謝罪受け入れる」 慰安婦問題で米大統領



 以下、都知事選真っ最中に石原慎太郎さんに関する中傷を書いたのはいいが、石原サイドから「選挙後に徹底的にやる」っと凄まれてこそこそ(でもないけど)当該エントリーを削除してしまったきっこのブログの最新エントリーアメリカ中から大バッシング です。

ナゼか、ニポンのマスコミはまったく報道しませんが、アベシンゾーの訪米に対して、アメリカ各地でものすごいバッシングが巻き起こっています。 アベシンゾーの従軍慰安婦に関する発言を批判し続けて来たアメリカの市民団体は、アベシンゾーの訪米に合わせて、26日付のワシントンポスト紙に、「アベシンゾーは、うわべだけの謝罪しかしていない!」と、厳しく批判する全面広告を出しました。 また、27日の首脳会議に向けて、アベシンゾーを批判する市民のデモ隊がホワイトハウスを取り囲み、現地のニュースでは繰り返し報道されています。 唯一の味方、ブッシュだけは、「アベ総理の謝罪をアメリカは評価している」と、現状とは正反対の大ウソのコメントをしていますが、ニポンのマスコミは、それをそのまま伝えただけで、現地の状況をまったく報道しようとはしません。 ここまでロコツな情報操作も、厚顔無恥なアベ内閣ならではのお家芸ですね(笑)





ブッシュ大統領がローラ夫人を伴ってわざわざ安倍首相の宿舎まで出向き、歩いて迎えるなんて...これは「破格の厚遇」といっていい。 昭恵夫人は、ローラ夫人の案内でホワイトハウスの庭(?)を散歩したらしい。 ここでも「ファーストレディー外交」の威力が遺憾なく発揮されている。







 それは国務省の立場なんですが、今回韓国が北朝鮮に送る米40万トンの計画に関してソウルとワシントンは "on the same page"なんだと、つまり日本は既に弾かれているということですが、これを裏打ちするような記事がついさっきヘラルド・トリビューンに上がりました、もちろん書き手は大西哲光です。

 大西哲光でもまともなことは書くわけで、割愛した靖国問題や売春婦問題以外の、どういう要請で安倍総理が日中関係で遜ったかとか、日本を引きつけておくために拉致問題をこれまでネオコンが、つまりはチェイニーとかボルトンですが、どう利用してきて、いまその時に彼らが我が国と家族会にやったリップサービスがどういう障碍になっているのか、つまりベル証言で始まった6カ国協議におけるアメリカの大譲歩準備の障碍ということでしょうが、ここにおいて我が国が示す「拉致問題に前進がない限り北朝鮮支援には参加しない」をどう取り崩させるのかが焦点になってきており、大西の記事は知日派ジェラルド・カーティスの"Japan is marginalized on this issue."という発言まで持ち出して恫喝を掛けてきている。 しかしこれはアメリか国内親中、親朝派の意図のみならずいまやアメリカの意図である、そういうことです。



More N.Korea nuclear tests said likely if talks fail(ロイター)
Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:57PM EDT By Paul Eckert, Asia Correspondent
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea is likely to conduct more nuclear tests if six-nation diplomacy to disarm the communist state does not succeed, the commander of the U.S. military in South Korea told a Senate hearing on Tuesday. "If the six-party talks do not produce a lasting settlement, the North Koreans will likely conduct a second and potentially additional nuclear tests when they see it as serving their purposes," said General B.B.Bell. North Korea missed an April 14 deadline to start closing its Soviet-era nuclear reactor and source of plutonium for bombs as required by a deal it reached in February with South Korea, China, Japan, Russia and the United States. That February 13 disarmament deal is languishing amid arguments over the return of North Korean money once frozen in a Macau bank account, although the North said last week it remains committed to the pact and will move once it gets the money. Bell, who leads the 30,000 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea to support that American ally's 670,000-strong military, called North Korea "the key de-stabilizer in Northeast Asia" with a record of proliferation and threatening actions. North Korea, which conducted its first nuclear test in October, would "continue nuclear weapons research and development to perpetuate its strategy of intimidation" unless contained by the six-party talks, Bell said in a prepared statement for the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee. "Without a diplomatic settlement, Pyongyang's plutonium production capability and its reported HEU (highly enriched uranium) program places it on track to become a moderate nuclear power, potentially by the end of the decade," he said. Bell went on to warn that North Korea's track record of ballistic missile proliferation meant it "could also decide to proliferate nuclear weapons technology, expertise or material to anti-American countries, rogue regimes or non-state actors." In a speech in Washington, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Alexander Vershbow said Seoul had a lower "threat perception" of North Korea than in the past, although he said Pyongyang's nuclear test and missile launches in 2006 had changed that. Seoul and Washington are "on the same page" on the need to wisely use leverage with North Korea and had no big differences over South Korean aid to the North, including plans to send 400,000 tonnes of rice to Pyongyang in May, he said. "We're basically satisfied that they are upholding the principle that they themselves articulated, which is that they will closely synchronize progress in the inter-Korean relationship with progress in the six-party process."

2007/04/25-08:39 北朝鮮、新たな核実験も=6カ国協議で目的達成なければ−米司令官(時事通信)
 【ワシントン24日時事】ベル在韓米軍司令官は24日、上院軍事委員会で証言し、北朝鮮が核問題をめぐる6カ国協議を通じて体制の安全保証などの目的を達することができない場合、新たな核実験をはじめとする挑発行為に踏み切る恐れがあると警告した。  ベル司令官はこの中で、北朝鮮の戦略目標は体制の安全保証と経済援助確保であると分析。「6カ国協議がうまくいかず、北朝鮮が求めるものが得られなければ、挑発行為に回帰するだろう」との見方を示した。

 【ワシントン=五十嵐文】ベル在韓米軍司令官は24日、米上院軍事委員会で証言し、北朝鮮の核問題をめぐる6か国協議が不調に終わった場合、北朝鮮が2010年までに「中規模の核保有国」になるだろうとの見通しを示した。  ベル司令官は、北朝鮮はすでに核爆弾7個分程度に相当するプルトニウム40〜50キロを保有しているほか、濃縮ウランによる核計画を進めており、このままだと昨年10月に続いて核実験実施に踏み切る可能性が高いと指摘した。さらに、ベル司令官は、北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル開発について、「(他国からの)攻撃に対する抑止力と同時に、外貨獲得の手段でもある」と指摘した。 (2007年4月25日14時0分 読売新聞)

 【ワシントン=丸谷浩史】在韓米軍のベル司令官(陸軍大将)は24日、上院軍事委員会で証言し、北朝鮮の核問題について「6カ国協議で恒久的な解決策が見いだせなければ、北朝鮮は再び核実験をするだろう」との見通しを明らかにした。同時に、北朝鮮による弾道ミサイル技術の拡散を考慮すれば「核関連技術を反米国家やテロ集団に拡散することも可能だ」との考えを示した。  ブッシュ政権は北朝鮮の核問題で外交的解決を基本に据え、6カ国協議と米朝協議を軸に対話路線を進めている。北朝鮮と対峙(たいじ)する在韓米軍を率いるベル司令官の発言は、米軍がなお北朝鮮の動向を強く警戒していることを浮き彫りにしたものだ。  ベル司令官は「外交的な解決がなければ、北朝鮮のプルトニウム製造能力と、伝えられる高濃縮ウラン(HEU)計画は、2010年には北朝鮮を中程度の核保有国にする」とも指摘した。(14:15)

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to make first trip as Japan's leader to the U.S(ヘラルドトリビューン)
By Norimitsu Onishi Published:April 25, 2007
-Before becoming prime minister, Abe made a name for himself inside Parliament by spearheading conservative causes, like excising school textbooks of references to Japan's wartime abuses. Among ordinary voters, Abe drew his popularity by championing the cause of more than a dozen Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea in the 1970s. -As prime minister, he has been trying to balance the demands of his conservative base with those of his new job, often by finessing issues. A onetime regular visitor to the Yasukuni Shrine, the memorial for Japan's fallen soldiers, including war criminals, Abe says he will neither confirm nor deny whether he has visited as prime minister. That has placated China for now. "All the expectations of Abe pointed to somebody who was not only going to continue Mr. Koizumi's foreign policy, but harden what were already difficult relations with Japan's neighbors," said Richard Samuels, a Japan expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "But he surprised everyone - pleasantly, from an American perspective - by reaching out in a conciliatory way to China." But it is on North Korea that differences have widened between Washington and Tokyo. Abe has long said that Japan will not participate in any nuclear agreement, including the accord reached on Feb. 13, unless North Korea returns Japanese abductees;the North says it has already returned all surviving Japanese. Abe's tough stance, which dovetailed with the Bush administration's previous policy toward the North, has remained unchanged despite Washington's new efforts to strike a deal with Pyongyang. "Abe and his allies are clearly in dismay that the neocon rug was pulled from under them last fall," said Gerald Curtis, a Columbia University Japanese politics expert now in Japan, referring to the Republican loss of Congress. "Now he has to find a way to get on board this nuclear agreement." That will be difficult, Curtis said, because the abduction issue has become tied to Abe and Japanese nationalism. "It was key in his becoming prime minister," Curtis said. "So if it seems like he's selling the abductees down the river, he's dead." Before the change in policy toward North Korea, Bush made highly symbolic gestures supporting the abductees, including inviting a relative to the White House. In a recent visit to Japan, Vice President Dick Cheney met relatives. But, according to the media here, Cheney also asked Abe what he would consider progress on the abductions issue, suggesting that Washington wanted Japan to support the nuclear agreement. "Americans have paid lip service to the abductions, but they're not going to let it get in the way of realizing a nuclear deal," Samuels said. "Japan is marginalized on this issue." On Monday, perhaps anticipating he would be asked the same question in Washington, Abe struck a tough stance. "Whether there's progress or not on the abductions issue, that's something we will decide," Abe told reporters. On the domestic front, Abe has pushed to extract Japan from what he calls its "postwar regime." He has revised the basic law of education by emphasizing patriotism, and moved to change the Constitution.




The central problem was that the Japanese government had set up the fund as a private one and made clear that the "atonement" payments came from ordinary citizens. Critics inside and outside Japan saw the fund as another tortured attempt by Tokyo to avoid taking full responsibility for one of the ugliest aspects of the war.(quoted from HT)


Lee's family had sent her to work as a maid in private homes at the age of 8. In 1942, when she was 16, Lee was working in a Seoul bar as a maid to older waitresses who served and entertained guests. One day, the Korean bar owner asked whether she was interested in learning to become a nurse and work in Burma, now known as Myanmar. Having no choice, she was sent to Burma aboard a Japanese Navy vessel. In Burma, she realized she had been tricked. She was forced to work in a military brothel until the end of the war. "I lived in someone else's house since I was 8, and I wanted to buy land," said Lee, in an interview inside her new home outside Seoul, which she bought with money from the fund.




 リ婆さん曰く「私ゃ8歳の時から他人の家ばかりで過ごしてきたから土地を買いたかったんだよね〜」だと。 そしてこのインタビューはアジア女性基金からもらった金で婆さんが建てたソウル郊外の新居で行われたんだとさ。チャンチャン!!



Japan's fund for former sex slaves never achieved purpose(ヘラルド・トリビューン)
Japan’s ‘Atonement’ to Former Sex Slaves Stirs Anger (ニューヨークタイムズ)

Japan to ease controls on US beef
Japan has agreed a deal that could ease restrictions on US beef imports into the country, Japanese officials said. Under the agreement Japanese inspectors will visit US meatpacking plants to check standards at the sites. If they are satisfactory, Japan will accept imports without checking every meat shipment from the factories. The deal comes days before a Japanese visit to Washington. Japan only began accepting limited beef imports in July following a mad cow scare in 2003. "The inspections which Japan has been calling for have been accepted. This is big progress because they will confirm safety," said Japan's agriculture minister Toshikatsu Matsuoka. The US added that the deal was an "important first step" in its efforts to expand its beef trade with the country. Trade hopes US agriculture secretary Mike Johanns added that Japanese inspectors would begin their checks as soon as possible. "Once the verification process is complete, Japan will discontinue its requirement of inspecting 100% of the boxes of beef shipped from US plants," he added. The issue has been a sore point between the two nations - with the US threatening to impose sanctions if tight conditions imposed by Japan were not lifted. However, Japan has refused to accept any US cattle older than 20 months at the time of slaughter, or any brains, spinal cords or other so-called risky parts. Before the 2003 ban, Japan had been the main export market for US beef - worth an estimated $1.4bn (£700m). A group of US senators have been lobbying the White House to push for a full resumption of US beef imports when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits the country later this week.

 なんとも情けない「主張する外交」ですな。 いざって時にはまったく役にも立ってないアメリカにいつまでもイラクで付き合わされてる上に売春婦で言い掛かり付けられて御免なさいを連発
 安倍総理のヘタレぶりもさることながら松岡農相の"The inspections which Japan has been calling for have been accepted. This is big progress because they will confirm safety,"という言葉なんてのは情けないを通り越して怒りを覚えます。


 超党派の議員でつくる「みんなで靖国神社に参拝する国会議員の会」(会長・島村宜伸元農相)のメンバー39人(衆院議員26人、参院議員13人)が23日、東京・九段北の靖国神社を参拝した。21日から始まった同神社の春季例大祭に合わせた恒例行事。政党別では、自民党37人、民主党2人。政府側では、閣僚は参加しなかったが、奥野信亮法務政務官、水落敏栄文部科学政務官が参拝した。(2007年4月23日19時7分 売新聞)


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